Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2011-12-29 stars in Upminster

Upminster: A Pink Tutu Odyssey (Blog Post #4381)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad diva, Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing in from Upminster! Oh my, the journey here was a pure delight. I took the train, of course - what's more fabulous than whizzing through the countryside in a plush carriage, sipping champagne, and admiring the view? It was the perfect opportunity to showcase my new feathered pink hat (a steal from a little shop in Notting Hill!) and my brand new sparkly pink tutu. It's simply divine, wouldn't you agree?

I've got to tell you, darlings, Upminster has totally stolen my heart! It's like a picture postcard, all quaint and charming, with those delightful cobblestone streets and cute little shops. The moment I arrived, I knew I had to find the perfect pink accessory. So, after a delightful lunch at a cafe with the most fabulous raspberry sorbet, I embarked on a pink treasure hunt. It wasn't long before I stumbled upon a vintage boutique hidden down a charming alleyway. My dears, they had a whole section dedicated to pink! I was like a little girl in a sweet shop, swooning over antique pink parasols and hats with feathers and rhinestones!

After my pink extravaganza, I ventured into the heart of Upminster and found a darling ballet studio. Naturally, I couldn't resist a peek inside! I mean, who can resist a room filled with the grace of ballet, the twirling of tutus, and the sheer joy of movement? Oh, it warmed my pink heart right down to my sparkling shoes!

I ended the day with the most divine show at the local theatre, a whimsical blend of musical theatre and ballet. The dancers were utterly captivating, swirling through the stage with such grace and poise, reminding me of my own dance performances - oh, I simply adore taking to the stage and spreading my pink cheer! It’s a feeling of pure bliss. You all know my motto, “There’s no performance without Pink!”

It's amazing how Upminster has become my new favourite place - who would've thought, right? Maybe I'll find a place to hang my hat here… or shall I say, hang my pink tutu? Just kidding (well, maybe a little bit!).

A Pink Tutu History Lesson

Speaking of my beloved pink tutu, let me tell you a little story about its journey into my life. It was during my university days - I know, shocking that a scientist like me ever even touched a tutu! I was in the ballet club and we had this annual charity event where everyone dressed up. I remember standing there, nervous and excited, and suddenly there it was – the pinkest tutu you’ve ever seen, twinkling with sequins under the studio lights. It was an absolute game changer! I put it on, twirled, and the rest is, as they say, history!

The joy I felt in that tutu stayed with me long after the event. Even working in the lab, my mind often wandered to the magical world of dance, the colour pink, and, yes, of course, the sheer delight of twirling. I even started incorporating a little bit of pink into my lab coat… just a small detail to brighten up my day. It might seem silly to some, but honestly, it makes me feel a bit more fabulous, even amidst test tubes and microscopes.

By night, however, I transform into Pink Tutu Sparkles, the shining, pink-powered star that I am! I've spent countless hours performing at venues and fairs, sharing my love for pink and the magic of a good tutu. There's something about the playful spirit of drag that just resonates with me, allows me to embrace my inner flamboyant queen and make people laugh. Who doesn't love a little sprinkle of glitter in their lives?

Living Life in Pink (and maybe a touch of blue...)

Honestly, darlings, life as Pink Tutu Sparkles has been a journey filled with pink glitter and vibrant adventures. Every day is a new chance to share my love for pink tutus, the elegance of ballet, and the simple joy of living life to the fullest. There's nothing quite like spreading my pink magic around the world, one tutu-wearing smile at a time. It's the best part of being a queen – a queen in a pink tutu, of course!

So, what’s next, you ask? Well, I’m currently planning my next trip, my dear friends! There's a spectacular horse-drawn carriage event in Bath that just begs for a grand entrance in a full pink tutu ensemble, and the new production of "Swan Lake" in Edinburgh looks divine. It seems that the universe is truly conspiring to put me on a pink cloud.

Remember, darling, wear pink every day, because life is too short to not sparkle. It's your birthright to be a queen, no matter how big or small!

Until next time, remember to be brave, bold and, above all, wear a pink tutu!


Pink Tutu Sparkles



#TutuQueen on 2011-12-29 stars in Upminster