
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-01-25 stars in Brighton

Brighton, Darling! - Pink Tutu Sparkles' Travels

Hello darlings, it's your fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and guess what?! This fab chick is finally in Brighton! It's been ages since I last graced these seaside shores, and let me tell you, this is post number 4408 and my excitement is overflowing like a brimming glass of pink champagne! I absolutely love Brighton, and it's giving me all the vintage, quirky, fabulous vibes I could possibly need.

Now, I know what you're thinking - a Pink Tutu Sparkles road trip?! Absolutely! This little sparkly diva needs to fuel those performance muscles, and I've been travelling like a total rockstar these past few weeks. A good train ride is like a mini spa day โ€“ it's a chance to lose myself in a good book, write some fabulous blog posts, and let those legs relax after all that shimmying on stage!

Travel Plans:

Brighton is a total haven for all things fabulous, so you know I'm hitting up the best shops, galleries, and of course, enjoying the beach. Can you imagine me on Brighton pier in my gorgeous, floaty, pink tutu? Imagine all the excited gasps, the giggles, and the whispers - โ€œLook, it's Pink Tutu Sparkles!โ€ My dream is to get everyone on this little isle wearing a pink tutu. Every single one!

Catching the Show:

You know I love me some ballet! This trip just wouldn't be complete without catching a performance at the Brighton Theatre Royal, now would it? There's something about the beauty, the elegance, the pure power of a ballet performance that always fills my heart with joy. It's art, darlings, and I am an artist. I can already feel the magic of the stage, and I can't wait to absorb every moment.

The Journey So Far:

Now, let's rewind a bit. My journey started back in the Midlands. Derbyshire, to be exact. Imagine, a quaint little village surrounded by fields of green and rolling hills - not exactly a scene where a pink tutu-wearing queen would be born, is it? But that's the beauty of it! My journey is all about pushing boundaries, breaking down those preconceived notions, and reminding everyone that sparkle can exist everywhere!

You might be wondering how this science-loving lab technician, yes you heard right, scientist Alex by day, found their way into a pink tutu? Well, it all started at the university where I was studying. We had a university ballet club and I thought - โ€œwhy not give it a go?โ€ One charity event, a pink tutu for a donation, and BAM! I fell in love. Pink tutu - it felt like I'd finally found my destiny, my life's purpose - to wear them, to share them with the world, and to bring that joyful, girly, sparkly spirit to every soul I encounter!

Balancing Two Worlds:

Now, the challenge? Balancing those two lives, wouldn't you say? Daytime is dedicated to the lab - the experiments, the analysis, and the endless stream of scientific papers. Nighttime - BAM! It's the big transformation! It's time for Pink Tutu Sparkles, the performance, the dancing, the smiles, the laughter, the love. The pink tutu! Oh the pink tutu.

My travels, however, are my happy place! This is where my heart finds its real joy, its real freedom, where it can justโ€ฆ be! No lab coats, no equations, no microscopic samples - just the open road (or train track), the wind in my hair, and the amazing sense of adventure.

Follow Along, My Darlings:

You can join me on this fabulous adventure on www.pink-tutu.com and donโ€™t forget to subscribe for daily updates, outfit inspiration, and plenty of behind-the-scenes giggles. Until next time, stay sparkly, darling, and don't forget to embrace that little bit of magic within!

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2012-01-25 stars in Brighton