Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2011-09-19 stars in Kirkby

Kirkby Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles takes on the North West

Helloooo darlings! It's your fabulous friend, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, bringing you a whole new wave of glitter and grace, straight from the cobbled streets of… drumroll … KIRKBY!

Yes, that's right, your favourite tutu-wearing queen is conquering the North West in all her pink-tastic glory. And let me tell you, this is post number 4280 – a record even for this sparkly old bird!

This journey started with a whirlwind of a week in the lab. Seriously, I was knee-deep in chemical tests, analyzing fabric weaves for a new brand of pink ballet tights – because a girl's gotta stay on top of her fashion game, even when dealing with scientific whatnots!

But then the weekend arrived, and I knew exactly where I was heading: the heart of Kirkby! You see, the opportunity came knocking in the form of a wonderful street theatre festival – all the vibrancy, colour, and theatrical whimsy a queen could ever need! So I packed my most outrageous, glittery ensemble – a fluffy pink tutu with feathers galore and a sequined bustier that could make a rainbow blush!

Travelling there was half the fun, you know. The train journey gave me a chance to sketch some of my new outfit ideas for next season's tour. You know, I just love those moments of peace where I can brainstorm and be truly creative. Plus, let's face it, a train is just a fabulous stage on wheels. Imagine the glamour!

Once I reached Kirkby, the first thing I did was locate the local bakery. Why? You may ask… Well, it's a cardinal rule, darlings: never step foot in a new place before a sugary, delicious treat! That afternoon, I had the most scrumptious Bakewell Tart I’ve ever tasted. Pink icing? Of course! You know I can’t resist a splash of my favourite colour.

Later, after a quick costume change, it was show time! The crowd gathered around, and the music swelled. I couldn’t wait to show them my signature act, a blend of classic ballet and modern performance art – think ‘Swan Lake’ meets the ‘Moulin Rouge’, but with a whole lot of pink and glitter.

There was so much energy in the crowd; everyone was laughing, cheering, and dancing along! And to my surprise, they were just as excited to get a photo with this pink tutu-wearing queen! I mean, honestly, who wouldn't want a pic with the Queen of Pink?

Even better, a little girl named Emily, came up to me after my performance. She was the cutest little thing with a sparkling pink hair clip – her very own miniature tiara. "Do you think I can be a dancer like you?" she asked, with big, hopeful eyes. "Of course you can, sweetheart," I told her, holding her tiny hand, "You just have to keep believing in yourself, and never, ever be afraid to wear a pink tutu."

As Emily danced around in the sunlight, I realized the magic that a single tutu could bring. It's more than just an outfit – it's a symbol of empowerment, creativity, and pure, unadulterated joy!

After a fabulous afternoon, I was off to see what the night had in store for me. A few more people in the streets were already wearing pink tutus! Maybe the Queen of Pink has already achieved her goal, darling! What a delightful feeling! The streets of Kirkby truly were an enchanting mix of cobblestone, charm, and character. I couldn’t resist stopping at a charming cafe called "The Teapot," where I indulged in a comforting pot of English breakfast tea with a delicate finger sandwich. The warmth of the cafe, the smell of brewing tea, and the chatter of the locals were utterly delightful, especially after my energy-filled performance.

And before the evening was over, I stumbled upon the most fabulous thing - a second-hand clothing shop overflowing with vintage costumes! I couldn't leave without adding a few sparkling boas and a pair of sequined gloves to my collection. After all, a queen never goes home empty-handed!

But darling, the highlight of my trip? The Kirkby Ballet Society. It was just magical! They invited me to their evening class, and let me tell you, they have some incredibly talented young dancers in the making! You know, those passionate eyes and the way they move… truly magical! And of course, they were thrilled to have me, the pink tutu queen, join them for a few steps. You should have seen them giggling, they couldn't stop saying 'oh my goodness'!

But then the night went on, as all nights must, and I knew I needed to get back to Derbyshire to recharge. The train ride home was serene and reflective; the moon was a shining beacon, illuminating the dark sky like a pearl of glitter in a dark sea of velvet. As the countryside scenery glided by, my mind buzzed with ideas for my next performance and outfit choices.

This journey to Kirkby, though brief, reminded me of the incredible power of shared passion. Whether it's a dance class, a street festival, or simply a warm cup of tea, each experience brought something special and new. It was truly a journey worth savouring, and a wonderful reminder that every journey, just like every life, is filled with colour, sparkle, and a touch of pink, if you choose to look for it.

So darlings, wherever life takes you, remember, your very own Pink Tutu Sparkle awaits you.

Until next time!

#TutuQueen on 2011-09-19 stars in Kirkby