Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-08-12 stars in Bicester

Bicester Calling! A Pink Tutu Sparkles Adventure 💖🩰

Hello my darling Tutu Twirlers! 💖 It’s your fabulous friend Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to shimmy and shake some fabulousness into your day! This is blog post number 4608, and today, darling, it’s all about my latest trip to the utterly charming town of Bicester!

I’ll tell you, getting around like a bona fide travelling drag artist can be a bit of a hoot, and let’s be honest, a pinch more logistical than rocking up to your local bar for a quick show. But this fabulous Pink Tutu has mastered the art of the grand tour. Why, just last month I found myself dancing across the Cotswolds! And who knows, next week it might be a Highland fling up in Scotland! (Although if I’m honest, I did spend hours in Boots searching for some highland-worthy lipstick for this very occasion... But alas, that’s the magic of Pink Tutu – no expense spared in the pursuit of fabulousness! 🤣)

Speaking of Scotland, have you ever noticed how much the wild beauty of nature reminds us of the sheer magnificence of a truly sparkling, meticulously designed tutu? We are, after all, talking about layers upon layers of intricate fabric, each meticulously placed for that extra touch of va va voom. Honestly, you’d think it was all some kind of supermodel strut on a fashion runway...

Now, this was the whole reason I chose to ride a horse and cart up to Bicester! (Okay, perhaps the reality was that there were no suitable horse and cart services between Derbyshire and Oxfordshire, but let a fabulous Queen dream, will we?) Honestly, darling, travelling by train with my massive sequined backpack, glitter spray, and let’s not forget the pink tutu of course – let’s just say, sometimes a girl wants to break free!

And you know what they say, it is all about the journey! The journey is the highlight, because let’s be honest – who really needs another shopping spree? 😉 (But don’t you worry darling, I found myself a little treat or two at the local market while I was in town! It’s not just about sequins and shine – sometimes you just need to stock up on the essential items, like fabulous fluffy slippers to add a little pizazz to your downtime... ).

My trip to Bicester was actually about something quite different though – the performance! And let me tell you, it was truly special. We had the most darling audience - the kind that truly makes a girl feel like a total rock star. They were all there for the fabulousness, they clapped along to every song, they squealed with laughter at all my cheeky puns, and they gave me a standing ovation!

Remember how I said earlier that a little trip on horseback was just the ticket for getting around these countryside towns? Well, that evening I had another opportunity to test that theory. This time I found myself enjoying a slightly less flamboyant mode of transport! But trust me when I say, even a ride in a vintage limousine with a personal driver at your disposal just couldn’t compare to the feeling of taking to the stage with a perfectly executed grand jeté! There’s just something about the energy you feel from the audience as you leap high and twirl with those sequined skirts. It’s absolutely electrifying.

What did I learn on this wonderful adventure? Well darling, it’s really all about finding those moments that make your heart flutter, the ones that truly define what fabulous means to you. Whether it’s taking a whimsical train ride across the countryside, finding your favourite ballet class to perfect a new pirouette, or just trying on every single pink tutu in a store until you find the one that makes you feel like a star!

And for those of you reading this who are on the verge of discovering your true, flamboyant self - just remember that this Queen was once a scientist in a lab, literally testing fabrics! So go on darling, be brave, find your pink tutu, and be the dazzling, fabulous you that the world needs! 💖

This blog is for the ones who see the magic, who see the world in pink and sparkles, who never give up on finding the things that make them happy, who don’t settle for dull and boring - the true Tutu Twirlers, of course! And now I must away! There’s a train waiting, and a new adventure waiting just around the corner. But remember darlings - you can follow Pink Tutu Sparkles on www.pink-tutu.com for all your pink-hued adventures and dazzling news! 💖 See you all on the dance floor soon! 💖🩰

xx 💖 Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖xx

#TutuQueen on 2012-08-12 stars in Bicester