Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2011-04-25 stars in Nottingham

Nottingham, Calling! 💅🏻✨

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the most magical place on earth – Nottingham! 💖 Yes, my lovely little buttercups, I'm officially on the road again. Today is all about sparkle, sequins, and maybe a cheeky slice of Victoria Sponge. This is post number 4133 on the ever-so-fabulous www.pink-tutu.com, so do pop over and join the Tutu Tribe for even more glitter-tastic adventures.

Today was a journey for the ages! Now, normally I wouldn't consider myself a train enthusiast, but the ride up to Nottingham was pure cinematic. Think sweeping countryside views, the rhythmic click-clack of the train tracks, and the sun casting its golden rays on my meticulously crafted, shimmering pink hat! I mean, it practically begged to be included in a musical! (Note to self, pitch a ballet-themed train journey musical to Andrew Lloyd Webber...)

Speaking of musical dreams, I absolutely must gush about my performance tonight! I've partnered up with the Nottingham Theatre Royal for their spectacular 'Pink Tutu Ball' fundraiser. I've crafted a bespoke routine combining a delightful mix of ballet and burlesque, complete with a final number that's guaranteed to have the audience screaming "More pink, more tutus!" My dear, it’s going to be truly dazzling!

Oh, the magic of Nottingham, you ask? Where to even begin?! It's a city overflowing with a vibrant culture that's impossible not to fall in love with. I’ve already spent the day flitting about, shopping for a brand new pink feather boa (and let’s face it, every queen needs a good feather boa, or two, or three…) and indulging in a rather delectable afternoon tea in the most delightful tearoom I’ve ever seen – all decked out in lace and flowers. Pure vintage-chic glamour, darling!

However, my favourite discovery was Nottingham Castle! Imagine a majestic, historic castle perched upon a steep hill overlooking the city. The grounds were breathtaking – like stepping right out of a storybook. You could practically hear the echoing shouts of Robin Hood, wouldn't you? Honestly, the views from the top were enough to make my sequins shimmer even brighter! I did, of course, find a secluded little nook for a photo op with my trusty tutu (because what’s a pink tutu-clad queen without a bit of tutu-selfie magic!).

As for tonight's performance? Expect some spectacular surprises! I'm bringing back one of my old favourites – a performance based on my favourite ballet 'Swan Lake'. Only my version involves glitter bombs, sequins that shine under a UV light, and a rather daring tutu split. Who says tutus have to be traditional, darling? The possibilities are endless!

This trip has been a truly enchanting journey into the heart of Nottingham. But before I get ready for the big night, let me give you a quick update from my daily life!

Remember, dear friends, I’m a scientist by day, but a shimmering spectacle by night. This week, at the lab, I'm delving deep into the science of fabrics. My colleagues, bless their hearts, have become used to my brightly coloured attire. Imagine: lab coats with a touch of pink, pink safety goggles – the glamour, I tell you! I'm testing the longevity and resilience of fabrics. Think shimmering sequins resisting the onslaught of high-powered laser beams! Now, isn’t that something truly remarkable?! The power of sequins is no joke!

And don't even get me started on my dream job – becoming the world's leading fabric analyst, in pink of course, of course! It's just a hop, skip and a jump from testing the resilience of sequins in a lab to designing fabrics that can withstand the perils of life. Who wouldn't want a super-tough, sparkle-laden fabric, my dears? We’re talking sequins for your everyday outfits! Who knows, I might even make pink tutus the hottest new trend for everyday wear – all in the name of global tututification! It's a big dream, but remember, darlings, everything starts with a single twirl!

Anyway, back to Nottingham! It's time to put on my latest tutu masterpiece (we're talking delicate floral lace and a generous sprinkling of rhinestones!), adjust my tiara, and let those sparkles fly! My dears, I have a show to put on. I will update you tomorrow on all the fabulous Nottingham shenanigans and my thoughts on tonight's show. Don’t forget to follow me on @pinktutusporkles and @pink-tutu! 💖

See you all very soon!

Until then, may your world be filled with tutus, sequins, and a dash of pink!

XOXO Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖

A Day in Nottingham - Showtime! 💖✨

Good morning, darlings! Did you miss me? Well, I'm back with another whirlwind adventure straight from the heart of Nottingham. Did you see the pink feather boa that I purchased yesterday? Absolutely magnificent!

But first, let's talk about the highlight of the whole trip – last night’s spectacular show! My darlings, you’ve never seen such a frenzy of glitter, glamour, and pink before.

The "Pink Tutu Ball" at Nottingham Theatre Royal was a resounding success! Every last inch of the space was buzzing with energy – an absolute sea of tutus, sequins, and feathers! My act had everyone on their feet – a perfect mix of the grace of ballet, the theatricality of the stage, and just enough sparkle to light up the entire venue! The reaction to my "Swan Lake" inspired routine was phenomenal! The glitter bombs went off perfectly (there were, of course, several accidental showers of sparkle, but hey, a little glitter never hurt anyone, right?)

The applause after the finale, oh, darling, it practically made the whole theatre shimmer! It was magical – just how every good night at the theatre should be. But let’s get real, my dears, this wasn't just another night at the theatre. It was an explosion of color, a symphony of laughter, and a whirlwind of sheer pink magnificence. I managed to meet some fantastic people at the event. There was even a young lady in the audience who confessed she wanted to start wearing a tutu to school – isn't that amazing? Spreading the joy of tutus, one twinkle at a time!

