Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-08-17 stars in Dudley

Pink Tutu Sparkles: A Dudley Darling!

Blog Post Number: 4978

Hello darlings! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another glamorous post from your favourite tutu-tastic blogger! Today, I'm whisking you all away to the fabulous town of Dudley, a hidden gem that's oh-so-worthy of a sparkly pink tutu visit!

As usual, I travelled in style, naturally. This time I opted for a grand train journey, complete with a window seat for a spectacular view of the English countryside. There's just something so magical about watching the world whizz by from a train window, don't you think? I did find it a bit tricky squeezing my giant pink suitcase into the overhead luggage racks though! The fellow passengers seemed a bit shocked by the sheer volume of glitter and tulle I travel with, but then again, that's my style!

After a most fabulous ride, I arrived in Dudley and made a beeline for the grandest hotel I could find. This little gem was just screaming for a little Pink Tutu magic, so I shimmied right in and turned their drab old lobby into a pink paradise!

The first order of business was a spot of shopping! I do adore finding new, fabulous clothes and Dudley has so many shops brimming with hidden treasures. You know I couldn’t resist adding to my tutu collection, finding the most adorable sparkly number in a boutique called “Pink Perfection”. It’s the most delicate shade of bubblegum pink, perfect for my upcoming ballet performance at the town hall!

Of course, a trip to Dudley wouldn't be complete without seeing the Dudley Castle. This historical marvel was straight out of a fairytale. It's perched upon a hill with breathtaking views of the town. I absolutely loved exploring its towers, strolling through the gardens and trying my best to imagine life as a medieval princess. Just imagine, being a princess who wears a tutu everywhere... my inner fairy-tale fan was swooning!

But Dudley isn't all castles and history. Oh no, this little gem also has a bustling town centre! I treated myself to a delicious cream tea in a quaint little café - all fluffy scones, clotted cream and delicate strawberry jam, washed down with a lovely pot of tea. And, naturally, I did make sure I had a little sprinkle of pink sugar on top of my tea, just for that extra touch of sparkle!

In the evening, I performed my dazzling Pink Tutu Sparkles show at the town hall. The place was buzzing with excited fans eager to see a little bit of magic. They loved my set - it was a tribute to the iconic “Swan Lake,” a ballet piece that is close to my heart. The energy was electrifying. The audience laughed, danced and even sang along with my cheeky, tutu-tastic numbers. My highlight of the evening, was this lovely little girl who came up to me after the show to tell me how she wants to be a dancer when she grows up. Her eyes were filled with the same passion and sparkle I felt when I first stepped into my first tutu all those years ago. These are the moments that truly make all my hard work worthwhile!

Overall, Dudley, you were a sparkling success! The people were charming, the food was delicious, and the historical sights were stunning. This place truly has something for everyone - whether you're a history buff, a culture vulture, a shopaholic, or simply someone who loves a good time. Dudley, you're definitely a town worth a tutu-tastic visit!

A Quick Note about My Pink Tutu Journey

So, darling, you might be wondering about my grand obsession with pink tutus! It all began when I was a student, studying science! I never would have thought, would I, that someone studying to be a scientist would be completely and utterly obsessed with pink tutus.

My pink-tutu journey began with a simple, ordinary moment that changed my life completely! Our University ballet club had a fundraiser for the local children’s hospital and they needed performers for the event. So I, bless my heart, ended up volunteering as a drag queen for a good cause. The dress-up bin was an absolute chaotic mess and I nearly ran out, when my eye caught a bright pink tulle garment
 I thought “how dreadful!”. But there was something irresistible about its softness and its pretty pink color, I couldn't resist. It was that very pink tutu that transformed me! As I strutted on the stage and felt the confidence that the tutu gave me, a real spark ignited within me!

So there it was, the magic began. The Pink Tutu Sparkles was born! After the fundraiser, I kept dancing, creating dazzling shows and inspiring others to live their truest, pinkest selves.

Today, as a fabric tester, my fascination with tutus extends even to my day job. I’ve been able to combine my scientific know-how with my artistic passion, creating unique and innovative fabrics for all sorts of projects. Who knew, science and sparkle could make such a fabulous duo!

Now I am on a mission. My mission is simple but important: to get everyone wearing a pink tutu, from your local shopkeeper to your neighbours to the Queen herself! It's about empowerment, celebration and embracing your inner sparkle!

This little blog is my way of inspiring you to go forth, and find that inner tutu! Every single day is a chance to embrace your personal pink sparkle. It’s about making the most of every opportunity to dance, sing, twirl and celebrate! And, of course, the most important part, it’s about wearing that beautiful, fabulous pink tutu with confidence!

Until next time my loves!

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2013-08-17 stars in Dudley