Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-01-09 stars in Deal

Deal - Pink Tutu Travels Blog Post #5123!

Hiya darlings,

It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, and let me tell you, I've been having an absolutely FABULOUS time in Deal! It's been a real whirlwind of glitz and glam, and I can't wait to share every sparkling moment with you. This is post number 5123 on my little corner of the internet - www.pink-tutu.com – and I’m determined to keep bringing you fabulous content every single day!

Now, you know me, I live for a bit of travelling, and this trip has been absolutely divine. The journey down to Deal on the train was a treat! I don’t get enough opportunities to take a scenic train journey, with the views whizzing past, the soft clicking of wheels on tracks, the quiet chatter of fellow passengers, and all that countryside scenery. Plus, with my little pink suitcase filled with sequins and sparkle, it felt like the start of a magical adventure! The world becomes my stage on a train. Even in my normal duds, Alex’s charisma beams! You’ve got to watch your step when you’re dressed up to the nines. I must admit, I did have a moment where my new sparkly pink handbag slipped out of my grasp and nearly took a tumble into the abyss below the train seat. It’s a good job those tutus are super puffy and act as an airbag for falling handbags!

So Deal – what an absolute gem of a place! First stop – the iconic Deal Pier, all those quaint little stalls and amusement rides. A quintessential seaside town experience. As you can imagine, the temptation was too great – it had to be a Pink Tutu photo op on the end of the pier. The gentle sea breeze whipping my fluffy pink tulle, a delightful pink seagull posing with me, just the cutest photo ever! You’ve all got to check out my latest Instagram pic!

You can’t go to Deal without seeing the castle, of course. Deal Castle was definitely on my to-do list – oh my! All that history – just incredible. And a lovely little tea room in the castle courtyard – a perfect spot to sit down, rest my tired little tutu legs, and enjoy a delicious cuppa! (Always with a little pink macaron for a touch of extravagance, obviously.)

This trip was really about giving a shout-out to my dear friend, Barbara. Barbara was one of the first people to see Pink Tutu Sparkles come to life. She always encouraged my pink dreams, my sparkle ambitions. Even back when I was just little Alex, nervously twirling in a tutu for the first time – it was Barbara who said "You know what, Alex? Pink Tutu Sparkles would rock!"

Barbara runs a little pottery studio here in Deal and just knowing she's making beautiful creations here fills my little heart with joy! I just love helping talented folks like her achieve their artistic dreams! Now, there's not a chance in hell I’m going to let Barbara create alone in her little potter’s paradise! Pink Tutu Sparkles had to be on that potter's wheel! We’re talking pink slip, of course, no clay under those beautiful fluffy tulle clouds. My mission: To inspire the people of Deal to make art with sparkle and colour and bring out that bold side of everyone, just like Barbara has done for me. She showed me how to spin on a pottery wheel, even with the added bulk of tulle! (No, it wasn’t exactly dainty – I was like a pink ballet whirlwind in Barbara's studio. Luckily I hadn’t gone overboard on the sparkle for once, and Barbara is very good with dustpans.)

A visit to Deal wouldn't be complete without a dip in the theatre scene, darling! Deal's Rep, that's the theatre, is as vibrant and sparkling as I am! They are putting on a smashing production of "Annie" – the most wonderful little musical. And you’re probably wondering what kind of role I took in it – it was time to give a special tribute to a certain queen - well of course it was to be a pink glitzy Miss Hannigan - she was truly iconic and deserved the fabulous treatment! Oh, darling, you should have seen the audience roar! They loved me in that tutu, so much that I added a whole routine about ‘Pinkify your Wardrobe’. Everyone is going to have a pink tulle dress now, if I have my way.

You’ll never guess what I picked up for Barbara! (I couldn’t leave my girl empty-handed!). Now, let's talk tutus – what a perfect present for my pottery princess. I found her the most wonderful tutu-like clay extruder – and what could be more fabulous than to give my friend something that reflects our shared love for all things girly, and of course pink, especially if it is for a ceramic artist who is always on the lookout for tools and techniques to shape her craft! Just imagine: what will Barbara make? Is it an extra-large teacup for the Pink Tutu queen? Is it an awesome new pair of glittery earrings or even pink ballet slippers in porcelain for my own dancing feet?! What fabulous pink creations Barbara is about to produce from her studio is so exciting that my pink fluffy tulle is almost fluttering in anticipation.

Now, a quick update on life back in Derbyshire! Work's going wonderfully. Yes, life's not all glitter and glam, I'm also Alex the fabric tester - though that doesn't mean I don't inject a little colour into that side of my life. One day I'm testing new colours for dresses, and the next day I'm adding sparkly, silky tulle fabrics to a high-end lingerie range. You have to admit, it's the perfect combination of practical and flamboyant. Life really does mirror the colours of Pink Tutu! It just goes to show you that even behind a science desk, you can still wear a bit of glitter! Oh, by the way, you'll never guess who is starting ballet classes? That’s right – yours truly! The lovely ballerina’s at our local dance studio have asked me to choreograph a little ballet routine for a “Pink Tutus for all” day in the spring. They’re already talking about the ‘Pink Tutu Sparkles’ performance and it will feature all the beautiful ballerinas who want to express their unique personalities in fluffy, beautiful pink tulles.

This brings me to the big announcement! Pink Tutu Sparkles will be launching an exciting, new Pink Tutu initiative. Imagine this! - A Pink Tutu competition for charity – where people dress up in their finest pink tulles to support a cause. It’s going to be HUGE! And yes, darling, I have my little pink tutu vision board all ready to go, featuring the perfect tutu dresses that will sparkle, swirl, and stun.

Deal was amazing – and of course it left me feeling inspired and full of glitzy glee! But you know me, I've got places to go, people to see, and pink tutus to wear!

Until next time, Love and pink glitter,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

P.S. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel to get the latest news from the life of a travelling, performing drag queen with a penchant for pink and tulle!

#TutuQueen on 2014-01-09 stars in Deal