
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-05-16 stars in Stratford

Stratford-Upon-Avon: A Pink Tutu Dream Come True! (Post #4520)

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, fresh from a whirlwind trip to the magical town of Stratford-Upon-Avon, and let me tell you, it was an absolute dream! This was my 4520th post on www.pink-tutu.com, and it's bursting with enough pink, sparkle and twirls to make your head spin!

As a proud Derbyshire lass, my love for all things theatre started young, fuelled by countless visits to the Derby Playhouse. So, you can imagine my delight when I was invited to perform at the stunning Stratford-Upon-Avon festival - a proper dream come true! I've been wanting to visit Shakespeare's birthplace ever since I devoured "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in school. Little did I know that one day, I'd be waltzing through the cobbled streets in my favourite pink tutu, channeling a little Bard magic myself!

Of course, no trip to Stratford is complete without a visit to the Royal Shakespeare Company, and oh my, what a spectacle! The theatre is just exquisite, the costumes are simply divine, and the performances were mesmerising. Let's just say, I've got a new appreciation for the sheer brilliance of Shakespeare!

Speaking of appreciation, I simply had to indulge in a spot of ballet. The Royal Ballet School in nearby Birmingham was calling my name, so off I popped for an afternoon of graceful twirling. I might not be the most gifted ballerina (my scientific mind sometimes gets in the way of the graceful pirouettes), but the sheer joy of wearing a tutu and moving with the music is pure bliss!

Before I went on my journey, I spent a day or two prepping my wardrobe. Of course, I had to pack enough tutus to cater to all possible scenarios – one sparkling hot pink, one with feathery trims, and even a lilac one for a touch of whimsy. The pink, you see, it's the essence of my being – bright, bold, and oh so feminine! It just makes me feel so powerful, so capable of taking on anything the world throws at me!

My arrival in Stratford was a theatrical experience in itself. It was impossible to resist hopping off the train, letting out a celebratory twirl and saying "Hello Stratford! You look absolutely divine!" I then did the only sensible thing – I treated myself to a decadent high tea at a charming little cafe called "The Rose & Crown."

Oh, how I do love a good high tea! The dainty sandwiches, the scones piled high with clotted cream and jam, and a pot of tea strong enough to keep a queen in good spirits – simply divine!

That night, I had the pleasure of performing at a fantastic event held in a beautifully lit marquee – my pink tutu shimmered under the twinkling lights! I danced, sang and twirled, inspiring everyone to let their inner pink tutu shine! Honestly, I felt like a tiny but powerful beacon of positivity, radiating joy and love into the world – which is what I do best! I want every single one of you, my darling readers, to find the inner Pink Tutu Sparkles within you, no matter how shy or reserved you might be. Put on a tutu, go to a ballet show, or even simply twirl in your kitchen - embrace the joy, the magic, the sheer delight!

After my show, I enjoyed a delectable dinner at a charming restaurant by the Avon. Of course, it wasn't complete without a side of ice cream, which is basically mandatory when in Shakespeare country, right?

I woke up the next day, full of energy and eager to explore the enchanting town. After breakfast, I spent a blissful afternoon exploring the cobbled streets, stopping at quaint shops overflowing with lavender, teacups, and vintage trinkets.

Of course, I couldn't leave without buying something, could I? A charming hand-painted teapot with pink flowers and a tiny lavender-scented soap dish to keep my home smelling like a blooming garden, a gift for my dear Mum. Who can resist these little treasures?

Before I bid farewell to Stratford, I had to visit Shakespeare's birthplace. The timber-framed house with its thatched roof seemed to whisper secrets from centuries past. As I walked through the rooms where he had once lived, I could almost feel the presence of the Bard himself, breathing life into his words.

Standing in the garden, surrounded by lush green grass and blooming roses, I felt an undeniable connection to the genius of this iconic writer. His words have always resonated with me, filled with beauty, drama and humour – and I’m eternally grateful for the joy they bring to my life. Shakespeare has always inspired me, both on and off stage, to chase my dreams and embrace life with open arms. And for a Pink Tutu Sparkles like myself, embracing life is the only way!

Leaving Stratford was bittersweet. The town was bursting with vibrant history and culture – the perfect inspiration for any aspiring drag queen! But leaving meant going back to my day job as Alex, the lab tech who tests fabric.

That's the thing, my dear readers, about life as Pink Tutu Sparkles - I have a day job and a night job. By day, I’m Alex, meticulously examining the strength and weave of fabric – it’s actually fascinating, but let's be honest, not as fun as dazzling an audience! I put on my lab coat, get lost in my work, and use my scientific mind to test the integrity of materials.

But by night, I'm Pink Tutu Sparkles! The moment that sequined tutu goes on, I feel the magic begin, and it's exhilarating! My passion for life, for spreading joy and celebrating the joy of being fabulous is my ultimate drive.

So, there you have it! My Stratford adventures! This little pink tutu princess had an absolute blast! If you ever get a chance to visit Stratford, make sure you embrace the magic. Explore, twirl, embrace your inner sparkle, and of course, don’t forget to pack a pink tutu or two!

Until next time darlings, remember – life's a stage, so wear your sparkle with pride and joy! Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles!

#TutuQueen on 2012-05-16 stars in Stratford