Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-05-26 stars in Laindon

Laindon, Essex: Tutu Tales & Train Journeys - Post #3799

Oh my darlings! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from sunny Laindon, Essex! I’ve had the most amazing time exploring this charming little town and spreading my message of pink tutu joy. This post is dedicated to you lovely lot, my online family, and to my fabulous pink tutu crew - I know you're all ready for a bit of sparkle and twirling!

Laindon was my destination this week. As ever, my faithful train companion and I embarked on an adventure, leaving my Derbyshire home with a heart full of excitement and a suitcase overflowing with tutus (you can never have too many, darlings!). I’ve found travelling by train to be quite a good look for Pink Tutu Sparkles – I’ve got to get out of the ordinary and into the fantastical, and with the right amount of confidence, and some well-chosen sparkle, even the busiest platforms become my stage! It's so much easier than trying to pack a giant pink tutu into a taxi. Plus, you meet all sorts of lovely people, from mums on school runs to business folk rushing off to their big city jobs – every interaction is a chance to spread my love of twirling and glitter. And who knows, maybe one day they'll be all wearing pink tutus? (Isn’t that a wonderful dream?)

Anyway, this week has been so busy – I did a couple of street performances right in the heart of Laindon – you should have seen the smiles on the children’s faces! One little girl came up to me with stars in her eyes, and you could see the wonder in her heart – I'd say that's a job well done for Pink Tutu Sparkles. We were even lucky enough to have the Mayor of Laindon drop in on our performance! So much fun was had by all – those Laindon folk know how to party!

My evenings were just as dazzling – a charity gig at the local community hall with all proceeds going towards the newly established “Laindon Loves Tut” charity – it's a wonderful initiative aimed at giving a helping hand to families in need, and I'm happy to lend my sequins! This was my first foray into community activism, but I am totally dedicated to spreading that message of “pink tutu love” everywhere I go, whether it's a school dance, a street performance, or even just a chat on the train – every little interaction helps! I feel very fulfilled and inspired to support such a great cause. It's moments like these that remind me why I love what I do!

Then there was a fabulous evening at the newly opened theatre – "Laindon's Little Star" – where I had the privilege of showcasing my "Pink Tutu Sparkles" talents! There was a full audience, filled with Laindon locals, tourists and everyone in between, and their cheers and applause just made my heart burst with joy.

Of course, what’s a trip to Laindon without some shopping! (Or, perhaps I should say "shopping opportunities"). The Laindon markets are a riot of color and joy – think vintage fashion, artisanal goods, and of course, loads of delicious food. (That’s a side I'll not reveal, it’s the other half of me!) I've had so much fun finding new sparkly additions to my Pink Tutu Sparkles wardrobe - I've snagged some absolutely fabulous additions to my ever-growing pink tutu collection, a new pink feather boa, some cute pink ballet flats with glittery toes and a sparkly new headband, with just a tiny, tasteful pink bow. The real gem of my discoveries was a pink tutushop! What a dream! It was all tutus, in all shapes, styles, sizes and colours, but mostly in shades of pink! It was amazing! A little part of me felt I might just leave it all behind and take up residence – they offered me a part-time job and even told me to have a play! Who could resist?

The highlight of my Laindon trip has to be the ballet show. You guys know how much I love ballet. I have taken lessons since I was a child. That love blossomed at the University Ballet Club. (There's something magical about donning a pink tutu - maybe it was my destiny all along!). So naturally, when I heard about "Laindon's Graceful Swans", I was all about finding a pink tutu and hopping aboard a train to watch this ballet extravaganza! And let me tell you, it was simply breathtaking! They brought Tchaikovsky’s swan lake to life in the most exquisite way.

Of course, a trip wouldn't be complete without some Pink Tutu Sparkles self-care. We've had picnics in the local park, indulging in delectable delights from Laindon's fabulous local bakery - the strawberry shortcake is to die for - and exploring the peaceful beauty of the park, reflecting on the day’s performances, my trip, the town and my next destination. You never know where I might go!

I've even taken to venturing outside my "tutu-sphere" and discovering more of Laindon. There's something for everyone, with everything from museums to art galleries to parks and green spaces. I mean, where better to be adorned in your most flamboyant tutu! Laindon really does offer the best of both worlds! The town perfectly embodies a whimsical blend of history and modern living. (Oh yes, and it's pink, or tutu pink if you like!) It's a place I will surely return to! But for now, I'll say “goodbye for now Laindon – you’ve certainly left a mark on my heart! – but “don’t be blue”! A new day and a new adventure are on the horizon. And if I haven't made it to your town, just keep on dreaming pink! And wear that pink tutu, wherever you may go.

Pink tutu love to you all!

  • Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Keep your eyes peeled on www.pink-tutu.com for details of where I will be next! Follow me on Instagram and Tiktok – #PinkTutuSparkles. You never know what you'll find, or where a pink tutu may take you!

#PinkTutuSparkles #Laindon #Essex #Ballet #Travel #DragQueen #Community #TutuLove

#TutuQueen on 2010-05-26 stars in Laindon