Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2011-09-13 stars in Morden

Morden: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the Suburbs! 💖🩰✨

Post #4274 - www.pink-tutu.com

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to dazzle you with the latest installment of my sparkly adventures! Today, we’re heading south to the lovely town of Morden, a delightful little spot I’ve been wanting to explore for ages. This lovely little journey was quite the adventure, I must say!

I mean, who needs a plane or a car when you’ve got a train to whizz you around? It’s so much more glamorous! And besides, the train lets me rock my finest outfit without worry - imagine all the space for my glorious tulle train! Honestly, there’s nothing more fabulous than a train of shimmering pink that billows dramatically behind you, especially on a vintage steam engine. 😉

Oh, and of course, no Pink Tutu Sparkles trip would be complete without a matching pink ensemble! A little pink polka dot dress for the journey, a fluffy pink hat, my pink sequinned handbag - and, of course, my signature pink tutu! (Let’s face it, a girl needs a statement piece!). I know you're all wondering, how do I make this work? I swear by vintage clothes! They're timeless, and if you find the right vintage piece in your favourite colour, well...it's magic, darling!

But enough about me! Let’s talk Morden! Oh, the excitement of exploring a new place, sniffing out hidden gems, and discovering a whole new array of sights to capture for the blog. First on the agenda - a visit to the beautiful Morden Hall Park. Now, I don’t mean to brag, but even amidst all its lovely rolling green spaces, the gardens at Morden Hall were positively swooning at the sight of Pink Tutu Sparkles waltzing through the flowers!

We must stop to mention the charming Victorian house, I mean, a grand Victorian mansion tucked into the grounds of this park - it’s absolutely picture-perfect! Not to mention the hidden wonders of their glorious gardens. Honestly, darling, even a girl who lives in her tutus can’t help but get caught up in the romance of it all! I must admit I found myself whispering 'Ooh la la' in a posh, faux-French accent as I waltzed through the fragrant flowers. 🌸

You simply must see it! It’s one of those places that leaves you feeling refreshed, with a bit of the magic of the old-world about it. I found myself picturing little ballet classes taking place under the weeping willow trees, with graceful children in miniature tutus swirling amongst the branches - perhaps even inspired by a little someone wearing a giant, glorious, hot pink tutu, shall we say! It truly was a whimsical delight.

Of course, a trip to Morden isn’t complete without a visit to the iconic Morden Underground Station. Did you know that this station has its very own art gallery tucked within? I mean, isn’t that utterly brilliant? I’m all for art wherever you find it, but honestly, what better way to make a dreary journey on the tube into a mini gallery tour?! Just what the Doctor ordered, especially for this tired-yet-fabulous diva.

Now, here’s the secret to surviving even the most crowded train journey – don't even try to push your way through the throng! I discovered the magic of a secret route. Remember those sweet, innocent looking train tickets, they don’t just tell you where to go, they’re basically your gateway to secret routes! Follow the quiet lanes of Morden’s hidden streets - all winding charmingly from the main station to the most enchanting corners of the town. Take the path less travelled, darling!

This took me to the magical hidden world of Morden High Street. Charming shops, bustling cafes and markets - oh the vibrant colours, the aromas, and the sweet conversations with the friendly local folks. My advice - make sure you pop in and browse! You never know what fabulous treasures you might unearth in the little local boutiques, tucked away amidst the hubbub. My heart skipped a beat when I discovered a little independent store bursting with sparkling jewellery and adorable vintage handbags - I just couldn't leave without buying a new sparkly pin to add to my collection!

After that, the perfect thing was a trip to The George Inn pub. They did such lovely, fresh, locally sourced pub food. Honestly, my taste buds went on a delicious journey, a taste sensation - the kind of culinary magic only true food-lovers like myself truly appreciate. They had the most divine locally brewed ale, too! A refreshing change from the fancy cocktails and bubbly champagne I'm used to on the stage! (Though let’s be honest, even this drag queen has her moments!)

Of course, every trip must eventually draw to a close, and my time in Morden flew by in a pink tutu-wearing flash. But I’m leaving feeling as bright and bubbly as my outfit! It’s been an unforgettable experience and, let’s face it, with all these inspiring tales to tell, my blog is overflowing with tales from the magical town of Morden.

Oh, before I sign off, darling - don’t forget the secret ingredient to a fabulous travel experience: the right company! And who better to have along for the journey than my faithful sidekick – the fabulously fluffy Trixie the Bichon Frise! With Trixie by my side, well, there's truly no place this sassy, sequinned superstar wouldn’t venture! (And, let’s face it, she’s absolutely spoiled with her pink, sparkly collar and her tutu-tastic wardrobe! Honestly, the little darling looks just as fabulous in a pink tutu as I do.) And no matter where our journey takes us next, I’m certain we'll be creating more magical memories and finding the perfect pink tutu to make everyone around us sparkle!

Until next time, darlings, remember…

Every day’s a performance, and every day's an opportunity to find your inner Pink Tutu Sparkles! ✨

Stay sparkling! Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles 💋

Remember you can join me every day at www.pink-tutu.com for new posts! Don't forget to like and share my posts and spread the pink tutu love! 💕

#TutuQueen on 2011-09-13 stars in Morden