Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-01-31 stars in Paris

Paris, Je T'aime! (Post #4414)

Bonjour mes chéries! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, landing back in Blighty after a whirlwind trip to the City of Lights! My latest adventure took me to Paris, and oh, the stories I could tell!

I knew this trip was going to be fabulous, even before I booked my train ticket (choo-choo!). You see, darling, there's just something about Paris that calls to my inner fashionista. The architecture, the romance, the pastries... it all just whispers "pink tutu" to me, don't you think?

Of course, I wasn't going to be just any old tourist, no, my darlings! This was Pink Tutu Sparkles on the town, so I planned my days around the best of the best: ballet, fashion, and fabulousness!

It all started with a visit to the Palais Garnier for a matinee of Swan Lake. I was mesmerised by the grandeur of the theatre, all those golden details and velvet seating. I swear I could hear my name echoing through the rafters as I sat down in my sparkly, pink-hued dress (with a subtle nod to the famous tutu, of course!), feeling like I was in a fairytale.

And speaking of fairytales, darling, you've never seen a ballet performance like the one I witnessed! The dancers were so graceful, so ethereal, like ballerinas straight out of my own dreams! Every move they made was just… pure magic! The final curtain call brought tears to my eyes - I'm such a softy, I know.

Of course, I couldn't come all this way to Paris without a little fashion shopping. Now, my darlings, the shopping in Paris is just heavenly! You can find everything, and I mean everything, from vintage Chanel to the latest haute couture. I picked up a stunning hat in a gorgeous pink hue (naturally) at a little boutique tucked away on a charming backstreet. It's got these delicate feathers that really give it a touch of whimsy!

But my trip to Paris wasn't all about museums and shopping, oh no! I wanted to immerse myself in the city's energy, so I took a walking tour through the Montmartre district. My, oh my, what a magical place! The cobblestone streets, the bustling artists, the air buzzing with creativity. I was practically giddy with excitement, twirling and swirling in my sparkly tutu skirt! You can bet I got some killer pictures in front of the Sacré-Cœur Basilica!

But my favourite Parisian experience? Ballet class, darling, ballet class! Now, I'm a bit of a ballet fanatic back home in Derbyshire, but attending a class in Paris just felt… different. There was this real energy in the studio, an almost mystical vibe. We stretched, we jumped, we pirouetted – it was truly divine! I must confess, I nearly wore out the pointe shoes! I even treated myself to some chic new ballet gear - gotta support those local businesses, right?

Evenings were dedicated to more sparkle! The city came alive after dark and I danced my way through countless charming Parisian cafes, leaving a trail of pink glitter in my wake. As the final night of my stay rolled around, I felt sad to leave but excited to share all my adventures with my blog followers!

As I say my "Au revoir!" to the City of Love, I know that one thing is certain – my heart will always be a little bit Parisian!

Paris has really confirmed that it's time to add a touch of Pink Tutu magic to the world! Let's all make it happen. Remember, darlings, even the tiniest twinkle can brighten up someone's day!

So until next time, I’ll leave you with this thought: Don’t let your dreams be dreams, darling, make them realities! I certainly do!

Until tomorrow!


Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2012-01-31 stars in Paris