
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-04-12 stars in Huyton

Huyton! My Tutu Adventure Number 4851

Hiya darlings! It's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you all the latest fabulousness from a very sparkly me! I've got a fresh cuppa brewing, and I'm ready to tell you all about my grand adventures.

You might remember from yesterday's post that I'd planned to do a whirlwind trip to Huyton - I simply couldn't resist the opportunity to perform at the town fair. The fair was bursting with people all buzzing with excitement, and, darling, my performance got them really buzzing! It was magical!

Let me tell you, the journey there was truly epic. My chariot of choice, a glorious crimson steam engine (which just screamed elegance, wouldn't you say?) took me across the green, rolling hills of Derbyshire, where I grew up, straight into the heart of Huyton. The ride itself was a spectacle! Imagine, all the children's wide eyes glued to the window, the crisp air swirling around my bright pink, feather boa, and of course, my signature pink tulle tutu bouncing in time to the rhythmic chugging of the train. Absolutely divine!

I must admit, my train trip wasn't without a few hiccups. This darling of a granny with a delightful terrier (both wearing matching hats, I might add!) gave me a stare down, probably thinking I was a bit "out there". I, however, choose to think she was simply admiring my, uhm, creative sartorial choices. wink

Anyway, as soon as I stepped off the train in Huyton, I was embraced by the town's charm. Honestly, darlings, there's a reason why it’s a place with such a lovely history! You see, the local people of Huyton have this wonderfully warm heart, welcoming strangers with open arms. I quickly felt at home, a bit like I had been swept away by some kind of magical pink cloud of kindness, just waiting to take me to my new sparkling adventures!

And oh, what an adventure it was! It started right as I entered the heart of the fair. Picture it, darling: twinkling fairy lights, the smell of cotton candy and fried dough, the cacophony of music and happy laughter swirling in the air, the colourful, spinning carousel... you just know I had to go for a spin! I just couldn't resist, the swirling of the lights was hypnotic and my tutu swished about just beautifully. The children loved my presence there, giving me the sweetest smiles and holding their mothers' hands as if I were the most beautiful creature they had ever seen! Sigh, their innocence warms my heart.

But darling, my highlight had to be my performance! Imagine the stage, brightly lit and pulsating with music, and the crowd before me, their faces turned upward, their eyes twinkling with expectation. Well, darlings, they did not leave disappointed! I unleashed a ballet-inspired routine that I've been perfecting for weeks! You wouldn’t believe the jumps, the pirouettes, the graceful extensions. And of course, the grand finale where I took a full-length bow – just as any elegant ballerina would – but with a sassy twist! My tutu was whirling around, and the children just shrieked with joy. It was, to put it mildly, utterly electrifying.

After the performance, I wandered through the fair, just basking in the joy of it all. I bought some delicious fudge – the creamy caramel flavour is to die for, I'll have you know – and picked up a cute little bunny charm to add to my tutu. I've been dying to find one for ages!

Finally, as the sun was setting, casting the fairground in a golden hue, I bid farewell to Huyton, knowing that I'd left a little bit of my sparkly magic in that charming town. It's places like Huyton that remind me why I do what I do. Spreading the joy of fabulousness, spreading a bit of sunshine wherever I go – all while rocking a stunning pink tutu.

And my darling, before I leave you today, I simply must know...are you ready to embrace your inner sparkle? Will you join my movement to spread the love of pink tutus? I dare you, let your inner fashionista shine!

Catch me tomorrow, lovelies, where I’ll be telling you about the most magical ballet performance at The Royal Opera House in London. Until then, spread the love and stay sparkly,

Your Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles

x www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuQueen on 2013-04-12 stars in Huyton