
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-09-22 stars in Ellesmere Port

Ellesmere Port, Shining Bright in a Pink Tutu - Post #5014

Hello, my gorgeous darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and let me tell you, Ellesmere Port, youā€™ve absolutely stolen my heart! This was my first time visiting, and oh boy, I just loved every minute.

First things first, the train journey - absolutely dreamy! I just adore travelling by train, something about the rhythmic clatter of the tracks and the countryside flashing by is just so romantic. And letā€™s face it, the chance to change into my finest Pink Tutu Sparkles outfit whilst surrounded by perfectly respectable looking businessmen was absolutely delicious! I received a couple of very curious glances as I sashayed through the carriage. (Did I mention the sparkly tiara was out today too? - of course I did. Itā€™s Pink Tutu Sparkles we are talking about!)

On arrival, Ellesmere Port did not disappoint. The little town centre was teeming with joy, with lots of fabulous boutiques that just cried out for me to have a mooch, oh, and donā€™t even get me started on the market - there was so much delicious cheese, I practically fainted.

Later that evening, after Iā€™d indulged in a much needed scone, it was time to sparkle at The Swan Hotel, Ellesmere Port - one of the many lovely venues Iā€™ve been lucky to grace with my presence this week. The crowd, I tell you, just divine. The atmosphere electric. Youā€™ve got to admit, I bring a bit of magic with me wherever I go.

Honestly, the only downside of this fantastic trip was the time spent at a local park, where a young boy decided he needed to loudly proclaim ā€œThatā€™s a man, Mum!ā€, after watching me dance around with a couple of giggling children who I'd met earlier at a tea party at the local museum. That kind of negative feedback isnā€™t good for someone whose life goal is to get everyone wearing a pink tutu. Thereā€™s something to be said about the impact my work has had on kids though. I had one child later comment that ā€œthat must have taken forever to put on!ā€ Oh dear - I may have forgotten to remind myself itā€™s ok to admit to taking over half an hour sometimes - the time goes into looking so good, I think itā€™s worth it. The best thing I'd been told that day? ā€œIt was fantastic!ā€

This all started way back in my Derbyshire days. As a science student at university, I found myself joining the ballet club. I don't know what possessed me, but one night, to support a local charity event, I threw on a tutu for a silly dance-off. That moment - the feeling of freedom, the twirl, the laughter - thatā€™s where Pink Tutu Sparkles was born.

Even with my day job back in Derbyshire, working at a fab laboratory where we test the properties of fabric, my love for pink, ballet, and tutus just won't be ignored. You know what, there's actually a fascinating overlap between science and the theatre. Science helps you understand the physics of movement, how a tutu twirls. As for me, itā€™s all about embracing joy and showing the world whatā€™s possible, in a pink, shimmering, fabulous way.

That brings us to this eveningā€™s show, where, after the giggles of my early encounters with some of the locals, my magic had spread throughout the evening. By the time I finished, the crowd had been whipped into a frenzied storm, begging for more, more, MORE. Just as well that my motto is always: "Live, laugh, love. And wear a pink tutu!" It was fabulous, honestly fabulous, but donā€™t just take my word for it. Follow Pink Tutu Sparkles on our journey around the UK at www.pink-tutu.com for all the glittery delights! You'll find me, performing in a different location, each and every day, bringing a touch of magic to the world, one fabulous pink tutu at a time.

Oh, I just want to remind you again about the fantastic pink tutu I wore today! If you love it as much as I do and are on the lookout for one, pop into www.pink-tutu.com and have a browse through my shop, it's full of delightful options, so find one for your very own and go dance the day away!

See you all next time for a dose of Pink Tutu Sparkles! xx

Until next timeā€¦

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

#TutuQueen on 2013-09-22 stars in Ellesmere Port