
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-12-04 stars in Airdrie

Airdrie, Scotland: Tutu Queen Arrives! πŸ‘‘

Well hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu wearing drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with a brand new blog post! Can you believe it? This is my 5087th blog post on www.pink-tutu.com! I just can't get enough of sharing my love for tutus with all of you, and of course, inspiring you all to embrace the pink and twirl your way through life! 🩰

Today I'm in lovely Airdrie, Scotland. Did you know? The name Airdrie means "high ridge", how fitting for a place where even my head is up in the clouds with excitement about my upcoming show! πŸ˜‰ You wouldn't believe the adventures I had getting here, though!

Let's rewind to the moment I started my journey from the comfort of my Derbyshire home. Remember those grand, historic railway stations from old films? That's where I was, suitcase overflowing with sparkly costumes and an oversized pink feather boa, ready to be whisked away. But instead of a vintage steam train, I had a modern, swish electric train. Now, I'm a big fan of steam trains - I'm all about old-fashioned romance - but honestly, whizzing past the scenery at breakneck speed was so exciting! My inner child, well, she did a full-blown cartwheel.

Before leaving, I checked my outfit – an absolute showstopper, darling! You'll have to wait and see when I post the pictures on my Instagram (link below!). Think vintage flair, a splash of hot pink, and the most stunning tutu ever, made of hundreds of pink feathers - pure fairytale fantasy! You see, dear readers, I firmly believe in a touch of sparkle even in ordinary life! Just try walking through a busy London Underground station in a fluffy pink tutu and I promise you, you'll put a smile on even the grumpiest commuters' faces. You're guaranteed to be noticed, spread joy and leave a sprinkle of magical sparkle wherever you go. πŸ’«

Now, where was I? Oh yes, the train. After all, even the most fabulous drag queen needs a proper travel break! We were speeding through picturesque countryside. Imagine lush green fields dotted with fluffy white sheep and rolling hills in shades of ochre and emerald - such stunning landscapes!

And then, there was the delightful lady in the carriage opposite. She was sporting a fabulous hat - we're talking a classic red trilby with a white feather – and her nails were a daring emerald green! So chic, so very on trend! Naturally, I had to introduce myself and engage her in a lively conversation. We talked about everything - her latest knitted masterpiece (she even gifted me a lovely little pink wool owl charm - so adorable!) and her collection of vintage teacups (I must admit, I do have a weakness for dainty china teacups, too!). What can I say? Fashion and the finer things in life always make for the best conversations!

By the time we arrived at Airdrie Station, I felt like I was on cloud nine! Even the station itself was quite enchanting with its high ceilings, exposed brickwork and rows of charming shop fronts with bright signage and inviting doorways. I quickly snapped a selfie with a cheery ticket clerk, who just HAD to pose for a quick photo. πŸ“Έ (Keep an eye out for it on Instagram, darling!). I don't like to brag but he definitely found my sparkling, feathered outfit and beaming smile utterly contagious. The lovely locals smiled back and waved as I sauntered through the station towards the charming waiting cab.

And, here's the real kicker: just imagine my delight when our taxi driver, a sweet, silver-haired gentleman named Jimmy, turned out to be a massive ballet enthusiast! Apparently, he's even taken up ballroom dancing with his lovely wife. Talk about unexpected connections! As we chattered about ballet, he regaled me with stories of his favourite local dancing teachers and whispered about the magical atmosphere at the Royal Opera House. Oh, what a treat for a ballet-mad queen like me!

I'm so looking forward to bringing the spirit of my vibrant world to the local audience tonight. I’ve prepared a whole array of fabulous outfits for my performance and I'm going to bring the full, sparkling pink-tutu experience. We're talking feathers, sequins, plenty of glitter and all things pink and beautiful!

I’m sure that everyone will join me on this magical journey. And, remember, darling, you too can wear a pink tutu if you want! Be your own shining self, full of sparkle and happiness! It’s time for everyone to join the tutu revolution and spread joy wherever you go!

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram (@pinktutuspsparkles) for all the behind-the-scenes action! I’m off now to get ready for my big night! Remember to keep it pink and keep it sparkly! 😘

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles πŸ’–

*(Psst… Keep your eyes peeled for more travel stories from your Tutu Queen. And hey, I wouldn't be surprised if a certain fluffy pink tutu makes a dramatic entrance at my performance tonight!) *

#TutuQueen on 2013-12-04 stars in Airdrie