Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-08-11 stars in Deal

Deal, Deal, Deal!

Post #4607

Hello, lovelies! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another fabulous adventure!

Today, we're taking a trip to the seaside! I've swapped my usual train journey for a jaunty ride on a horse-drawn carriage. I mean, wouldn't you agree that a little elegance never goes amiss, darlings? It just adds that extra touch of sparkle!

Anyway, as I was saying, we're off to Deal! It's a seaside town in Kent, England, with a vibrant history and, oh my, the most delightful seaside air! Fresh, crisp, and definitely not as pungent as some seaside towns I've been to in my travels!

Speaking of travels, this week has been intense, as you can imagine! After all, I had to pack three of my pinkest tutus – yes, you heard that right, three! – for the trip, not to mention all my sparkly accessories. Why? Well, Deal has a beautiful little ballet theatre tucked away near the beach. I can't resist a good ballet performance, so of course, I had to get dressed up to the nines to support the local artists! And by 'dresses up', darlings, I mean…pink tutu, obviously! I did, of course, change for the train journey to something a bit more travel-friendly…it's important to remain grounded, even when surrounded by fabulousness, don't you think? But once we were in Deal, back into the fluffy pink heaven I went. I'll tell you what, there was no lack of envious glances from fellow train travellers. It seems like even seasoned commuters can't resist the allure of a fabulous tutu.

After all, it's all about feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin, right? Or shall we say, comfortable in your own tutu?

After a lovely seaside walk, my lovely travelling companions and I – I simply cannot go anywhere alone, darlings, my fans are just too insistent! – decided on a nice, well-deserved cream tea. There is a rather delightful bakery here in Deal, hidden amongst all the quaint little shops and cottages. The baker had created this divine Victoria sponge cake – the lightest and fluffiest one I've ever encountered! We each managed a good three slices each – we don't want to be shy, darlings – topped off with fresh, homemade strawberry jam and plenty of clotted cream. You wouldn't believe how much this pink-tutu wearing queen can scoff down when she's not performing! And then came the tea. It was the perfect complement to all that sweetness.

This town is practically designed for a perfect pink tutu outing. But as I always say, darling, the secret to a great adventure, anywhere in the world, lies not just in the destination, but in the people you share it with. You know what I mean?

It wouldn't be a proper outing without a little something special, right? And here's what happened next, I can’t tell you, my darlings! It’s too outrageous to even mention. You’ll just have to wait till my next post!

Of course, you’ll have to come back tomorrow for the second part of my trip, but be sure to share the joy of my post. It might just inspire you to put on a pink tutu yourself and create your own adventure, darlings. The world is your pink tutu, don’t you know?!

Until next time,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xxx

(Remember, you can join the fun by checking out our new pink tutu fashion line, which launches in all our favourite colourways, later today on www.pink-tutu.com ! )

Here are a few tips from Pink Tutu Sparkles for rocking your own pink tutu experience:

  1. Own the pink. Embrace the pink. Pink is power! A pink tutu says, "I am fierce, I am fabulous, and I am ready to take on the world, one twirl at a time!" So rock that pink, and let it shine.
  2. Find the right pink tutu for you. Don't be afraid to try different styles, colours, and lengths. There's a pink tutu out there for everyone, guaranteed. You may need a few tutus to see what works best for you and the most fitting size and style for the look you're going for, it's a fun journey of discovery, isn't it?
  3. Have fun, embrace the laughter! This is all about finding your own joy, so don't be afraid to express yourself through your outfit! And always be sure to get plenty of selfies!

*Have a great weekend, and be sure to follow me for more adventures on www.pink-tutu.com ! *

#TutuQueen on 2012-08-11 stars in Deal