
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-06-23 stars in Ramsgate

Ramsgate Ramblings: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the Seaside!

Post #4558 - www.pink-tutu.com

Hello, darling! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to whisk you away to the glorious seaside town of Ramsgate, Kent. The sun's shining, the sea's sparkling, and I'm twirling with joy!

You see, this seaside town, with its quaint, cobbled streets and pastel-hued buildings, calls to my inner girly girl. It's a place that embraces colour, light and a certain je ne sais quoi. And darling, let's face it, a girl can never have too much colour and sparkle, right?

This journey began, as so many of my adventures do, on the train. Yes, I know, a lot of you think it's a tad outdated. But honestly, isn't there something absolutely divine about settling into a comfy carriage with a good book, a cheeky little snack, and a scenic view flitting by your window? It allows me to contemplate, to dream, to weave my own pink tulle tapestry of imagination. And believe me, dear reader, you'd be amazed by the fantastical journeys I undertake in those few hours!

Now, I canโ€™t forget to mention, arriving in Ramsgate, I discovered that this beautiful place is renowned for its vibrant culture, especially its ballet scene! Talk about a true dream come true! Why, I felt like I'd been transported to a little haven for all things ballerina!

This past weekend was filled with tutus, tiaras, and the sheer joy of pirouetting around this coastal haven. And naturally, my journey to this haven wouldn't be complete without a glorious performance. The local theater in Ramsgate was aglow with pink light โ€“ perfectly coordinated, of course, with my stunning outfit!

My outfit for the evening was pure perfection. It was a vibrant shade of hot pink, naturally! The tulle was so fluffy and voluminous, it almost touched the ceiling! (And trust me, I like it that way, because the bigger the tutu, the better! Just ask anyone). To complement my pink perfection, I donned a pair of glittering, bejeweled heels, shimmering like stardust under the stage lights. The response was incredible! It seemed as though every little girl in the audience had a twinkle in their eye and wanted to join me on stage. I'd even received several handwritten letters from kids afterwards! I have to say, I simply adored their pure, innocent enthusiasm!

Speaking of children, oh dear, how do they love to twirl? It's almost infectious, that urge to twirl and swirl like a ballerina in a pink tutu! After my performance, I wandered into a local park, drawn to the cheerful laughter of children playing. And of course, what's a park without a pink tutu? As the sun set and the day surrendered to the evening, I taught those little munchkins how to twirl and dance. Seeing those bright faces, beaming with joy as they embraced their inner ballerina, brought me pure joy!

And you know what, darlings? I'm convinced thereโ€™s a little pink tutu fairy living inside each and every one of us. We just need to unleash it! Let the pink tulle cascade out of its hidden compartment, embrace the glitz and sparkle, and show the world that tutus are truly the epitome of fabulousness!

Don't be afraid to dream big and spread the pink! Because every day is an opportunity to add a little pink glitter to our world, and whatโ€™s life without a little bit of sparkle, my darlings?

Till next time, stay radiant and keep twirling!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2012-06-23 stars in Ramsgate