Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-07-10 stars in Tottenham

Tottenham Sparkle: Pink Tutu Adventures #4940

Hello darlings! Your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles is back with another fabulous travel tale! Today's adventure whisks us away from the glamorous hustle and bustle of the West End to the bustling, vibrant streets of Tottenham! I can’t wait to tell you about the fantastic journey and show you some of my new, exciting purchases!

Tottenham… ah, the name itself is a melody, a beautiful symphony in a dusty, charming, North London sort of way! Now, I know some people associate Tottenham with a bit of rough around the edges – and well, you know, the Spurs. 😉 But for a girl like me, it’s a veritable treasure trove of vintage shops, quirky cafes and that lovely, friendly vibe you don't find in every corner of London!

This trip wouldn’t have been possible without the wonderful folks who hired me for a little "Pink Tutu Show and Tell" at a community fair! They called it "Community Day" but I called it my “Pink Power Hour.” I'm not ashamed to say that I used my time wisely. Let's be honest, those little vintage shops on Tottenham High Road were practically calling my name, right? 💖

Oh darling, this train journey! Don’t you just love that nostalgic train carriage smell? It's a unique mix of coffee and polished leather seats and you know what, sometimes that’s just what a girl needs to relax. I’m usually quite a nervous flyer, but train journeys, they just calm me down. Plus, a nice glass of Prosecco always makes the trip fly by (pun intended!). I mean, I just feel the need to accessorise everything – including my train travel. It’s in my nature! And trust me, pink sparkles really add something to the first-class carriage!

And I’m here to tell you, darling, you haven't experienced proper London until you’ve witnessed Tottenham High Road come alive! My sparkly, tulle-lined senses were tickled pink! I swear there's not a single corner without a vintage shop overflowing with glittery gems – everything from vintage china and 1960s clothes to books so old they tell ghost stories themselves! The whole place has this air of magic. It's not a manic London rush - it's more like a slow dance to a disco beat.

It’s hard not to shop when you’re on Tottenham High Road! This vintage brooch I found is a little bit 1950s, a little bit Hollywood and a little bit pink (naturally). I imagine it as the ultimate, elegant addition to a simple, elegant black dress or as a statement piece when paired with a more minimalist outfit. There’s something special about the thrill of unearthing treasures. And finding something utterly unique is my greatest reward. It's not about quantity, it's about quality! The right pink statement piece for a look that's perfectly "me". This brooch is the one! 💖

After a quick and necessary lunch – hello, fish and chips with extra mushy peas – I continued my sartorial escapade! Every shop I wandered into was like stepping back in time. You know what else I love about Tottenham? It has a bit of a bohemian, arty vibe too. You never know what amazing artistic creation you might stumble upon around the next corner. And honestly, who can resist a good bargain on some vintage gems, right? I bagged myself some spectacular vintage shoes, a shimmering, 1970s sequined scarf and even a little retro handbag.

Tottenham certainly isn't the type of place you’d expect to find a high-fashion ballet shop, but I found one hidden gem – a ballet studio tucked away down a backstreet. Honestly, it was fate! It was almost like a pink dream. Imagine this, darling – fluffy pink ballet shoes in every colour you could dream of, shimmering pink tutus, sparkly tights, and enough headbands to start a fashion boutique! I had to walk out with a new pair of soft, white satin ballet shoes – because every girl needs a little extra comfort on her toes after a long day of walking! Besides, a girl can’t leave Tottenham without adding a few pink pieces to her repertoire, right? I feel so excited about performing in a pink tutu while wearing pink satin ballet shoes in a performance tonight!

And speaking of performances, it’s time for my little Pink Tutu Power Hour! Now, darling, don't let anyone tell you Tottenham isn’t brimming with community spirit. It’s a truly inspiring and welcoming neighbourhood. The "Pink Tutu Power Hour" was everything I imagined, filled with laughter and smiles! It was an absolute whirlwind – singing, dancing and sparkles galore. The energy of the crowd was infectious. People were delighted to have me, and they truly appreciated my message: embrace your uniqueness and never be afraid to embrace a little pink. We are, after all, "The Pink Tutu Crew".

But you know what, even after an exciting day of shopping, shows, and dazzling outfits, what I enjoyed most of all? Watching the children’s faces as they tried on my tutus! It's the little things in life that really bring the magic. Those little girls had such joy in their eyes when they spun and danced in a fluffy pink tutu. Those memories are worth their weight in glitter!

Of course, a pink-tastic day like this wouldn’t be complete without a late-night dinner, and this is where my favourite place – the cosy cafe just across the street from my Airbnb, makes an appearance. There, amongst the friendly locals and the low chatter, I enjoyed a steaming cup of hot chocolate with extra marshmallows. Now, there's something just so comforting and perfect about ending the day in a cozy corner of a cafe, with nothing more than a cup of hot cocoa and the soft hum of conversations around you!

Now, if you are a lover of a bargain, a vintage fan and an overall sparkly soul like me, then you absolutely need to head over to Tottenham. This charming little corner of London is a real haven for dreamers, vintage seekers, and people who, like me, like to be surrounded by beautiful things, and more importantly, a place where you're guaranteed to feel a wave of pure joy. And trust me darling, even if you aren’t a lover of vintage clothes, even if you can’t resist the charm of Tottenham. This town will truly have you wrapped around its finger!

As the last rays of twilight cast their glow over Tottenham High Road, I bid farewell to my pink, glitter-dusted adventures! It was truly a trip filled with discoveries, laughter and sparkle! Remember darlings, it doesn’t matter if you’re shopping on the high streets of London, venturing through the country by train, or indulging in a vintage treasure hunt in a tiny shop on Tottenham High Road. The key is to embrace every adventure, every surprise, and every moment with your own unique sparkle, and always remember… be bold, be bright, and be wonderfully pink! I'll be back tomorrow with a brand new adventure!

Stay glamorous,

Pink Tutu Sparkles ✨

#TutuQueen on 2013-07-10 stars in Tottenham