Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-12-10 stars in Whitley Bay

Whitley Bay Whirlwind!

Hello, darling dears! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your favourite pink-loving, tutu-twirling, fashionista queen, and it’s time to unveil another exciting chapter in my sparkly adventures!

Today marks blog post number 5093, and I’m bubbling over with excitement as I write to you all from the vibrant, seaside town of Whitley Bay! I’ve been eagerly anticipating this trip for weeks, dreaming of salty sea air, panoramic ocean views, and, of course, finding the perfect pink tutu to add to my ever-expanding collection!

For those who are new to the dazzling world of Pink Tutu Sparkles, I’m your go-to gal for all things fabulous! I’m all about bringing a little pink magic into the world, one shimmering tutu at a time. It all started when I was a young lass, studying science (of all things!) in Derbyshire. Imagine, me, Alex, the lab rat by day, transformed into a pink-hued fantasy by night! It happened after a university ballet club fundraiser, where I foolishly – well, maybe not so foolishly – tried on a tutu for charity. Let's just say the rest, as they say, is history!

The allure of the pink tutu, that majestic garment of feathers, tulle, and sheer wonder, snagged me hook, line and sinker. Now, you’ll find me twirling in shimmering, multi-layered wonders that I custom design myself! I’m obsessed with bringing every single shade of pink to life - from the palest blush to the boldest fuchsia. After all, life is just a bit duller without a splash of pink, don’t you think?

Anyway, back to Whitley Bay. I reached this beautiful place in style, of course. It’s just not me to hop on the bus, darling. Nope, I went full-blown fairytale and took a steam train from Newcastle. Imagine! Chuffing through rolling green hills, surrounded by charming scenery, my tulle bouncing along to the rhythm of the train! You should have seen the reactions of fellow passengers.

You see, a part of my life mission is to bring a little bit of joy to everyone’s day. Nothing beats a quick shimmy in my pink tutu for lifting spirits and getting those endorphin juices flowing! A little pink sparkle can work wonders. My mission? To ensure that every single person on this planet owns at least one pink tutu. Now, it may seem ambitious, but with every blog post and every fabulous performance, I feel one step closer to reaching that glorious goal.

So, upon arriving in Whitley Bay, I, of course, made a beeline for the local craft shops, desperate to unearth the most magical pink tulle I could find. It's vital for a queen to have an extensive stash, my darlings, and it's not like I could possibly rely on the shops down in Derbyshire for all my creative needs. Not with that boring, beige and boring attitude to colour they hold down there!

As I strutted into the shops, a symphony of whistles and cheers greeted me, my magnificent pink tutu drawing eyes from every corner. I, being the humble, down-to-earth queen that I am, accepted their admiration with a flick of my wrist and a charmingly humble smile. I felt a tiny pang of sympathy for those wearing such dull colours, but alas, what can I do? My mission is to spread joy, and so I’ll leave them to ponder the magical pink realm I reside in!

My stay was a whirlwind of fabulous activities! From enjoying a spot of lunch at the seaside with a view of the sea - which had an added treat of an adorable seagull showing off his best dance moves as I ate my afternoon tea, thank you very much – to catching the ballet show in the local theatre. You know, darling, it's all about giving something back. They’ve got such talent in this beautiful seaside town! Imagine, my passion, ballet, meeting the breathtaking landscapes of Whitley Bay, I was utterly blown away. I even popped by a dance school, showing off my moves for the students. You'd think I was royalty, they gave me the grandest applause. It’s almost as if they were born with pink tutus in their hearts!

Then there was the local fair! I simply had to check out the bright lights, the exciting stalls and the dizzying rides. Of course, no visit is complete without showing off my latest creation - my newest, dazzling, full-length pink tutu. I truly outdid myself on this one - layers of sparkling sequins, intricate beadwork, and a delicate train of tulle that trailed like a glamorous waterfall. I looked simply fabulous, especially against the backdrop of all the flashing lights and fairground noise. Imagine, it was as though I were born to stand under the carousel's colourful lights. I strutted my stuff, catching everyone’s attention with my signature flamboyant, twirling, shimmying, dancing extravaganza! Even the big wheel was mesmerized by my shimmering performance! The joy was electric! You know, that special kind of joy you can’t describe – a heart-warming rush of energy.

Oh, and what would a Pink Tutu Sparkles visit be without a spot of shopping? You betcha! I am, after all, a fashion-forward, style icon extraordinaire! Luckily, Whitley Bay has plenty of shops brimming with exciting, creative outfits – I'm on the lookout for more fabric to build my tutu wardrobe. One of the shop owners actually gifted me a beautifully embellished pink handbag to match one of my tutus! Now, that’s a lucky find, and I definitely won’t forget her kindness!

And the food, my dears! A highlight of my time here was sampling some of the local delights. Imagine, fresh fish and chips by the sea! The most incredible crispy fries and perfectly seasoned fish. It was like heaven!

Every day was a kaleidoscope of new and exciting experiences in Whitley Bay, and let me tell you, it was magical! I am already dreaming of my return trip and looking forward to embracing more adventures with a big smile and my beloved pink tutus! It's incredible what a little pink sparkle can do to uplift spirits, spread joy and turn every journey into a fabulous fairytale!

Remember, my darling dears, wear your pink tutus with pride and always keep the world a little bit brighter with your own unique sparkle! I'll catch you next time for more fun, fashion, and fabulous adventures! Don’t forget to visit my website at www.pink-tutu.com – it’s filled with photos and videos of my magical pink world! See you all next time!

Xoxo, Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2013-12-10 stars in Whitley Bay