Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-08-18 stars in Brixton

Brixton Calling! 🩰💖 Post #4979

Hey lovelies! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you a blast of colour straight from the vibrant streets of Brixton! 💖✨

I’ve been dying to hit the Brixton scene for ages now. This place is a buzz of culture and energy, bursting at the seams with its own unique, rebellious spirit - it’s totally my vibe! 🤩 I can already feel the magic swirling in the air as I hop off the train, a giant pink feather boa gently trailing behind me as I sashay my way down the street.

First stop? Well, obviously, gotta grab some serious fuel for the evening’s performance – that means a delicious pink cupcake from my favourite Brixton bakery. They’ve got this beautiful baby pink icing that matches my fabulous tutu perfectly. I’m basically a walking advertisement for everything pink and pretty. 😂

But speaking of tutus… let's be honest, what's a drag queen without a magnificent tutu? I’m thinking full-on frills and fluffy layers for tonight’s show! ✨ A quick pop to the local vintage shop, where I’ve found some gems in the past, and maybe some more glitter to add to the arsenal - more is ALWAYS more! 🤩

Brixton is definitely known for its music scene and I’m so excited to be performing at a funky little bar just off the main drag. I can already picture it – colourful lighting, sweaty bodies, and an infectious, uplifting vibe. They tell me it's a hot spot for local bands, so I’m planning on a performance that will truly bring the house down. Imagine a glitzy, glamorous interpretation of a famous ballet piece, infused with my own playful touch - I can’t wait to see the reactions on the audience’s faces! 😍

The best part? This place is right near a local community centre running a ballet class. My heart is singing just thinking about it! It’s actually becoming more and more common for me to drop into a local ballet studio or class whenever I’m on the road. It’s like a magical moment of shared artistry - seeing those young dancers all striving for perfection in their graceful movements is pure joy. They always give me a little Pink Tutu Sparkles pep-talk and some inspiration, and in return, I encourage them to be confident and always remember that a tutu is truly an accessory for every occasion, regardless of age! 🩰💪

Honestly, ballet is a real passion for me – even by day! Don’t let my glamorous alter ego fool you, my secret life as a scientist is far from a dull one. Every day I’m immersed in colours and textures, analyzing the microscopic structures of fabrics, especially the perfect tutu material. My science degree might have been in theoretical physics, but I think my true calling was always fashion and glamour! 😂

You’ve got to be fast to keep up with this little sparkle bunny. Tonight’s performance calls for a super glam makeover - glitter, jewels, eyelashes… oh my! This time I’m opting for a cherry-red lipstick that compliments my vibrant tutu perfectly, giving a classic contrast to my iconic pink! 😉

Then, it’s off to the stage, feeling the beat pulsing through my veins. There’s nothing more powerful than performing in front of an energetic, open-minded crowd! I love the freedom of expression, the pure joy of spreading a little sparkle and pink wherever I go. I always leave a bit of that Pink Tutu Sparkles magic on stage - some might call it infectious, some might call it madness! I just call it being me. 💖😜

After the show, I’m in a mood to indulge my inner princess! I’ve got my sights set on this luxurious horse-drawn carriage service. It’s all pink and frilly, with a gentle, beautiful horse named “Sugar Plum.” My vision? Me, shimmering in a spectacular pink tutu, a soft pink rose tucked into my hair, with a gentle breeze whipping my long feathers… It’s giving fairytale! 💫 And let’s be honest, you don't often get a chance to feel like royalty just for being your fabulous self! 🤩

As I get ready for bed, a tiny, pink teddy bear clutching a tiny pink tutu, my mind swirls with plans for tomorrow. Tomorrow, I'll be heading to a new location – a little closer to my hometown of Derbyshire this time. And yes, of course, there will be tutus involved! 💕 I love my Derbyshire family and friends but you know I'll bring them all the pink tutus they need! ✨ Because my ultimate aim? To unleash the joy and fabulousness of pink tutus all around the world! It's time to spread some joy and remind everyone that no matter what, you're always sparkling, beautiful, and ready to twirl! 💫

Stay fabulous, darlings! 💋

Pink Tutu Sparkles

  • P.S. Don't forget to follow me on social media @PinkTutuSparkles and check out our amazing pink tutu range on www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuQueen on 2013-08-18 stars in Brixton