Hello darlings, it's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, and welcome back to the fabulous world of pink tutus! Today is post number 5038 - you're welcome, dear readers! It’s been an absolute whirlwind, I've been bouncing about the countryside like a sugar-plum fairy on a bouncy castle. And yes, dear readers, I'm still firmly in the clutches of the pink tutu. Can't stop, won't stop, you see!
Speaking of, this week's escapade landed me in Cumbernauld - that's right, dear reader! This lovely town is up there in Scotland. For you less travelled lovelies, that's a fair way from my humble Derbyshire beginnings, a good long journey by train – my preferred mode of travel, especially since you can do it in style with a good cuppa!
Now, before I even think about the amazing show in Cumbernauld, I have to share a little fashion delight! It happened, I swear it. You know me, darling, I'm always up for a good vintage store haul. But on this particular day in Cumbernauld, fate had something truly special in store for me. I discovered the most stunning, absolutely, utterly, outrageously pink sequinned bomber jacket! It was like a magical pink beacon calling out my name. I tried it on, and I swear it must've had some sort of magical enchantments because, boom! it looked incredible. It felt as if this bomber jacket was destined to grace my dazzling performances. Let’s just say it’ll be the next outfit to hit my stage. So yeah, consider this my love letter to Cumbernauld! It really delivered!
Now, onto the Cumbernauld show! As soon as I arrived at the venue, the air crackled with a lovely buzz of anticipation. There were folks in sparkly outfits, folks wearing jeans and trainers, and everyone just seemed so happy to be together, having a laugh. You know, I love that about drag - it brings people together. We're all here, united under the pink tutu flag, right?! And speaking of which...
…My performance was pretty phenomenal. Seriously! My “pink explosion” set was a total crowd-pleaser, complete with glittering boas and, of course, an absolutely magnificent pink tutu. Think voluminous, feathers, ruffles – all that good stuff. We even got into a "Let's all do the Pink Tutu Wave!" – my heart absolutely swelled with joy! Oh, I also have to mention my makeup was fierce. If I could bottle that glow I'd sell it for millions! A touch of shimmer, a bit of contour, and voila - absolute drag goddess status!
And, darling, I didn't just sparkle on stage, oh no. It turned out I was right next to this incredible ballet school that put on a mini performance. They had young performers, these lovely dancers just starting out. Honestly, they were fantastic, with such beautiful technique and grace!
I'll be honest - it set my dancing soul aflame! So afterwards, you know me, I did what any self-respecting drag queen with a love for ballet would do - I headed straight for their front door! Turned out, the studio had an adult class going on. After all that dancing, who could resist?! They looked a bit surprised when I arrived in my full glory but you know what? They were super welcoming.
We had a fun time – so much so that I think I might be going back for another session! That's me, spreading the pink tutu gospel one pirouette at a time, darlings! Maybe one day, I’ll teach them a "Pink Tutu Sparkles" routine! Just imagine!
Well, darlings, Cumbernauld was a trip! I have to tell you, Scotland is seriously beautiful - I took a quick detour through the countryside. Green hills, fields of flowers… It was straight out of a picture book. The folks there were also incredibly welcoming and so supportive of their local talent, you'll love this... I even managed to convince a couple of folk to join me in my 'Pink Tutu For A Day' campaign! You'll see the pictures up on my social media, darling!
So that's it, darling - I'm off again, ready to find the next pink tutu adventure! Don't forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com for my daily ramblings, a whole host of tutorials, fashion finds, and updates on my grand plan - get everyone in the world wearing a pink tutu!
Until next time, remember - embrace the sparkle, wear a pink tutu, and be fabulous!
Pink Tutu Sparkles