Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2011-02-12 stars in Whitley Bay

Whitley Bay Sparkle: Post #4061

Helloooo my darling darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you all the latest news from the glamorous world of pink tutus, and trust me, it's sparkling today!

Today, my dears, I'm sharing a little slice of heaven from Whitley Bay. The wind is whipping, the waves are crashing, and I'm standing here, poised like a delicate flower in a sea of sand, ready to brighten this grey, blustery day with a splash of… well, you guessed it! Pink, of course!

This week I decided to travel by train (who needs a plane when you have a comfy first-class carriage and a great book?), a real vintage Pullman with plush seats and enough space to properly practice my twirls! It took me past the rolling green hills of Derbyshire (home sweet home, I'm coming back for you soon!), and finally, I landed in this seaside haven. Whitley Bay, with its iconic Spanish City, the beautiful promenade, and the bustling atmosphere – it's a true gem!

The first thing I had to do, naturally, was visit the local ballet shop. I mean, I'm a creature of habit, but even a creature needs her accessories! They had the most adorable pink tutu (with a slight hint of silver, for that touch of extra). It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles journey without some sparkly additions!

But before we get to my latest additions, let's backtrack a little… I found myself completely mesmerised by this town, so after that whirlwind of shopping, I grabbed a fish and chips (a Whitley Bay tradition!), strolled down to the beach, and found myself in the heart of a street theatre performance. There was an incredible dance troupe – and I kid you not – they were performing in the most stunning, sparkly tutus! I just couldn't resist, I grabbed a tutu from my bag and joined the performance, adding a touch of pink to their dazzling choreography.

I'm talking leaps and twirls, spins and pirouettes – the whole shebang! It was exhilarating, truly! The crowd went wild – it's the most spontaneous performance I've ever done, but who says you can't let your tutu take you places, eh?

I even caught the eye of one particularly charming young man, with his face flushed pink from the sea breeze, and I couldn't help but give him a knowing wink and a little twirl – you know, to show him how to be bold, embrace the sparkle, and be confident. The look on his face, pure bliss, like he was transported to a magical fairyland… sigh.

Later that evening, after an impromptu picnic by the beach (sea air and pink champagne, just my kind of soirée!), I headed to the local theatre for a production of Swan Lake. Now, ballet is my ultimate passion, you all know that. The delicate artistry, the grace of movement, and those glorious tutus, all spun from silk, glittering under the spotlight… a masterpiece! The Swan Lake ballerina, oh, she was simply stunning! She captivated the audience with her elegance and poise, reminding me why I love ballet so much.

I caught the last train back to my little cottage just outside Whitley Bay, feeling utterly fulfilled. A day filled with sparkle, dance, and delightful encounters… perfect! Oh, and before I forget – did I mention I won a fabulous hat, a wide-brimmed number in pink feathers and shimmering sequins, during a game of bingo at the local pub?! It perfectly complements my latest tutu – a real winning combination, if you ask me!

The trip to Whitley Bay was just what I needed to re-energise and remind myself that, even amidst the chaos of the everyday, you can always find time to embrace your inner Pink Tutu Sparkles. Now, tell me all about your weekend! Have you had any particularly dazzling moments? Remember, every day can be an opportunity to add some sparkle to your life – and that all starts with a pink tutu!

Remember to visit me on www.pink-tutu.com and check out my daily blog. You never know what magical adventures await!

Till next time, darlings… Stay pink, stay sparkling, and remember… the world is your stage!

Much love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

#TutuQueen on 2011-02-12 stars in Whitley Bay