
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-05-23 stars in Leith

Leith - A Tutuful Adventure! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฉฐ

Hiya lovelies, welcome back to my daily dose of pink perfection! This is your queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the vibrant streets of Leith! This is post number 4527 (woo hoo!) and Iโ€™m feeling incredibly giddy - today's adventure has been just magical! You know Iโ€™m all about embracing the wonderful world of tutus and glitter, and today was definitely a "twirl" to remember.

Train Travels to Tutuful Thrills!

My journey began this morning at my humble abode in Derbyshire. It felt like a bit of a wrench to leave the peace and quiet of my little scientist's nest, but the promise of a grand day out with a little tutu-fied adventure fuelled my spirit. I traded in my lab coat for my sparkling tutu and donned my favourite fuchsia lipstick for a journey up to Edinburgh. Nothing beats a relaxing train ride, and let me tell you, the scenery was spectacular. I swear, those rolling hills and sparkling skies looked straight out of a ballet performance! It was the perfect way to calm my nerves before my grand performance later.

Leith's Sparkling Charms!

After a quick and seamless ride into Edinburgh, I found myself wandering around Leith. The sun was shining and the seagulls were screaming, just like the lead dancer in my favourite ballet show! What a truly enchanting atmosphere!

Let's just say, this beautiful seaside town was like a big pink tutu hug! Leith Harbour was a vibrant haven of artistic expression, brimming with galleries and street art - some of which looked suspiciously like my tutu collection (although admittedly without all the sparkle!). There were bustling markets too, overflowing with everything from fresh seafood to handmade crafts! And wouldn't you know it, there was even a stall selling a delicious little raspberry tart in the shape of a... you guessed it, a tutu! I may have accidentally bought three, just in case.

Ballet & Bliss!

Leith is, in my humble opinion, a perfect place to indulge in all things "pink tutu" and get a taste of my signature brand of glitter magic. Of course, a tutu-loving queen simply cannot resist a ballet class! I popped into a local dance studio where I was welcomed with open arms, and let me tell you, even with a bit of stiff leg work in the warm-up, it was absolutely glorious. My tutu practically twirled itself!

Time To Sparkle!

Finally, the big moment had arrived! It was time for me to unleash my dazzling persona on the good people of Leith! And boy did I give it my all! I was performing at a bustling fair held right by the harbour, and my performance truly brought the house down. I danced, I twirled, I even spun my own magical pink dust โ€“ that always goes down a storm. It was simply a whirlwind of glittery magic!

You know, my drag is a bit like my personal love for pink tutus. I wear my heart on my sleeve (or, perhaps, on my tutu!). I adore every opportunity to showcase the joyful, vibrant side of my personality, a side that thrives on spreading happiness and sparkling magic.

More Tutu Tales to Come!

Now, I must confess, this post only scratches the surface of my day. My Leith adventures were packed with so many sparkling highlights: laughing with local children while painting their faces, finding a delightful vintage teacup shaped exactly like a ballet slipper, even learning a new way to use glitter glue on my eyelashes. It truly was the perfect "tutu-licious" day!

But remember, darlings, this is just the beginning! Stay tuned to my blog for more tutuful travels and tips on how to inject your life with a bit of pink glittery goodness.

Till next time, stay fabulous, stay sparkly, and don't be afraid to embrace your inner tutu queen!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2012-05-23 stars in Leith