
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-02-23 stars in Morley

Morley, Oh Morley! My Pink Tutu Travels, Blog Post #4803

Hello darlings! Itā€™s your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, live and direct from the delightful town of Morley!

Yes, my lovely little tutu-loving cherubs, Iā€™ve taken my pink twirling adventures to a new corner of this grand old land! And Iā€™m already positively smitten with its charm, its people, and itsā€¦ wellā€¦ its.

You see, dear readers, this isnā€™t just about a new town for me. Itā€™s about the thrill of the unknown, the adventure of new experiences. My heart is positively bursting with excitement, and you know what helps it do that? A brand new, beautiful pink tutu!

I picked this one up in Harrogate - such a darling little boutique, you simply must check it out, dear readers. It's a fluffy pink delight, layered with gossamer tulle and embellished with sequined flowers. My dear, the sparkle is enough to blind a unicorn on a sunny day!

Travelling to Morley: A Tale of Steel and Steam

As always, I opted for the classic travel style, a journey by train! Itā€™s not every day one can escape the drudgery of a laboratory - well, let's be honest, even the most glamorous lab isn't exactly the Paris Opera House, darling - and head off to a new destination! I love watching the world blur by the windows, the ever-changing scenery a feast for my eyes!

And the journey itself was a ballet! A graceful, sweeping ballet of carriages and steam. My fellow passengers were a mix of businesspeople and families heading out for a day of fun. I, of course, managed to add a touch of flair, twirling down the carriage with a graceful spin! Yes, darling, even the conductor stopped and gave me a warm smile and a wink!

My Debut: Bringing the Pink to Morley

Morley itself, well, it's a true delight! A town of charming pubs, independent shops, and, of course, a lovely theatre. Iā€™m so excited to be bringing the magic of Pink Tutu Sparkles to their stage.

The audience here seems absolutely divine, I could tell the minute I stepped off the train. Thereā€™s such a vibrant energy in this place, so welcoming, and, oh my goodness, they absolutely adore a pink tutu! The excitement is almost tangible, darlings. And with a stage this exquisite, I canā€™t wait to let loose!

You see, my mission, darling, my heartā€™s true calling, is to bring a bit of sparkle, a bit of whimsy to every corner of the globe. A sprinkle of pink tulle, a touch of glamorous elegance, and just a touch of that Pink Tutu Sparkles magic. Thatā€™s what gets me out of bed every morning, darling, thatā€™s what drives me to spin and twirl under the stage lights!

Adventures in Ballet

Itā€™s a little known fact about me, but ballet has been my other passion since I was a little girl. You might think a science girl like myself wouldnā€™t be drawn to something as graceful as ballet, but there youā€™d be wrong! It all started when I joined the university ballet club as a little student. There, with a nervous excitement and the sheer determination to succeed, I ventured into the hallowed world of tutus, trying on the charity ones for a fundraiser. But it was something about the feeling of the fabric swirling around me, the grace and strength it allowed, that caught my attention.

And so I joined the club, learning to dance and spinning those lovely layers. From then on I fell in love with the beauty of ballet, and my drag, of course, was influenced by it. A touch of this and a twist of that.

While Iā€™m in Morley, Iā€™m planning to check out the local ballet school and maybe take a class! Whatā€™s more exciting than perfecting your pirouette and sparkling a little in a tutu? Not much, I can tell you! Itā€™s going to be a perfect pairing for a delightful performance at the theatre - wouldnā€™t you agree?

Fashion Notes: From Lab Coats to Lace

Oh, the clothes, the darling clothes! Morley is overflowing with quirky independent shops, just begging for me to have a good old fashioned shopping spree.

Of course, itā€™s all about colour! Every outfit has a touch of pink! My wardrobe has definitely got a boost in Morley, and my love for bright colours is really getting out of hand, much to the delight of my dear friends. (You know who you are, you silly little lambs!)

Oh, the Tutuā€™s! A Touch of Magic

Today, Iā€™m wearing a simply divine pastel pink tutu that I bought especially for my time in Morley. The fabric is as light as air, as delicate as the wings of a butterfly. And it just positively sings under the lights.

It makes me want to spin and twirl. And twirl and spin. And I just know that Morley is going to be an unforgettable adventure!

You know, dear readers, Iā€™ve had some rather interesting comments about my style. Some, dare I say, quite uncomplimentary. They often ask ā€œWhy do you always wear pink?ā€ ā€œItā€™s a bitā€¦ much,ā€ they say. Or, ā€œYou're making everyone else look a bit dull,ā€ is the favourite.

But you see, those voices just mean I need to push a little bit harder, sparkle a little bit brighter. My dearest friends, it's my aim to bring the pink, the spark, and the whimsy to the whole world!

The fact is, we can all be pink, darling!

We can all wear a pink tutu if we put our minds to it! Don't get me wrong, I know thereā€™s a place for sophistication and elegant ensembles! Itā€™s not for everyone! And that's OK. But the most important thing, darling, is finding that thing that makes you feel like a star!

Stay Pink!

And thatā€™s all for now, darling! I hope you've enjoyed my adventures in Morley. Stay tuned for all the excitement, all the pink, and all the sparkle that Iā€™ve planned. As ever, donā€™t forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com for even more of my wonderful pink adventures.

Until next time, Stay Pink!

Pink Tutu Sparkles xxx

#TutuQueen on 2013-02-23 stars in Morley