Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-09-28 stars in Worcester

Worcester Wonderland: Pink Tutu Sparkles' Post #3924

Helloooo darlings!

Your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, is back with another dazzling travel tale! This time, I've traded the bustling streets of London for the charming cobbled lanes of Worcester. Let me tell you, Worcester has got that special kind of charm that just pulls you in, like a warm cuppa on a crisp autumn morning.

Speaking of autumn, darling, you wouldn't believe the colours in Worcester! I felt like I was in a Constable painting – those rich, warm browns, rusts and reds swirling together in the park. It's the perfect backdrop for a Pink Tutu Sparkles show, wouldn't you agree?

But first, let's talk about the journey. Now, Worcester wasn't exactly on the Tube map (which is always a bit of a hurdle for this diva, let's be honest) so I opted for the ultimate romantic mode of transport: the train! Honestly, I love those old-fashioned carriages, you know, the ones with the comfy plush seats and the view whizzing past – just sooo much more fun than a tube, even if it takes a bit longer. I had a little picnic too – crustless cucumber sandwiches (because nobody wants a messy baguette on the train, right?) and a pot of proper British Earl Grey tea. Perfect!

Anyway, I arrived in Worcester ready to conquer. I booked myself into a lovely little guesthouse with a vintage vibe – chintz galore! It felt like stepping into a Nancy Mitford novel, darling. You know, the kind with all the witty banter and endless cups of tea? Honestly, my perfect kind of weekend getaway.

After unpacking (and taking a million selfies – you know me!), I donned my brightest pink tutu and headed to the town centre. Let me tell you, the shopping scene in Worcester was delightful! Loads of independent boutiques bursting with vintage treasures, quirky clothes, and all the handmade loveliness you could ever imagine. I swear, I could've spent the whole day browsing. But alas, I had a show to do!

This evening's performance was in a beautiful little theatre – it reminded me of the ones from my childhood in Derbyshire. You know, the ones with the plush red seats and the balcony, where you feel the thrill of every performance in the air? I felt right at home, even if I was a million miles from home, you know?

And speaking of the performance, darling, the audience absolutely loved it! I went all out, you know, sequins, feather boas, and enough glitter to rival a disco ball. My grand finale included a whole ballet routine, inspired by the Royal Ballet’s latest performance (I’m a massive ballet fan – can’t you tell?). Honestly, they were on their feet clapping like crazy! It was absolutely magical!

But the highlight of the night was when a little girl came up to me after the show. She was holding a pink tutu and her eyes were sparkling just like my rhinestones. “Are you a princess?” she whispered. My heart nearly melted. I held up my sparkly wand (a must-have for any Pink Tutu Sparkles performance) and whispered, "Of course! Why don't you wear your own pink tutu, and become a princess too?". You know what she said? “Can you be my best friend?” Honestly, darling, that was the most heartwarming thing I’ve heard all week. It’s just another reminder of why I do this – to spread a bit of sparkle and joy wherever I go.

Of course, no Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure is complete without indulging in a bit of culinary delight! Let's just say I had a delicious feast of local fare – everything from perfectly baked apple pie to a hearty pork pie – and definitely no room for dessert!

But the thing about Worcester is, there’s a magical quality to this place. It feels like everyone there is in on a big, beautiful secret, and they're happy to let you in on the fun. Whether you're strolling through the cathedral grounds, admiring the riverside, or simply having a chat with a friendly local in a quaint pub, there's something heartwarmingly authentic about it.

It made me realize that I really do love this little corner of the world. Who knows, maybe next time I'll take a trip on the Severn River or explore the surrounding countryside, all in a tutu of course.

So, until next time, darlings! Stay glamorous, wear your pink tutu with pride, and spread some sparkle wherever you go.


Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Have I convinced you to take a trip to Worcester yet? It's honestly the perfect getaway for a day trip or a weekend of exploration. Just promise me you’ll be wearing a pink tutu!

#TutuQueen on 2010-09-28 stars in Worcester