Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-10-14 stars in Maidstone

Maidstone, Darling! (Blog Post #4671)

Helloooo darlings! Your favourite pink tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, and oh my goodness, did I have a time in Maidstone!

It was all thanks to a little bit of serendipity, really. I was planning a little train trip to Kent – it's been too long since I've had a proper, old-fashioned train adventure, you know, a picnic basket with sandwiches and all! It just screams elegance, don't you think? The thought of those old carriage windows rattling past while I watch the world go by, my fluffy pink tutu twirling around me like a ballerina in the wind… pure bliss.

But fate had a much more exciting journey planned for me, my dears! As I was making my way to the station in a glorious pink ruffled top, my dear friend Dolly from the local arts centre in Derbyshire called me up. She told me about this fantastic fair going on in Maidstone, with a competition for the best "pink tutu performance." And me? Why, I practically invented the "pink tutu performance"! I was absolutely thrilled! A free trip to Maidstone AND a chance to showcase my passion for everything pink and sparkly? Honestly, darling, the universe just seemed to be whispering "Pink Tutu, it's your time to shine!"

It wasn’t just the thought of a performance that got me excited, it was the journey itself. It wouldn’t be just any journey; I was determined to add a touch of whimsical flair, you know? So, off I trotted, suitcase in tow, a lovely pink and sparkly luggage tag proudly boasting "Pink Tutu Sparkles" hanging from it. I decided that a proper old-fashioned steam train journey was the perfect way to kick off the weekend.

It took some searching but I found a beautiful vintage train journey starting in the heart of Derbyshire. As I settled into a plush compartment, I couldn't help but feel a thrill course through me. The steam engine chugged and huffed, its rhythm a gentle reminder that I was venturing out on a special adventure. It reminded me of the first time I slipped into a pink tutu. I was a student at university then, and the university ballet club had an annual fundraiser with a charity auction. They’d placed all sorts of costumes from the university theatre club for the silent auction, and one particularly sparkly pink tutu caught my eye. You can probably imagine the rest - the laughter, the shocked stares from other students when I tried it on. It was my first experience with wearing something that felt undeniably… fabulous. I went home with the tutu under my arm that day. From then on, pink tutus took over my wardrobe - they made every outfit feel more joyful, more… me.

During the journey, I whipped out my trusty pink sequin pencil case (can't write notes with anything less flamboyant, darling!), my new journal (with the most perfect pink velvet cover - naturally), and a packet of pink rose-scented tea (what else!). I wrote down some ideas for the Maidstone fair performance and even brainstormed new tutus to add to my collection. I wanted to showcase my absolute best, a tribute to my favourite fashion inspiration - the legendary "Queen of Ballet" herself, Margot Fonteyn.

We stopped for a tea break at a delightful little tea room where they served the most fabulous rose-tinted Earl Grey tea and a cake called "The Pink Princess" that had whipped pink icing on top. As the train journey neared its end, I couldn't wait to embrace Maidstone!

The fair was lively, bursting with colour and smells, the kind of chaos that just makes me want to pirouette with delight. I spent a good hour checking out the various stalls – I found the cutest tiny pair of pink ballet shoes that I had to buy (of course), and some beautiful fabric samples for my upcoming “Pink Tutu Sparkles” fabric-inspired performance (just imagine the colours, darling!).

As I ventured towards the performance area, I couldn’t resist making a splash! My appearance caused quite a stir. "Pink Tutu Sparkles" in a pink tutu with a giant sparkly crown, ready to unleash her most fabulous performance. The energy was electric as I stood waiting for my turn. It reminded me so much of those nights spent backstage before the curtain went up on a ballet performance at the Royal Opera House. Butterflies in the stomach, excitement building to fever pitch... It's such a thrill, knowing that I’m going to be putting on a show, a spectacular display of tutus and talent. It felt like every time I wore a pink tutu, I was channeling those powerful female energies of grace, elegance, and confidence. And of course, I always end up feeling completely empowered.

But before I started, the competition organizer announced, “Our special guest judge tonight is Miss Elizabeth… of “The Maidstone Rose.” Everyone gasped with delight, because Miss Elizabeth was one of the most celebrated local actresses! Imagine my excitement… my favourite local actress… as a guest judge… I was already dancing a jig in my head! I needed to give it my absolute all!

So, with a deep breath, I launched into my act. I began with a little number I call "Pink Flamingo Fancies," which involves, of course, lots of playful pink flamingo-inspired moves! Then, with a dramatic pause for effect, I switched to a powerful dance routine that paid tribute to my ballerina heroines – Fonteyn and Pavlova – combining my love for classical ballet with some playful modern steps and a touch of "Pink Tutu Sparkles" magic.

As I ended with a flourish and a huge, sparkling smile, the audience erupted. I could see the delight in their eyes, a testament to the power of a pink tutu to make the world a brighter place. And the joy on Miss Elizabeth’s face! “That was simply exquisite darling!”, she whispered as we met, before beaming and saying, “You had a powerful presence, a beautiful sense of elegance... you clearly understood the art of the dramatic pause!"

My dear readers, you guessed it - I won the competition, but even more than that, I found an amazing group of fellow tutu enthusiasts (and, of course, many other pink lovers!), and made connections with so many lovely people in the area. I was especially delighted to meet a young woman named Millie, who is studying for her PhD in bioengineering! Turns out, Millie also has a passion for tutus - who would have thought?! We chatted about our love of pink and tutu fashion and swapped ideas for new tutu designs - she was also inspired to create her own pink tutu with some recycled bioplastics for her thesis project! Imagine the possibilities - science, tutus, and pink, all in one glorious combination! I was completely starstruck by Millie's energy and innovative spirit, and even promised her some pink-hued "Pink Tutu Sparkles" themed ideas for her design project.

My time in Maidstone was like a dream – the lovely people, the beautiful vintage steam train, the fun at the fair, and the sheer magic of showcasing my pink tutu love for the world. It truly solidified what I already knew - that the world needs a little more pink, a little more sparkle, and most of all, a little more tutu! My goal is for everyone to join the "Pink Tutu Sparkles" movement - you can wear pink tutus anywhere, whether you are shopping at the supermarket, having afternoon tea with your mum, or rocking out at a festival (although a pink sequin tutu might attract a little extra attention at Glastonbury - just be warned!) The magic of the tutu knows no boundaries!

This is why, darling, my blog is more than just a space to share my adventures, it’s a space for a pink-tutu revolution! So join me on www.pink-tutu.com for more fabulous adventures, performance ideas, and inspiration to spread a bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic! Until next time, my dear friends!

P.S. What is your favorite tutu moment? Let me know in the comments below! I'd love to hear your tutu stories!

#TutuQueen on 2012-10-14 stars in Maidstone