Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-04-08 stars in Spalding

Spalding: Tutu-licious Adventures!

Hello, darlings! It’s your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing in from the stunningly beautiful Spalding, ready to tell you all about my fabulous journey here! You can’t even imagine how much this place is screaming tutu! This is post number 4847 on www.pink-tutu.com, by the way. Remember to check out the archives if you’re new to this spectacular pink world!

Oh, let’s just jump right into it! This week's trip was quite the whirlwind of glitter and giggles! I journeyed by, of course, the most charming method of travel: by train. Nothing quite like sitting back with a cuppa and a good book to calm those travel nerves. It did occur to me, though, that I may need to look into adding a pink-tutu-themed carriage to my travel itinerary for next time! Imagine it, darlings – the most exquisite, pinkest train you’ve ever laid eyes on! Sighs dreamily

Spalding, my dears, is a proper gem, truly a testament to English countryside charm. The minute I stepped out of the station, I felt my soul starting to shimmy in its finest pink tutu. And who better to take you on a journey through this charming town than yours truly?

First on my itinerary: a pilgrimage to the local library! It may sound odd to some, but for a glamorous drag queen like myself, there’s something truly captivating about libraries. They hold the very essence of creativity and inspiration, perfect for cultivating ideas for my next show-stopping pink-tutu creation. I swear, some of my best performance ideas come to me while I’m nose-deep in a biography of someone incredible like Frida Kahlo!

A Dance With Tradition:

Later, I had the chance to witness the most exquisite ballet performance at the town hall. The elegant swish of the dancers’ skirts, the graceful movements... it was pure magic! My heart almost jumped out of my tutu chest with excitement! I've been dancing for years, you know. Right from the very moment I put on that first tutu for charity way back when I was a student, I knew ballet would always have a special place in my life.

I remember when I first fell head-over-heels for pink tutus. I was deep in the trenches of my science degree, trying to unravel the mysteries of…well…fabrics! Yes, darling, I’m a scientist by day! But deep down, there was this undeniable pull toward the world of dance. Our university ballet club had a charity fundraiser where they let the students try on tutus. I didn’t think twice before grabbing a gorgeous pink number. And, well… the rest is history!

I may be a scientist in a lab during the day, but the minute I step out into the night, I become Pink Tutu Sparkles, ready to sprinkle magic all over the world!

A Sparkling Afternoon Tea:

Now, how can you have a journey to Spalding without indulging in the finest British tradition, darling: afternoon tea? A friend who runs a vintage tea shop insisted I try it, and let me tell you, she knows her scones! I enjoyed a beautiful selection of dainty sandwiches, fresh-baked pastries, and a steaming pot of Earl Grey tea. Just the thing to restore a diva’s energy, wouldn’t you agree? It's also the perfect way to inspire me for future performances – just imagine: a dazzling Pink Tutu Tea Party show with an elaborate tutu tea-time theme!

Sparkle and Shine, Darling:

You'd be amazed at the shopping gems I discovered tucked away in Spalding! From quirky independent boutiques with vintage finds to a delightful market overflowing with colourful handcrafted jewellery, there was a new sparkle on every corner. And, of course, you can imagine how I went on a spree buying enough fabric to create a rainbow of magnificent tutus for future shows!

Where Pink Tutued Dreams Meet Reality:

Spalding may be a sleepy town, but its heart beats with the same vibrant energy that courses through my pink tutu-wearing soul! I’ve been so fortunate to visit such amazing places and meet so many friendly people during my journey across Britain. It's just reinforced why I’m so dedicated to spreading the joy of pink tutus wherever I go. Maybe I'll be stopping by your town next, darling!

But before I sign off for tonight, let me ask: what are some of the best things about your town or city? Share with me your favourite local treasures! I’m always on the lookout for hidden gems to visit, especially if they have a hint of that iconic pink-tutu magic.

Keep those sparkles flowing, and I’ll see you again tomorrow!

Lots of Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2013-04-08 stars in Spalding