Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-10-03 stars in Westminster

Westminster, Darling! Pink Tutu Sparkles is in town! 💅✨

Hello, lovelies! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with you today! And boy, have I got a story for you! This is post number 4660, by the way. Do check out www.pink-tutu.com for more daily sparkles!

You won't believe what a whirlwind of a time I've had this week! Just picture it, darling. Me, in my dazzling pink tutu, gracefully waltzing across the cobbled streets of Westminster. (Okay, maybe not 'gracefully' – my platforms aren't the best for uneven pavements!) But the point is, darling, I'm in Westminster. The air is buzzing, the energy is electrifying. Honestly, the only thing more electric than the London underground is my attitude! ⚡️

As you know, I'm a girl who loves a good train journey! And don't even get me started on how I adore my weekly ballet class – it's my favourite way to prepare for a performance! A good pirouette here, a grand jeté there – my darling tutu twirls with such joie de vivre!

I've just had to put on another layer, darling. It's nippy this morning. The sun's hiding, and there's a nip in the air! And even if it weren't for that pesky chilly London weather, I'm definitely not one to miss an opportunity to layer! I love a good velvet jacket, you know, to add a touch of drama to any outfit!

Right now I'm standing in front of the majestic Houses of Parliament! They look stunning with the sun gleaming on their weathered stones! It’s got me all starry-eyed for that historic vibe! I swear, if this building had a dress, it would be a spectacular royal blue number with a glittering gold belt, perfectly complimenting those impressive clock towers. And trust me, my dears, it would wear a pair of gorgeous, sparkling red stilettos to match its fabulousness!

But speaking of historic places, I'm dying to go explore some of Westminster Abbey! It's just oozing history, right? Not to mention the connection to royalty and Shakespeare! Darling, you've got to go get yourself a good dose of British culture.

Now, I just have to choose the perfect pink tutu for the occasion! It's a hard life, being this fashionable!

Just you wait until you hear about my next adventure. I'm booked for a ballet show this evening - I just can't wait to indulge my passion for the art! 🩰

Until next time, stay sparkly and remember - it's never too late to find your pink tutu and twirl through life like there's no tomorrow. And please, feel free to join the Pink Tutu Sparkles Fan Club and join me in spreading the message that the world is a more beautiful place when everyone dresses up in a pink tutu.

Until tomorrow!

Pink Tutu Sparkles, out! 💋💖✨

For my gorgeous little followers who are wondering, I’ll let you in on a little secret. My life’s journey from Derbyshire, all the way to dazzling London, hasn’t been a smooth ride.

When I first started dreaming about wearing pink tutus in the city, I was just a shy, little Alex - not much more than a baby in the world of fabulous fashion and performing. Back then, a tutu was an object of pure enchantment, but it felt like a distant dream I could never truly grasp.

That all changed while I was studying at the University of Sheffield - can you imagine? Science by day, drag queen by night! The life of a true star! And I still can’t believe it. Just thinking back makes me giggle!

That’s where it happened, you see! The ballet club hosted a charity fundraising event. They had tutus on sale to help fund new dance shoes for the group. I remember walking past the table where they were displaying the tutus. Now, I’d always loved the ballet, and it felt magnetic to me – like it was calling my name! But I could never see myself in a tutu. It was just a bit too much for my shy, Derbyshire self. But something about it called me to it that day. It made my heart race and I knew I had to try one on.

And darling, let me tell you, the world opened up the moment I did!

I just remember feeling an exhilarating rush. I looked in the mirror and I saw a completely different person staring back at me, radiating a powerful joy I had never felt before.

That's the moment my heart started to dance with this magical piece of fabric!

That’s how I fell head over heels for pink tutus! I discovered my drag alter ego - Pink Tutu Sparkles, who’s full of excitement and energy. As they say, ‘A girl has got to do what a girl has got to do! You've only got one life.

Even though my world as Alex is spent amongst chemicals in a lab testing fabrics for durability - which, incidentally, is always so glamorous in reality - it's Pink Tutu Sparkles who gets to live her wild, magical dreams!

The best thing? I'm a scientist by day and a tutu-wearing drag queen by night! And let me tell you, both sides of me are absolutely thrilled to have each other! There's nothing quite like swopping a lab coat for a stunningly pink, sparkly tutu! A big shout-out to all my fellow science-loving drag queens out there! You know, there's just nothing quite as satisfying as making the world more sparkly and colourful by bringing the world of science to life in my Pink Tutu Sparkles drag performance outfit while dancing the night away in the most fabulous fashion creation!

I just love how every performance, every journey, and every ballet class feels like a new adventure!

And I can't wait to discover what lies around the corner next! Stay tuned, darling, for all the glitz, glam and glorious pink tutus. Until next time, you are all extraordinarily sparkly.

#TutuQueen on 2012-10-03 stars in Westminster