
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-02-10 stars in Upminster

Upminster, darling!

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-loving, tutu-tastic blogger, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here! It's day number 5155 of sharing my glittery adventures with you, and boy, do I have a glamorous story to tell you today. It all starts with the journey...

Now, you all know I have a thing for trains. The rhythm of the wheels on the tracks, the soft rumble of the engine, and the anticipation of arriving at my destinationā€¦ pure magic, darling! So naturally, when I booked my trip to Upminster, a train journey was the only way to travel. Dressed in my finest pink outfit, a bright pink, flowing tutu, and a pair of matching fluffy pink boots, I felt like a real-life fairy princess! My heart fluttered with excitement, picturing the vibrant energy of Upminster, the smells of fresh air, and the friendly faces I was bound to meet.

But first, a little bit about Upminster, darling. If you're not familiar, imagine a charming little town with a bustling market square, quirky independent shops bursting with charm, and an air of old-world elegance. This quaint haven felt like the perfect spot for a tutu-filled escapade. It was like stepping out of a storybook!

The train ride was as delightful as I expected, complete with my usual routine ā€“ I settled into my window seat, admiring the changing scenery, my eyes flitting between the bustling urban landscapes and the serene rolling hills. I indulged in a delectable picnic of mini cucumber sandwiches and a slice of rose-flavoured cake, washing it down with a sparkling lemonade. What can I say? Even travelling has to be done with a touch of pink-tastic flair.

Arriving at Upminster station, the sunshine was gleaming, and the air was crisp. I felt a wave of excitement wash over me as I inhaled the vibrant scent of freshly-baked pastries wafting from a nearby bakery. My eyes lit up at the sight of a vibrant rainbow-coloured flower stall bursting with life, a truly delightful sight!

Speaking of life, darling, let me tell you about my experience at Upminster's famous ā€œThe Roseā€ theatre! The sheer scale and beauty of the building stole my breath away ā€“ think stunning architecture, elegant interiors, and a sense of history radiating from every brick. Now, when it comes to performances, Upminster doesnā€™t hold back! They have it all: ballet, theatre, comedy, and even some of the most talented drag acts in the county! Youā€™ll find me strutting my stuff on stage, or better yet, mingling with the glamorous crowd after the show, chatting about the nightā€™s events.

My heart was overflowing with joy, and my spirit soared! You see, darlings, this whole Upminster adventure was about more than just glitter and tutus, though there was plenty of both! It was about discovering the magic in ordinary moments, embracing every experience with a smile and spreading pink joy everywhere I went.

Of course, I had to indulge in some delightful retail therapy, too! It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles escapade without some serious pink power shopping, wouldnā€™t it? Upminsterā€™s independent boutiques didnā€™t disappoint! I unearthed a plethora of delightful trinkets, from shimmering pink earrings to the perfect pink feather boa ā€“ you know, just the essentials for a well-dressed drag queen! The streets were like a treasure hunt!

My Upminster adventure concluded with an evening of laughter and dancing, a spectacular drag performance in a charming local pub. Imagine a tiny stage, brightly coloured lights, and a crowd cheering and singing along with my every twirl, darling! Letā€™s just say I left them in stitches ā€“ they loved my signature pink-themed routine, complete with feather boas, rhinestones, and, of course, a shimmering pink tutu!

And then, it was time to catch my train back to Derbyshire. You know, even though I was saying goodbye to this magical town, it felt like I was taking a little bit of Upminster with me, tucked away in my heart, a reminder of the joy, the sparkle, and the sheer fabulousness of this unique town. I even managed to convince a couple of friendly faces to join me in my Pink Tutu pledge! That's right, my darlings, the Pink Tutu Sparkles movement is growing stronger with every performance, every encounter, every trip. It's a contagious feeling, isnā€™t it?

So, darlings, remember that life is an endless adventure! It's about embracing all the colourful moments, finding joy in the little things, and, of course, letting your inner pink tutu shine!

Now, go on, be fabulous, and spread some pink joy in your own way!

Yours truly,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

PS. Want to see more pictures of my Upminster adventures? You can find them on my Instagram and Facebook pages ā€“ just search ā€œPink Tutu Sparkles,ā€ darling!

PPS. Are you ready to join the Pink Tutu Revolution? Spread the word! Let's all wear pink tutus ā€“ at least once! Imagine the possibilities!

#TutuQueen on 2014-02-10 stars in Upminster