Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-07-27 stars in Wickford

Wickford, Oh Wickford, You're the Tutu-ful Dream! (Post #4592)

Oh, darling readers, what a day it's been! My darling Tutu Queen self, Pink Tutu Sparkles, has had a fabulous adventure in the charming town of Wickford. It's just so quintessentially British, like something out of a Jane Austen novel, but with more glitter and, of course, more pink!

This post marks my 4592nd daily foray into the world of glittery blog posts, my little corner of the internet where I can spread the joy of tutus and pink. As you know, my ultimate dream is for everyone, everywhere to wear a pink tutu! Why? Because they are, quite simply, magnificent! The joy they bring is undeniable! The twirls, the twirls... darling, you just have to experience a pink tutu twirl.

Speaking of twirls, today was all about twirling and dazzling in Wickford! The journey there was an adventure in itself. You know I'm a girl who loves her transport. It was a breezy train ride through the beautiful Essex countryside, complete with fields of swaying barley and quaint villages. I took full advantage of the large window seat and let the wind through my tulle as I dreamed up my show for later this evening!

Now, as most of you know, I am also a dedicated student of the art of ballet. So you can imagine how delighted I was to find a little gem hidden away in Wickford – a beautiful ballet studio, tucked in amongst the historic brick buildings! My little pink heart skipped a beat when I saw the sign, 'Wickford Dance Academy', it almost felt like destiny.

I waltzed (figuratively of course - though darling, you should see my interpretive waltzing routine!) through the doors, the music of 'Swan Lake' echoing from inside. The studio, bright and airy, was filled with the graceful movements of young ballerinas, and my inner ballerina was practically begging to join them.

Resisting the urge to perform an impromptu pirouette in the reception area (my reputation is at stake, darling! ), I enrolled for a beginners class that evening, after my show, of course. The students were a mix of young, eager pupils and older, more seasoned dancers who, I swear, danced with the grace and fluidity of seasoned professionals. I almost felt like a bit of an imposter! But the lovely instructor assured me that there's no right or wrong way to enjoy dance, just the way that feels right for you. I took a deep breath, dusted off my pink tutu (just a touch of pink is enough for even a beginners class!), and settled in for the magic to unfold.

Talking of my show, dear readers, let me tell you it was spectacular! I was booked at the historic Wickford Market. A lively outdoor affair with a bustling atmosphere and rows and rows of delicious stalls.

I decided on a 'Vintage Fairytale' theme - you see, I’ve been on a quest to find that perfect antique carriage to pull me to gigs, and you know me, I like a theme! So the entire set was designed to feel like a Victorian fairytale. We used faux candles and antique-inspired props to create the mood, with lush, red velvet curtains and, of course, more glitter than you can shake a sparkly wand at!

I opened the show with my favourite, “Shine Like a Diamond.” I twirled my way through the cobblestones, letting the movement flow through my every fibre as the audience laughed and clapped along. And as the sun set over Wickford, casting its golden glow over the Market Square, I closed the show with a new number – “Pink Tutus and Sunshine”! I even managed to sprinkle the audience with confetti - it was just pure magic!

I spent the rest of the evening meeting fellow performers, and, of course, trying some of the delicious food stalls! Honestly, Wickford had me utterly charmed – a town with a heart of gold and an atmosphere of fun.

Then it was time to return to the dance studio for my beginner’s class. Let me tell you, ballet requires more muscles than you’d imagine. But as I awkwardly but diligently attempted my arabesque, my face (under a light sheen of sweat, of course!), beamed.

And then, of course, there was the little moment that truly made my heart flutter. The very sweet old lady, one of the seasoned dancers I'd noticed, sat beside me during the cool-down stretch. And with a twinkle in her eye, she confided to me that she'd recently started wearing a pink tutu! I could have burst into tears – she said I'd inspired her!

It’s moments like this that make everything worthwhile, darlings! I can't wait to continue my quest for world tutu domination, one glittery, twirling, and heart-filled step at a time! And remember, you don’t need to be a ballerina to wear a pink tutu. Just let your inner sparkle shine and get yourself one. You won't regret it.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must go – a ballet show beckons!

Until next time, dear readers!

Yours in pink tutus,

Pink Tutu Sparkles, aka Alex (a scientist by day, a twirling goddess by night! )

#TutuQueen on 2012-07-27 stars in Wickford