Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-02-16 stars in Slough

Slough: Pink Perfection in the Thames Valley

Hiya lovelies, and welcome back to my little corner of the internet! It's me, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another daily dose of sparkle, glitter, and all things pink, darling! You know me, it's what I do. Today, I'm bringing you a fabulous post all about my recent jaunt to Slough. You know me, I can't resist a trip anywhere in the country! Post number 4430, baby! And oh, let me tell you, it was a real treat. So buckle up your pink sparkly shoes, darling, 'cause we're taking a little trip down memory lane together.

Finding my inner tutu queen in Derbyshire:

You know me - I was a bit of a late bloomer when it came to embracing my inner tutu queen. Born and raised in Derbyshire, a bit more practical than pink, I thought I was destined to be a plain, unassuming scientist in a lab coat. But that all changed the day I stumbled upon my university's ballet club. I had no prior ballet training - don't even get me started on how awful my first attempt at a pirouette was! But, you know, life throws you curveballs!

I joined the club and they were raising money for charity. They were hosting a fun fundraiser event and someone suggested I wear a tutu to get more donations! So, I did. I tried one on and let me tell you, it was a game-changer! The moment that tulle touched my skin, a new me was born. And guess what? The donations poured in. That's how I found my destiny, ladies!

The truth is, even in a lab, surrounded by flasks and microscopes, my mind was wandering to tutus. I'd find myself staring at my little pink notebook (yeah, it's pink!), sketching out new designs for tutus. My work colleagues were a bit perplexed at first - but when I started taking my sewing machine to work to make my own little pink masterpieces on the weekends, even my scientific colleagues had to admire my devotion to the craft.

From Science Labs to the Stage: Embracing the Pink life:

From that moment, I knew I had to combine my love for science and the magic of tutus. That's when Pink Tutu Sparkles was born! I got a chance to perform my drag at a local pub. People seemed to enjoy my performances and my quirky personality! The whole night was an absolute hoot - and people loved the pink!

And that's the beginning of how my life became an exciting adventure, filled with glitz, glamour, and plenty of pink! My days became an endless loop of pipettes and pink thread, flasks and tulle! I'm always finding new ways to bring those two passions together. But hey, what else would I do with a degree in Chemistry? It helped me develop some pretty neat, sparkly, fire-resistant materials. And, oh, I’m a bit of a sewing genius now too - creating all the fabulous tutus that you see on this website and on the stage!

Slough: More than just an industrial estate?

You’d never know I'd find myself in Slough, would you? Now I'm not sure what reputation Slough has amongst those who’ve never been. But the thing is, it was so unexpected. The universe throws you those curveballs sometimes, yeah?

Now, don't get me wrong. I love a big city - the hustle and bustle, the big fancy hotels and clubs. But sometimes, it's good to experience the smaller towns - the local shops, the cafes. It's about taking in the atmosphere, you know? You have to get to know places you might never have expected.

Anyway, I took a train up. My mum keeps telling me I have to try a train, "for my future, darling!". She loves trains and keeps telling me I need to embrace her passion! My mum is the only person that gets me, bless her. She was an amateur seamstress growing up, always making my costumes for my dance shows and ballet classes. She made the very first pink tutu I wore. She even said she is gonna give me some of her old tutus. I’m a real queen, you know, that’s how we roll!

Slough: A little pink oasis

The thing about Slough is it felt surprisingly elegant. Not gonna lie - I wasn’t exactly expecting the chicest experience! I felt a need for a little break and some tranquility away from my more glitzy London-style performances. I figured a bit of downtime and peace would be good for the soul, don’t you think? Now I love the bustle, but let’s be honest, I can get exhausted with the bright lights!

Finding my own little pink oasis

As soon as I stepped off the train station (looking absolutely fabulous, I must say) I felt like I could find something beautiful even in an unexpected place! So I grabbed myself a delicious little pastry, (cream-filled of course - I never travel without a little bit of sweetness), took a leisurely stroll through Slough, soaking it all in.

I found my little pink paradise at this little shop with the sweetest lady working there. We got chatting and she let me know she's a total tutu lover as well! You see, it's so amazing to meet tutu fanatics all over the place. It truly shows you how magical and unifying the tutus really are!

Slough even has this beautiful little park! I know, shocking, right?! And the flowers there... a sea of pastels, just my style, of course! It was the most perfect backdrop for a photo shoot. And let's be honest, a girl needs her photoshoot! So I donned my most fabulous, most recent creation and struck a few poses! It’s really not surprising that Slough’s beautiful pink flowers stole my heart and made their way into my daily dose of Pink Tutu Sparkle. I can’t even say the amount of pink I saw that day!

My little pink surprise

Oh! You won’t believe what I found there too! I swear my life's an exciting movie - always surprises, surprises, surprises. I know. I love it too.

I found this wonderful vintage shop called “Vintage Heaven”! And trust me, I wasn’t expecting something as wonderful as what I saw. I think I found my new favorite vintage spot. Not only is the shop adorable - you can get anything in there - but I found my perfect fluffy tutu in a shade of pink called “Pale Orchid”. Perfect for my new look! It’s the little touches that really make the magic! And oh, the shoes, you have to see them - some lovely sparkly black satin heels that set my heart pounding.

Slough is truly a haven for fashionistas, wouldn't you say? Who’d have thought I’d stumble across such amazing shopping adventures there. Maybe there’s a bit more to Slough than meets the eye! Who knows? There are even rumors there is a great little art shop nearby. Who am I to resist a chance to hunt for pink glitter! Gotta say, I'm starting to love this place.

Onward to the next adventure:

That evening, I had the chance to perform at a little pub - all thanks to my online fans (oh, I do love them so)! I performed with a few other local queens (always good to support your sisters) and got a standing ovation! It was amazing to share my passion for performance and, of course, pink tutus! They love me, the love is real!

This visit to Slough was more than just a trip to a town with an unusual name. It was a journey of discovery, reminding me of the magic that’s hiding in all the places you wouldn’t expect. You never know when and where you’ll find something to set your heart aflame, make you sparkle just a bit brighter and set the pink tutu scene alight.

Now, let me know your thoughts! What's the most unexpected place you've found a little piece of your heart? Do tell, my darling. Don't forget to visit my website and join in with all the fun over on www.pink-tutu.com . It’s always exciting and colourful! Don't forget to stay sparkling and keep those tutus twirling, darlings! Until next time, keep the pink flowing and stay fabulous, my dears!

#TutuQueen on 2012-02-16 stars in Slough