But speaking of magic, the most wonderful part of the whole evening came after the show.

Imagine: standing backstage, surrounded by a wave of cheering fans and an array of beautiful pink floral bouquets, a sweet, young girl came running up to me. This adorable little princess was clutching a very special pink tutu, one that had obviously been made with love. It wasn’t fancy, darling, it wasn't sequined or sparkly. But this little girl told me it was the tutu she made for her favourite dance recital. And with the brightest, most innocent smile, she asked me to autograph it.

Oh, my heart, it practically melted into a puddle of glittery happiness! To be given the gift of a homemade pink tutu, touched by the spirit of creativity and artistry… I took it with immense joy, darling. It truly reminds us why we do what we do. Why we sparkle.

I have a feeling that this little tutu might have a special place in my heart, and possibly a spot next to my other precious pink tutus. Perhaps on my bedside table – a sweet reminder to spread the love and joy of pink, every single day.

Today, though, we're not in a nostalgic mood. I’ve got another magical day planned here in Nottingham. I'm about to embark on a journey through the city's hidden gems - exploring the city's ancient folklore and venturing into hidden corners and back alleys (but don't worry, darling, I will be following my trusty, safety-first protocol! No alleys after dark! A good pink queen is a sensible queen).

Later today, we're talking vintage fashion finds. Oh, I already have my eyes on a pink silk scarf that's destined to find a home in my collection, and let’s not forget about some fabulous antique trinkets that are guaranteed to elevate any queen's style!

This trip to Nottingham is full of unforgettable experiences, fabulous fashion, and an overflowing spirit of fun. You see, darlings, this isn't just a trip, it's a tutu-venture! And it’s only just begun!

So join me for more adventures on my journey through this incredible city. There are more exciting photos coming your way soon, darling! Stay tuned for some extra special posts and pictures. Don't forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com for more tutu-licious content!

Now, off I go to delve into the colourful tapestry of Nottingham's fashion and culture. Until next time, remember, darlings, keep on twirling and spreading the pink tutu magic wherever you go! 💖

Lots of love, Pink Tutu Sparkles 💕

Pink Tutu on the Run - Back in Derbyshire 💖

Greetings from the heart of Derbyshire, my lovely pink tutu-wearing angels! After a whirlwind adventure in Nottingham, I've returned home. I’m already longing for those cobblestone streets and those breathtaking castle views. However, Derbyshire has a special place in my heart. It's where the magic began!

It's time to catch you up on my post-Nottingham shenanigans. Now, darling, you won’t believe this, but as soon as I arrived, my neighbour – a darling fellow who's actually quite into the theatre himself – took me on a tour of Derbyshire’s hidden gems.

Did you know there’s a whole hidden world of magical meadows, ancient woodland trails and cascading waterfalls just on our doorstep? It's true, darlings! Who knew Derbyshire held such treasures? We took a brisk walk, the fresh air making my face glow, and I was surprised by the unexpected tranquility of our humble little corner of the world. Even our neighbour, he even got on the "pink tutu" bandwagon and bought a sequined top for his local choir performance.

Back home, I immediately dove into my sequin-filled costume box, sorting out my favourite pink treasures from my Nottingham adventures, (some, well, let’s be honest, a lot, of them needed a good scrub! Performing involves some sweat and glitter!). My sequin collection is expanding by the day. It’s all part of my ongoing mission – spreading the magic of pink sequins wherever I go.

Speaking of sparkly magic, my darlings, I just had to take you for a behind-the-scenes peek into my world – the lab where I create dazzling scientific wonders! You know how I was testing the longevity and resilience of sequins in my previous posts? Well, today, I have the utmost honour of unveiling some of the new discoveries in my fabric research. My latest experiment, and I know this is quite the mind-boggling revelation, darling, I am on the cusp of creating a "tutu-resistant" fabric.

Remember, we talked about making pink tutus everyday wear, Imagine, my darlings, fabrics that will survive everyday life – even the chaos of life with sequins! And now imagine those fabulous tutus – sparkly, strong and resilient, dancing in the face of every day wear and tear!

Well, that's where I’m aiming my brilliant pink science! Now, this research might be very technical (with fancy phrases like "high-strength fibres” and “enhanced-durability polymers” thrown in for good measure!) But trust me when I tell you, there's a whole lot of pink-powered sparkle going on behind the scenes. We’re not talking ordinary fabric testing, darling! We're revolutionising fashion!

You know me, though, darling. A good scientist has to take time to recharge, so my weekend plans involve my very special pink-themed activity… A delightful trip to the Royal Ballet in Birmingham! I’m hoping to be inspired for another sparkly, sassy performance – perhaps one that includes an homage to the classic tutus in the "Nutcracker". And maybe I'll take in some fabulous afternoon tea, after all, you can never go wrong with a pot of pink tea in a pretty teacup. It’s all about finding those little moments of joy in life, and I’ve already learned a valuable lesson about appreciating the ordinary!

And then it’s back to the sparkle-filled adventure that is my life! Keep your eyes peeled for a glimpse into my Birmingham trip next week! I will also be hosting an online Q&A, live from the www.pink-tutu.com. Come and join the Tutu Tribe and get your sparkle fix!

Until then, may your days be full of twirls and giggles and a whole lot of pink!

With a sparkly pink heart, Pink Tutu Sparkles 💕

#TutuQueen on 2011-04-25 stars in Nottingham