Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-01-12 stars in Edgware

Edgware Adventures: Pink Tutu Sparkles Hits the High Street!

Post number 4761, darling! It’s me, your favourite pink tutu-loving, glitter-sprinkling, fabulous drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles! I’m back with another whirlwind tale of travel, tutus and theatrical thrills, because darling, life's too short to wear anything BUT a pink tutu!

So, here I am in Edgware! I absolutely love this quaint corner of London, brimming with shops, cafes and of course, the iconic Edgware Road. Who doesn't love a bit of retail therapy, especially when it comes with the promise of finding the perfect feather boa for a fabulous night out? Oh, the drama!

But let’s rewind a little, shall we? My journey began with a scenic train ride to London. Don’t get me wrong, I adore driving in my fabulous vintage Mini Cooper, but sometimes there’s just nothing more divine than settling into a comfy carriage and gazing out at the world in all its glory while humming along to the latest pop hits on my trusty headphones. A glass of fizz helps, too, of course!

Now, as many of you know, Edgware isn’t just a fabulous shopping destination. It’s also the home of some fantastic theatrical delights. And oh darling, I’m obsessed with anything that involves dance! Ballet, modern, street, theatrical...you name it, I'll be there in my pink tutu, ready to embrace the sheer artistry and joy of it all.

My trip to Edgware wouldn't be complete without a trip to the iconic "Edgware Road Theatre." It's a tiny gem of a place that truly captures the spirit of community theatre, where dreams take flight and stories unfold. The stage lights, the audience's warm cheers, the electricity in the air...it’s a feeling like no other. I always feel a little bit more fabulous after a night of theatre, you know?

Speaking of feeling fabulous, have I told you about my new sparkly pink feather boa? I stumbled upon it at a little shop called "Bohemian Rhapsody" down a little alleyway in Edgware. It’s everything I ever wanted and more! Picture it, darling – a glorious swirl of fluffy pink, dazzling sequins, and a touch of feather that makes even the most mundane of outfits instantly dramatic. And of course, it paired beautifully with my latest custom-made pink tutu, which features a shimmering tulle that almost feels like spun moonlight.

After my theatre adventures, it wouldn't be a true Pink Tutu Sparkles experience without some delicious grub, and trust me, darling, Edgware delivers! From charming little cafes with fluffy scones and piping hot tea to trendy restaurants where I could dance on tables while devouring an outrageous burger (in my tutu, naturally!) This place really is a culinary dream!

And you know what? My adventures in Edgware weren’t just about my own sparkle and glamour. I got to meet the most incredible group of people! They were just as obsessed with pink tutus as I was, and we shared so many giggles and heartwarming stories about everything from the perfect feather trim to the joy of dressing up and spreading cheer! I'm not kidding, they were like my own little pink tutu posse, and I knew from that moment on that we’d be lifelong friends!

One thing I love most about my life is meeting new people and discovering their love for everything sparkly, theatrical and glamorous. It reminds me why I started this blog. Remember when I was still studying for my science degree and that little accident at the charity event? I put on that pink tutu to raise funds, but little did I know, I’d stumble upon a passion that would change my life. Who would have thought a scientist by day would end up a glitter-loving, pink tutu queen by night? But it just goes to show that sometimes the best things in life happen completely by accident.

So, dear readers, remember that whatever you do, be bold, be sparkly and, most importantly, always wear a pink tutu. Because let's face it, the world is a little less drab and a whole lot more fun when you’ve got a sprinkle of pink magic in your life!

And remember, darling, stay tuned to pink-tutu.com for more exciting adventures, outrageous fashion finds, and everything sparkly! Love you, love you!

Xoxo, Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2013-01-12 stars in Edgware