
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-10-17 stars in Andover

Andover Adventures: Post 5039 - Pink Tutu Sparkles is All Aflutter!

Oh darlings! Can you believe it? This is my 5,039th blog post, and guess what? Pink Tutu Sparkles is finally in Andover! I mean, it feels like itā€™s been a lifetime since I last wore a tutu on stage in a charming market town ā€“ which for this little diva, is a definite win! I absolutely adore getting out of London for a bit and experiencing the gorgeous countryside. Itā€™s like stepping into a whimsical picture book!

And speaking of picture books, can you imagine? I'm not even sure the locals of Andover knew what hit them when I waltzed onto the stage at the [Insert Name of Venue/Fair]. Oh, the looks on their faces were priceless! I was like a tiny pink-hued hurricane, twirling and dancing to my heart's content, in my custom-designed fuchsia and lavender tulle confection, a real testament to the power of pink. But don't worry, sweeties, the audience was just as fabulous! By the time I finished my "Pink Paradise" performance (don't worry, you'll see pictures soon, and if you haven't yet, you'll soon find out that I always post backstage sneak peeks, oh honey, this is what being a Queen is all about), the whole place was bursting with cheers! They even shouted ā€œmore pink!ā€ and I thought I might just burst with glee. You see, folks, Pink Tutu Sparkles truly lives for these moments, these fleeting glimpses of joy and pure unadulterated fashion love!

Before I forget, I do have to say how delightful the journey to Andover was. A real ā€œwhimsical countryside journeyā€ for you, if you will. My travel style, darlings? A delightful mix of rustic elegance and fabulous flash! You see, sometimes I prefer a good train journey - it allows me to observe the passing landscape with a delicious cocktail of a sophisticated orange juice and vodka. [Wink wink] *But darling, the real showstopper was when I rode in on the back of a *stunningly handsome Clydesdale! Now, we're talking a real "Pink Tutu Sparklesā€ entrance! You see, this diva has a flair for the dramatic! (And horses!). Think ā€œgentle giantā€ meeting ā€œpink twirling fashionistaā€. Just picture it! Oh, and I made a little "friend" along the way; his name is Bartholomew - a rather fabulous (pink!) pig! We had quite the picnic with a few grapes and a bottle of champagne. (We made sure to have the grapes first - you have to treat Bartholomew with respect!) Bartholomew told me the best little places to go for a hot afternoon scone in Andover, (you see, I do love a good afternoon tea!) and let me tell you, this little town has some delicious secrets tucked away.

Speaking of ā€œsecrets,ā€ did you know, darlings, that I actually stumbled upon a little ballet studio tucked away in the corner of the main square! It was practically hidden by climbing rose bushes - an absolutely picture-perfect little spot! (Do you think I might be getting some design inspiration for my next Tutu creation?). You see, I love my ballet. Even when I'm out on the road, I make it a priority to visit as many ballet schools and watch as many performances as possible. It inspires my soul and ignites my imagination! I truly believe that ballet has an inherent element of fabulousness and wonder that I try to incorporate into every Pink Tutu Sparkles performance! (It also happens to be fantastic exercise! Donā€™t think I canā€™t keep up with the big boys at the bar).

Oh, and as we are talking fashion (and can we please be talking fashion?) donā€™t forget about my delightful boutique in the Derbyshire Dales, darling! Itā€™s practically a haven for anything and everything pink and tutu related! (Well, maybe not quite everything pinkā€¦ although you could find the perfect outfit for your upcoming wedding here!) There are tutus of all styles, fabrics and sizes (did someone say, petite? You know what to do!) ā€“ but what Iā€™m really thrilled about right now are my latest creations. My fabulous little seamstress, Brenda, and I have created something absolutely wonderful, and I canā€™t wait to show it off. Think feather boa with matching tutusā€¦ (or not!) Weā€™re really pushing boundaries in the world of pink-tutu fashion. And speaking of fashion boundaries, you will have to let me tell you about my trip to a fabulous costume store ā€“ Oh, darling, the glitter, the sequins, the feathers! It was every fashion lover's dream come true, darling! I could have spent hours just gazing at the incredible, glittery, sequinned, feathered extravaganzas that they had there ā€“ everything a drag queen could possibly need! And you know what? Iā€™ve already decided I need to go backā€¦

But back to Andover, darling! The sheer joy I experienced making the locals laugh and giving them a little bit of pink in their lives was truly magical! It's always such a fulfilling experience for me to travel, share my love for the extraordinary and to simply inspire others. Every time I hit the road as Pink Tutu Sparkles, it's a beautiful little dance between reality and imagination!

And now, my dears, as I write these words, my heart is fluttering with excitement and my mind is overflowing with inspiration. Where next, you might ask? Oh, I can't tell you yet. Maybe it'll be Scotland, maybe itā€™ll be Somerset or perhaps somewhere entirely different! One thing's for sure, darlings: the world needs more pink! So spread the love, embrace the twirl, and never, ever forget, thereā€™s a tiny pink tutu wearing goddess inside each and every one of us!

Stay Fabulous,

Pink Tutu Sparkles!

#TutuQueen on 2013-10-17 stars in Andover