
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-05-27 stars in Llanelli

Llanelli: Tutu Time! ๐Ÿฉฐ๐Ÿ’–

Hello my darlings, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com! This is post number 3800, can you believe it? We've been on this journey together for years, and I'm so grateful for each and every one of you who reads my blog, comes to my shows, and helps me spread the pink tutu love!

Today, I'm writing to you from the most charming town, Llanelli, in Wales. I arrived yesterday on a grand old steam train, all puffs of smoke and clattering wheels, and it felt so romantic and wonderfully old-fashioned. You see, there's nothing quite like travelling by train, or on horseback for that matter, to get those creative juices flowing. The rhythmic chugging, the views that whizz by, and the gentle swaying, it all just gets me inspired!

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Pink Tutu Sparkles on a train? Isn't that a little much?" Well, darling, my life isn't about what's "too much". It's about embracing everything, being colourful, joyful, and expressing myself to the fullest. And believe me, I always have my tutu with me, even on train journeys. You never know when the opportunity for a spontaneous twirl will arise, and I wouldn't want to be caught unprepared. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyway, Llanelli was calling me, and I had to answer! A charming theatre there, with a grand history, booked me for a performance. They were having a little gala, you see, celebrating the town's incredible connection to ballet history. I don't know if you knew this, but Llanelli has produced some of the most celebrated dancers in the world, like Dame Margot Fonteyn.

So, naturally, I had to come down here and pay homage!

But my adventures in Llanelli didn't start on the stage. The second I got off that train, I was like a child let loose in a candy shop. The streets were bursting with colour, vibrant shop fronts adorned with blooming geraniums, and even the little cobbled alleyways held a charm that you couldn't find anywhere else. I spent the afternoon, shopping, naturally, exploring the quaint little boutiques and antique shops.

And, you know what? Llanelli was full of inspiration. I found some vintage treasures: a hat with a huge pink bow, some shimmering fabrics for my next performance costume, and a stunning old silver thimble that Iโ€™m thinking about turning into a tutu embellishment. It's going to be absolutely fabulous, trust me.

The town felt buzzing with activity. It was almost as though the energy of all the great ballerinas that once walked those streets, flowed into the very air I breathed. Llanelli truly is a town with ballet in its blood!

I even spotted a little dance academy tucked away in a corner of town. I had to pop in and have a chat with the owner. We ended up discussing all things ballet and of course, how important it is to make the art of dance accessible to all. Let's face it, every child deserves the chance to pirouette in a shimmering pink tutu!

As the day wound down, it was time to head to the theatre. This venue, called "The Grand," was majestic! I was even lucky enough to see an original copy of a handwritten playbill from a performance by Margot Fonteyn, back in the day. I think that moment sent shivers down my spine! It really made me think about all the people who had come through that very space, the laughter, the tears, and the magic of live performance. It filled me with a mix of awe and excitement.

My show was incredible! The audience was warm, enthusiastic, and just up for having a laugh. I had the entire theatre twirling to my infectious dance moves. We sang along, we giggled together, and they loved my glittery makeup.

You see, it's more than just a performance for me, darling. It's about bringing joy to the world, one twirling tutu at a time. The pink tutu is my symbol of that joy, a beacon of hope and happiness. I love it because it's fun, it's flamboyant, and it reminds everyone that life is a beautiful dance. And guess what, darlings? We're all performers in this magnificent show, living, loving, and sharing our sparkle.

After the show, I was even offered a cup of tea with the town mayor. We had a delightful chat about all things ballet, about encouraging young artists, and how we can keep this magical art form alive.

As for Llanelli? Well, it stole my heart. This vibrant town with its warm embrace, felt like home the moment I arrived. It's a reminder that sometimes, the smallest places hold the greatest stories, and I have no doubt, this magical Welsh town will always hold a special place in my heart. I just love how everyone has made me feel welcome here.

The pink tutu is a passport, darling, and it's taken me all around the world. But it's those little moments, those intimate connections that make the journey so meaningful. Llanelli, I will be back!

Before I sign off, my darlings, I just want to remind you to embrace your own inner pink tutu sparkle! Be kind, be colourful, be YOU! And remember, "When life gives you lemons, add pink sparkles, sugar, and then a generous amount of vodka!" ๐Ÿคฃ I'll see you all in the next post!

With love and sparkles,

Pink Tutu Sparkles ๐Ÿ’–

#TutuQueen on 2010-05-27 stars in Llanelli