
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-02-04 stars in Scarborough

Scarborough Sparkle! πŸ©°πŸ’–βœ¨ (Post #4784)

Hello, my darlings! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and oh, darling, what a weekend it's been!

Just back from the gorgeous seaside town of Scarborough, and oh my word, it was just so perfectly divine! Think sunshine, sea breezes, laughter, and, of course, a generous dose of pink tutu fabulousness! πŸ’–βœ¨

You know how much I love exploring new places, especially when it's with a twirl of a tutu, don't you? It's why I set up my very own little blog, www.pink-tutu.com, to share my adventures and, well, inspire the world to wear pink tutus!

This was my first trip to Scarborough, and let me tell you, it was positively enchanting! We travelled in style, of course, a beautiful train journey with views of rolling hills and shimmering coastlines. My train outfit was pure perfection: a cherry blossom pink tutu with delicate butterfly appliquΓ©, teamed with a matching crop top and a splash of ruby red lipstick. πŸ’‹ The train was practically bouncing to the beat of my sparkly, sequined shoes, everyone seemed to love the energy I brought, and I can't help but think I'd inspired at least a couple of folks to let their inner sparkle shine through. πŸ’–

As always, my wardrobe was packed full of delightful possibilities! I’d chosen outfits for all the activities Scarborough had to offer, from picnics in the sunshine to promenading along the famous promenade. Oh, and that fabulous art deco spa! Can't tell you how delighted I was to find a perfectly pink "Pink Flamingo" beach towel, perfect for lounging on the sand while watching the children build sandcastles and wave to the passing seagulls!

The highlight of my weekend? Well, apart from that spectacular sunset viewed from the North Bay beach, it had to be the performance! Scarborough town hall, gorgeous chandeliers, and a fantastic crowd of smiley faces, all eager to enjoy a show! My theme? Well, "Sea, Sand, and Sparkles" naturally, with a bit of playful seaside theatrics for good measure. Imagine, if you will, my pink tutu being lifted gently by a pair of elegant swans during the encore, as the whole theatre sang along to "There's No Business Like Show Business"! πŸ©°πŸ’– Simply delightful, I tell you!

You know me, I can't help but spread my love for tutus, and let's be honest, who can resist a bit of sparkle in their life, especially when it's the sunshine-bright colour of pure happiness? During my performance, I had a few folks on stage with me, dancing, giggling, and embracing their own "inner tutu". The whole night was simply fabulous and so rewarding, helping everyone find a bit of tutu joy. πŸ₯°

Scarborough has certainly won a little piece of my heart, so much so that I'm already thinking of planning another trip there! Perhaps this time we'll explore the town on horseback - the thought of pink tutu twirling with a bit of galloping is just too fabulous to resist!

Remember, my darlings, the world needs a little more sparkle, and even more pink! Until next time, keep your spirits bright and your smiles shining!

Love and sparkles, Pink Tutu Sparkles. πŸ’–βœ¨

#TutuQueen on 2013-02-04 stars in Scarborough