
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-07-06 stars in Kendal

Kendal Calling! #TutuQueen Diaries Post #3840

Hello my darlings! It's your favourite Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another blog post. This time, I'm buzzing with excitement because I've just returned from a whirlwind trip to Kendal, in the Lake District, a real adventure for this little Derbyshire girl! Now, if you've been following my blog for a while you know I adore travelling. Nothing beats the wind in my hair and the freedom of a train journey, or even a horse ride! And, when I'm not performing, you can bet I'm scouring charity shops, op shops, whatever you like to call them, for the perfect new additions to my collection of pink tutus! ๐Ÿ˜‰

This time, my travels took me to Kendal for the famous Kendal Calling festival. It's a bonkers celebration of music, arts and just pure good vibes, and, let me tell you, it was right up my street. Of course, my trusty pink tutu went with me! It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles trip without it. I went for a vibrant magenta number that was positively shimmering under the sun. Just the thing to get my own little sparkly show started!

You see, dear readers, this little Tutu Queen is more than just a pink-loving performer. I believe in sharing the joy of tutus with the world, spreading some sparkle wherever I go. This was my goal in Kendal. It's a magical place already, so why not add a little more sparkle to it, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

The festival itself was a sight to behold. Colourful crowds of happy festival-goers danced in the sun, the music filled the air, and a feeling of joyful chaos hung in the atmosphere. And let's not forget the incredible performances, from soulful singers to edgy rock bands, all under the dazzling sunshine! It truly was an unforgettable experience!

But it wasn't all just about music, you know! I also found myself drawn to the world of crafts and artistic expressions. A little Tutu Queen can't resist a colourful stall overflowing with quirky treasures! I found a delightful selection of vintage clothing, including a gorgeous pale pink scarf, that's a perfect accessory to any tutu! I think I may have even picked up a charming porcelain cat sculpture to add some flair to my little dressing room!

Now, the beauty of Kendal is that you can be as wild or as peaceful as you like. After all that festival craziness, I needed some calm in my day, so I decided to indulge in a beautiful countryside walk. I left the festival bustle behind and found myself enveloped by the fresh air and stunning views of the rolling hills. It was truly rejuvenating, a chance to find my own rhythm, let my inner sparkle truly shine.

This adventure wouldn't be complete without sharing some of my favourite moments:

  • Tutu magic: It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles trip without a bit of sparkle. I caught a local family on their way to the festival and charmed them into a photo with my sparkling tutu! The kids giggled and squealed, their little faces shining with excitement! It's always such a thrill seeing the wonder on children's faces when they see a sparkly pink tutu. And let's face it, who can resist a dose of that infectious joy? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Singing my heart out: I'm not just a performer; I love to sing too. I even tried my hand at singing a bit of my favourite songs with the crowds during a lively rock gig. I felt a little bashful at first, a bit like a little pink ballerina lost in the midst of roaring headbangers, but then, well, the music took over! My feet started tapping, and my voice, well, it let loose with a glorious roar. I believe the word for it is singing along! It was fantastic to feel the power of the music uniting everyone in the crowd. We were all sharing that feeling, and I even got a few shy smiles back from the other music lovers! It felt magical!

  • Spreading the Tutu love: This journey was about so much more than just personal pleasure. I made it my mission to share the joy of wearing pink tutus with as many people as possible! Throughout my travels, I encouraged everyone to add a little sprinkle of pink to their outfits, spreading a bit of Tutu Queen magic everywhere I went! Even got some fellow festival-goers to do the twirling dance!

Let's face it, a little pink tutu can do wonders! It can bring people together, ignite laughter, and make any day a little more magical!

So there you have it! My magical trip to Kendal was an absolute blast. This place has captured a bit of my heart, and you can be sure this isn't the last you'll hear of my travels in the Lake District! Who knows what amazing new pink tutu moments I'll create next? Be sure to join me next time for another exciting blog post full of adventures, sparkle, and a little pink magic. Until then, don't forget to rock that tutu, lovelies! ๐Ÿ’–โœจ

#TutuQueen on 2010-07-06 stars in Kendal