Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2011-02-19 stars in Bridlington

Bridlington Belles and Ballet Bliss: Tutu Travels #4068

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, sparkly-eyed queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, back with another dazzling blog post straight from the heart of, well, let's just say the land of fish and chips, Bridlington, my dears!

Yes, I know, some of you might be wondering why a sophisticated drag queen like myself would grace the shores of a seaside town known for its…well, shall we say, unique charms? But hold your horses, darling, because I'm going to take you on a journey that's going to redefine your idea of 'a day in Bridlington'!

It all began with a delightful invitation to perform at a local theatre's "Rainbow Fair," an extravaganza celebrating all things colourful and wonderfully weird. You know me, I don't say no to a chance to sparkle, let alone a festival in a seaside town. So, naturally, my fabulous pink tutu and I packed our bags and headed off to Yorkshire by…wait for it… train, yes! Oh, I love the glamour of a railway journey, especially with a good book and a cup of hot chocolate in hand.

Now, you'd think that arriving in Bridlington in the peak of winter would mean a rather drab experience. But dearie me, this town surprised me with its seaside charm, despite the chill in the air. It had this kind of vintage holiday feel, you know? Imagine all those seaside postcards you find in dusty antique shops, but with a touch of modern spunk – think vibrant cafes with giant portions of fish and chips and little independent shops brimming with all sorts of kitsch goodies.

And let me tell you, dear readers, my "Rainbow Fair" performance was a blast! The energy of the crowd was incredible. I may have been the only one wearing a pink tutu and a generous amount of glitter, but they loved me, they really did! The whole place was bursting with colours and joy, and honestly, you couldn't help but smile, even if the salty sea air whipped your hair into a frenzy.

But wait, there's more! Did I tell you about my little adventure before the big performance? You know how much I love ballet, right? Well, a certain local ballet studio reached out to me and offered a guest spot in one of their classes. I simply couldn't say no!

Stepping into that studio, I felt like I had gone back in time, back to my university days when I first tried on a pink tutu for the very first time, thanks to a student charity event (it was for an environmental charity, you see, so I really should wear a green tutu to be fully on-theme). I must confess, my initial reluctance to wear this symbol of classical dance slowly melted away the moment I felt the twirling fabric and that sense of freedom, that utter joy of pure movement.

This particular class was an open level "ballet fitness" class, which is honestly perfect for this drag queen, with its mix of energetic moves and gentle stretches. It felt good, very good, and all while dressed in a beautiful pink tutu that made me feel like I could dance for hours on end, even if I was wearing more blush than the ballet dancers!

And oh, what a surprise awaits you when I tell you that after my glorious performance at the Rainbow Fair, and the fabulous ballet class that sent me into a world of pirouettes, I ended up sharing a hearty pot of tea and a very generous helping of a delicious homemade cake with the owners of that sweet ballet studio, a delightful couple who also happened to be amateur theatre actors.

It felt like I was back in Derbyshire, in my own world of tea parties and whispered stories under the twinkle lights of our cottage in the Peak District. The tea, the chatter, the warm atmosphere, it all felt very homey indeed, even with the brisk wind outside, bringing the icy scent of the sea air through the window.

Yes, this unexpected adventure in Bridlington, with its quaint charm and warm hospitality, was more than just another performance in my busy drag calendar, dear readers. It was a journey of laughter, discovery, and a renewed love for everything that makes the world sparkle - like a perfectly pink tutu, like a grand finale with fireworks over the sea, like a plate overflowing with the most delicious homemade cake...

Now, my lovely darlings, if you find yourself longing for a touch of glitz, glamour and perhaps a pinch of that seaside magic, remember: life, just like a perfectly pink tutu, is best lived with a little twirl and a whole lot of sparkle! Until next time, darlings! Keep shining, and remember to keep twirling!

#TutuQueen on 2011-02-19 stars in Bridlington