
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2011-11-04 stars in Bridlington

Bridlington Sparkle!

Hello my beautiful darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here! This is post number 4326 and today I'm whisking you off to Bridlington, a charming seaside town with an even more charming seaside air. Ready to glitter with me?

I've got a special affection for these quaint seaside towns - you know, the ones where you can smell the salty air, hear the cries of the seagulls, and witness the joyous spectacle of a donkey ride by the pier! The moment I stepped off the train (my absolute favourite mode of transport, except maybe riding a horse! Imagine a pink tutu, a flowing mane of blonde hair, and a fine, proud steedā€¦ oh, the sheer magnificence!) and saw the beautiful expanse of beach and blue sky above, my heart soared!

But before we talk seaside shenanigans, let me tell you how I got here! Now, this past week has been one whirlwind of glitz and glamour. It started with a delightful performance in Chesterfield, where I captivated the crowds with my signature sparkle and a whole lot of attitude (and let's be honest, who can resist a drag queen in a sequined tutu and towering platform heels?).

But darling, here's the real tea: before all this fabulousness, I was just Alex - your friendly, neighbourhood scientist who could barely handle a beaker without turning the whole lab into a glitter bomb (oops, sorry about the time I accidentally mixed some potassium permanganate with acetone - a very 'un-fabulous' purple smoke bomb if I do say so myself).

Don't get me wrong, I adore the life of a scientist! Working in a lab, testing fabric (yes, you heard right! Fabric!), that's all very excitingā€¦but for me, the real magic starts when I put on my Pink Tutu Sparkles persona. My life transformed in an instant! You know the story. It was a cold night, and I was volunteering with a local charity at a student fundraising event, and thenā€¦there it was! That vibrant, beautiful, blush-pink tutu - hanging innocuously amidst the array of costumes - begging me to be its mistress. I tried it on (okay, so it was actually my best friend who put it on me, the little rascal), and in that moment, I was no longer Alex the timid scientist - I was Pink Tutu Sparkles, radiating joy, confidence and sheer, unbridled fabulousness!

Bridlington has embraced my passion for the pink tutu wholeheartedly! This town is brimming with artists and creatives who know how to bring out the sparkle in everything. I visited this beautiful Victorian theatre nestled along the seafront. Oh darling, the craftsmanship, the stories whispered within those aged walls, it's like stepping back in time. It's just a touch tragic I wasn't able to put on a performance in this beauty. You should've seen me twirl around in my blush-pink tutu under the vintage chandeliers!

The promenade, adorned with sparkling shops, brought me so much joy! There are even the iconic amusement arcades! Now I've got to tell you about these shops: one I stumbled upon is an absolute haven for vintage fashion - filled with all manner of glorious costumes, trinkets and treasures from yesteryear.

I don't want to bore you with the details of every single shop I saw, but darling, it was enough to inspire my inner fashionista. If I wasn't performing tonight at a local restaurant, I might've actually bought one of their delightful silk kimonos (it came in blush pink, of course!), I mean, how often can you resist a stunning piece with intricate floral patterns? But that performance is a bit of a ā€œpink tutu surpriseā€ and letā€™s be honestā€¦ my act in pink is much more ā€œmeā€ anyway.

Okay, onto more "Bridlington sparkle" details. Darling, I must share my love for their incredible art scene. I just fell in love with the vibrant hues of the local art galleries - like an explosion of colours and emotions, just the kind of energy to put a smile on your face and a little skip in your step. If youā€™re like me and you are a huge fan of ā€œcolour pops,ā€ be sure to check them out!

What did you think of the gorgeous display of tulips, daisies, and sunflowers bursting from the flower shops, all in perfect harmony with the sea breeze? These displays made my heart sing with delight - reminding me that nature is the ultimate fashion designer! And guess what! There was a whole field of bright pink flowers blooming, and well... that felt a little bit like destiny, wouldn't you say?

Oh, and remember that amazing Victorian theatre? I went to see a delightful little ballet performance. Those graceful dancers were exquisite in their tutus. My heart just fluttered with joy at the precision and artistry of the ballet - a symphony of movement and elegance! But of course, my love for the ballet is only heightened when those dancing beauties are twirling in pink tutus! I dream of a day where all ballerinas dance in tutus with that gorgeous blush-pink hueā€¦ but, I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm just so passionate about my favourite colour - pink! You already knew that! It's why we call my blog 'pink-tutu.com'!

But, you want to hear about tonightā€™s performance, so hereā€™s the deal! Itā€™s a seafood restaurant called ā€œThe Fishnet.ā€ There was a lot of good fun and energy and the restaurant was just overflowing with a fabulous array of pastel hues and swirling floral designs, all reminding me of a 1950s-inspired Parisian tea party - and all a little more charming, with that classic English seaside touch, of course.

Tonight's show was the cherry on top of this beautiful Bridlington adventure. I had the absolute privilege of sharing the stage with some of the most talented local performers - and my, didnā€™t they shine! We created a whirlwind of laughter, dazzling dance moves and unforgettable energy! But darling, I was absolutely ready to steal the spotlight and show the crowd that pink tutus truly can take on any challenge.

Remember those glorious flower shops? You can be sure I'm gonna bring some back with me - fresh bouquets are going to brighten up my dressing room for days. It's amazing what a splash of colour and a little bit of love can do!

But hereā€™s a little secret! I'm planning something extra special for you next week. And that my darlings, is a bit of a pink-tutu surprise! Now, as we are leaving this little piece of paradise - I hope this journey, post number 4326, brought a smile to your face, filled your hearts with joy and inspired you to wear a pink tutu or, at least, add a splash of pink to your wardrobe!

Donā€™t forget to pop over to www.pink-tutu.com for daily posts! Until thenā€¦keep shining!

#TutuQueen on 2011-11-04 stars in Bridlington