Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2011-09-18 stars in Cheshunt

Cheshunt Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Goes On Tour (Blog Post #4279)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite Pink Tutu Queen, ready to take you on another sparkly adventure! Today's journey takes us to the lovely town of Cheshunt, and let me tell you, I'm practically bouncing with excitement! It's not every day you get to combine your love of tutus with a proper British train journey, you know!

Now, some of you might think it's a little strange for a girl like me to be so excited about train travel, but trust me, it's all part of the Pink Tutu Sparkles experience! Just imagine it: the click-clack of the wheels on the track, the rhythmic rocking of the carriage, and me, in my perfectly pink tutu, waving enthusiastically to the world through the window! Oh, to be fair, my travelling tutu usually needs to be a little more travel-friendly, less "stage show" and more "commuter". Let's just say, I'm pretty good at accessorising a pink tulle skirt with a black leather biker jacket. Sometimes the "tutu" even turns out to be a trusty tulle scarf, and that's just part of the fun! After all, a true queen always adapts to her environment, just like the best chameleon. 😉

And before I even set foot on the platform, you know I've been browsing my favourite high-street shops! Gotta have a fabulous outfit for this trip, right? Pink, of course! The shops are bursting with exciting colours and patterns. I'm all about bold and dramatic prints when it comes to Pink Tutu Sparkles, but for a casual train trip, I like a subtle pattern with pops of colour. That way, I can still embrace the pink-tutu theme without causing too much of a stir. Just imagine: I’m rocking the train in a fabulous pink leopard-print dress and killer heels. Yes, it is possible to travel stylishly, even in a slightly less-extra mode.

Cheshunt isn't just about the train journey, darling, although that's a big part of the magic for me. This charming little town holds a special place in my heart. They’re hosting a fabulous summer fair with a local ballet school giving a free performance. Can you believe it? My two favourite things combined! I'll be catching the show, of course, and if I’m lucky, I’ll even manage to sneak in a quick chat with the ballet teacher, get the gossip on all the latest dance trends!

Speaking of dance trends, you know I’m a huge fan of “ballet street”, right? Mixing up those classic ballet poses with contemporary street style. The most fabulous mix of elegance and attitude. Now, let me tell you, I'm bringing my “A-game" to the Cheshunt summer fair. This is a Pink Tutu Sparkles performance, you see! There will be twirls, spins, and enough glitter to blind the neighbours. It's going to be magnificent.

But hold on a minute, the story doesn't end there, because even after the performance, it's back to the railway station, and another ride home, only this time it’s not a steam engine train… no, darling! I have the ultimate Pink Tutu Sparkles mode of transportation all planned… a horse and carriage.

Yes, a horse and carriage. A pink-tutu queen is a queen of extravagance, you know! Just imagine, I'll be prancing around in my pink tulle masterpiece while the hooves of a magnificent horse beat out a rhythm against the cobblestone streets. I might even grab myself a posy of pink roses from a friendly local vendor to complete the look! Now, who wouldn’t want to ride around in style with Pink Tutu Sparkles herself?

So, my darlings, it's all about living the Pink Tutu dream, embracing life's little adventures, spreading joy with every sparkle. I’ll be adding even more adventures on www.pink-tutu.com each day, so keep checking back for more fabulousness!

Till next time, remember: Never be afraid to wear a tutu! 💖

Pink Tutu Sparkles signing out! ✨

#TutuQueen on 2011-09-18 stars in Cheshunt