Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2011-03-14 stars in Deal

Deal: A Day in the Life of a Tutu Queen!

Hello my darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, signing in for another glamorous day on the Pink-Tutu.com blog! Today's post marks my 4091st since I started my Tutu Chronicles, and let me tell you, it's been a rollercoaster ride, filled with glitter, sequins, and, of course, a healthy dose of pink!

I'm currently in Deal, a beautiful coastal town on the South East coast of England. Now, you might think, "Why Deal, Pink Tutu?" Well, it all started with a twinkle in my eye and a yearning for the salty breeze. Sometimes a girl (or a glamorous drag queen!) just needs to escape to the seaside and breathe in the fresh air!

Yesterday, I took a delightful train ride down to Dover, where I found myself swept up in the drama of a breathtaking theatrical performance in a converted warehouse! The audience was enraptured, their applause echoing off the old brick walls. Oh, to be lost in the magic of theatre once more!

And Deal? Well, Deal was just waiting to be explored, a colourful tapestry of charm waiting for me to unravel its secrets! My arrival was nothing short of grand - a dramatic disembarkation from a gleaming horse-drawn carriage, leaving the townsfolk gawking in a mixture of awe and wonder. I know, I know, it's a little OTT, but one can't simply walk into Deal without making a grand entrance!

A Morning Stroll and Fashion Frenzy!

The day began with a leisurely stroll along the seafront, my shimmering pink tutu swaying gently with the sea breeze. The sun, a mischievous little thing, peeked through the clouds, showering Deal in its golden rays. I took a moment to admire the sight before me: the sea stretching out towards the horizon, a kaleidoscope of azure blues and jade greens, with playful whitecaps dancing across its surface. Such an inspiring sight for a creative soul!

I couldn't resist a visit to the local boutique, where I indulged in a spot of retail therapy. After all, what's a trip to the seaside without a touch of extravagance? The shopkeeper, a sweet, grey-haired woman with a twinkle in her eye, helped me choose the perfect additions to my ever-growing wardrobe: a stunning emerald-green scarf to complement my ruby-red heels and a pair of glittering golden earrings. Talk about accessorizing in style!

Lunch by the Harbour

Lunchtime found me seated in a delightful café nestled amongst the colourful harbour buildings. The air hummed with the sounds of the seaside - seagulls squawking overhead, children's laughter echoing across the harbour, the gentle rhythm of the waves lapping against the shore. The salty sea air and the warm sunlight were simply divine.

Of course, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to strike a pose in my fabulous pink tutu, even if I was attracting curious stares from fellow lunch-goers! After all, why not spread a little pink joy wherever you go? You know, I really do believe everyone could benefit from a dose of tutu-inspired happiness in their lives. Think of it like a fluffy, sparkly, pink cloud of pure joy!

Pink Tutu Goes Ballet!

This afternoon was dedicated to something I simply adore: ballet! I was so excited to attend a ballet performance at the local theatre. The program featured an elegant pas de deux by a renowned ballet duo. Such breathtaking grace, such exquisite skill! I was captivated from start to finish, transported into a world of pure beauty and artistic brilliance.

During the interval, I even had a chance to chat with one of the dancers. She was so sweet, just a young woman following her passion. We talked about the joy of movement, the power of expression, and, of course, the sheer beauty of ballet. It's such a remarkable art form!

Later, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, I found myself in a ballet studio, ready to experience a bit of movement magic myself! It’s a little known secret, but I'm not just a fabulous drag queen with a love for pink tutus. In my 'day job' as a fabric tester in the lab, I am, rather unexpectedly, a passionate ballet dancer too! There's something about the controlled elegance and precision of movement that truly resonates with my soul!

An Evening of Entertainment

After a delightful and invigorating dance session, I was ready for the evening’s festivities! I'm very much a 'work hard, play hard' kind of queen! As a performer myself, I am always excited to enjoy some entertainment, so this evening was a real treat! The local pub was hosting a music night with a phenomenal local band! I settled down in the front row, enjoying the electrifying melodies, the infectious rhythm, and the genuine energy that resonated through the whole room!

Time to Sparkle!

My trip to Deal had to come to an end, but not before I had a chance to sparkle under the Deal Pier at sunset! As a seasoned travel queen, you have to appreciate those special moments, especially with an incredible backdrop like the English coast. A photo op is always in order for a tutu queen like myself!

My time in Deal was a vibrant mix of seaside delights, cultural immersion, and just a pinch of Tutu-inspired chaos! And I am so grateful for each moment of it. The people, the atmosphere, the culture…it all combined to create a truly unforgettable experience.

And to my readers, if you find yourself in Deal, remember to embrace the playful side of life, explore new horizons, and most importantly, always have a touch of pink tutu sparkle about you. It never fails to make a statement and lift the spirits!

Until next time, darlings!

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles

(Alex incognito in my scientific lair. By the way, who knew scientists were obsessed with fabric? I just love those beautiful colours, patterns and textures, a touch of pink of course makes my heart sing! You wouldn't think science would play a big part in my colourful life. Sometimes I find myself blending my two lives, as I spend hours meticulously dissecting the structural and textural components of different fabrics. And what do you think fabric scientists look like? Maybe I should be Pink Tutu Sparkles Scientist... and perform wearing my lab coat. No... no.. but you've inspired me!)

#TutuQueen on 2011-03-14 stars in Deal