Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-06-24 stars in Strood

Strood, you absolute dahling! Post 4559! 🩰💖✨

Hello lovelies! It's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to spill the tea on my latest adventure to the utterly delightful Strood! I know what you're thinking, "Strood? Isn't that just, well, Strood?"

Well, darlings, even the most humble of places can be sprinkled with a little bit of Pink Tutu magic! You see, I'm a firm believer that every single place deserves a bit of sparkle, and what better way to bring that sparkle than with a magnificent pink tutu, right?

Now, let me tell you about how I got here. Picture this: the sun is shining (yes, even in England!), the birds are singing (well, maybe just tweeting!), and I'm sipping a perfectly chilled glass of pink champagne, travelling in style... by train, of course! Oh, the joys of a good old-fashioned railway journey. Nothing beats watching the countryside whizz past while getting glammed up, prepping my make-up, and sipping a spot of bubbly.

But enough about my luxurious train ride! Strood itself was absolutely delightful, a proper little hidden gem. I found the most enchanting tea room tucked away in a charming cobbled street - perfect for a pre-show brunch of scones, clotted cream and endless cups of tea! Let's just say my inner Victorian lady was thoroughly satisfied. 😉

Then, the grand reveal! It was showtime, babes! The venue was this charming little community hall, brimming with excited faces. As always, the moment I emerged from backstage, draped in my uber fabulous pink tutu (oh, did I tell you I have a new one? Feathers, sequins, and a hint of iridescent sparkle – you’ve never seen pink like it!), a collective gasp swept the room. It was sheer magic, my darlings!

And let's talk about the performance itself! I danced my heart out, twirled like a ballerina, and served fierce looks that would make even a seasoned drag queen blush. From ballet-inspired choreography to some sassy lip-syncing to my absolute favourite hits (a little "Vogue", a little "Bohemian Rhapsody" – because, frankly, who doesn’t love a Queen classic?!), the audience was eating it up. There were giggles, cheers, and even a few screams of delight - always a sign I've done a good job!

It wasn’t all glitz and glam, though. As usual, I made sure to mingle with the locals after the show, sharing a chat with the most delightful women (and men!) – everyone was so excited about pink tutus! I swear, by the time I left Strood, half the town was plotting their own tutu purchases. You know I love to spread the pink tutu love wherever I go!

Speaking of spreading the love, I couldn’t resist visiting the local dance studio while in Strood. A proper ballet class, with all the pirouettes and pliés! The instructor, a lovely lady called Ethel (seriously, I swear my name keeps coming up!), gave me a good work-out and even shared her top tips for getting the perfect plié (the key, she said, is the power of the thigh, darlings!)

And as for my trusty steed? I mean, how else does a queen travel to places like Strood? Oh, you're right – it wasn’t a horse, it was a glorious double-decker bus! I know, I know, I'm full of surprises, but just wait till I tell you about my next adventure. It involves a majestic horse-drawn carriage, but more on that later!

But let's get back to the important question - how do I make my adventures, my pink tutu obsession, and my dazzling drag persona so fabulous, you ask? It’s all about living my truth, darling! I’m a scientist by day, testing fabrics in the lab. That, and my lifelong love of dance and a sprinkle of imagination are what lead me to discover my true self - a vibrant, flamboyant, and fiercely proud drag queen, one pink tutu at a time.

So, remember, babes: life is a runway. Wear that pink tutu with pride!

Pinky out, and stay tuned for my next fabulous adventure! 💋

Pink Tutu Sparkles

www.pink-tutu.com 💖

#TutuQueen on 2012-06-24 stars in Strood