
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-10-01 stars in Derby

Derby Daze: Tutu Travels, Post #4658

Oh darling, what a day! My lovely readers, hold on to your bonnets, this one is a real corker! I've just had the most delightful adventure in the heart of Derby, and let me tell you, my little pink tutu and I are positively buzzing!

You see, Derby is a place dear to my heart. It's my home turf, where my love for pink tutus was born (and it definitely wasn't in the laboratory, my dears! But more on that later). The city just oozes history and character, and I swear, it positively radiates a certain air of whimsical wonder, making it the perfect place to prance about in my pink tulle masterpiece.

Pink Tutu Sparkles Does Derby

My trip started with a morning filled with sunshine and excitement. You see, my dearest darlings, I had a secret mission. A dear friend, Mrs. Butterworth, owns a quaint antique shop called ā€œWhispers of Time,ā€ right in the heart of Derby. She had heard my siren call on the pink-tutu.com blog, about a particular antique, a vintage porcelain tutu doll! My darlings, it was pink and perfectly pristine! You can imagine the squeals of delight that escaped my lips when I saw her nestled amongst the porcelain wonders in the shop window. Naturally, I bought her on the spot! (Isnā€™t she delightful? Her name is Miss Trixie, after the legendary Trixie Mattel, you know?)

With Miss Trixie safely ensconced in my travel bag, I went in search of some new dancewear for myself! Oh, Derby, how you treat your Tutu Queen so well! I found a treasure trove of exquisite dancing shoes, a delicate leotard in a stunning shade of dusty rose, and let me tell you, darling, the silk was just divine. It felt as smooth as a butterfly's wing against my skin.

Tea Time with the Countess

Later that day, I had a proper "tea-with-the-countess" moment at the Derbyshire Tea Room. I admit, I felt a little bit like a porcelain doll myself as I daintily sipped Earl Grey and munched on delicate finger sandwiches, all while wearing my most flamboyant tutu and tiara, naturally! I met the sweetest elderly couple there who absolutely adore tutus! They reminded me of my darling Grandma Beryl, who used to call my tutus "my little pink clouds". I knew then and there that this day would be unforgettable!

Underneath the Sparkle

Now, a little glimpse behind the sequins and frills for you. You might be surprised to learn that the glamorous Pink Tutu Sparkles, who lights up stages and steals hearts, is also, by day, a simple science whiz, working in a laboratory testing the tensile strength of textiles! Yes, my dears, itā€™s true.

You see, my passion for pink tutus blossomed at university. I was, believe it or not, part of the university's ballet club. And what do you know, I got a bit bored one day at a charity fundraiser. We were collecting donations to help refugees who'd fled to the UK and some bright spark had decided to set up a 'dress-up' stall to encourage donations.

I admit, I was initially reluctant to get involved. I mean, what self-respecting scientist dons a tutu? (Well, you know Iā€™m a rebellious sort of scientist, but stillā€¦) However, I couldnā€™t resist a little giggle when my eyes caught the gleam of a pink satin tutu nestled between the pirate hats and superhero costumes. My darling, let me tell you, when I stepped into that tutu, the world changed. I swear I heard a heavenly chorus sing, and suddenly all I could think about was pink, sparkle and twirling! It felt like a whole other world, a world filled with wonder and joyful expression.

In a nutshell, that is how the Pink Tutu Sparkles legacy was born, my darlings! And even though I am by day, immersed in the world of science and logic, at night, my little pink tutu grants me a whole new world to explore! It is truly liberating, and quite honestly, the most beautiful chaos I have ever known.

Ballet for Beginners

My final adventure for the day involved a trip to Derby's local ballet school, where I was lucky enough to join a "Ballet for Beginners" class. I mean, can you believe it? I was learning pirouettes and leaps with a gaggle of charming little ballerinas. I must say, those tutus are perfectly dainty, but my tutus have more sparkle, darling! It's always amazing to meet fellow tutu lovers, no matter what their age. The girls were thrilled to see Pink Tutu Sparkles in the class, especially in my fabulous new pink leotard and dazzling tulle! And I even convinced some of the mums to try a little twirl themselves, just a teeny tiny pirouette or two!

Tutu Queen On a Mission

My trip to Derby was a reminder of the beauty of our everyday moments, even in the hustle and bustle of city life. I'm still getting used to travelling as Pink Tutu Sparkles. I donā€™t drive, and I admit I much prefer a scenic train journey over any motorway journey, though I did get a lot of curious stares at the station from passengers waiting for the 6.30am commuter train. Perhaps a less glamorous travel outfit might be more sensible in the morningsā€¦ But I will definitely try horse riding to the station the next time I visit, it's very much on trend!

There was just so much joy and laughter along the way. Every time I wear my pink tutu, I feel as though I'm inviting everyone around me to let their inner spark, their creative energy, and their wild side take the reins. I want to see more tutus on the streets, my darling!

Oh, and don't even get me started on the delicious food! I managed to devour enough cream cakes and Victoria sponge to make the Queen envious!

Now, as the sun sets on another day of tutu adventures, I leave you with this: Be fearless, be your most authentic self, and donā€™t be afraid to spread a little pink-tutu magic! Just remember: Life is too short to wear boring clothes, my dears. We must twirl in all our glorious, technicolor splendour!

Until next time, keep your sequins shimmering and your spirits high,


Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Do make sure to follow my travels on Instagram, #PinkTutuSparkles. I promise you, darling, thereā€™s never a dull moment with your Tutu Queen!

#TutuQueen on 2012-10-01 stars in Derby