Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-03-19 stars in Berlin

Pink Tutu Sparkles Hits the German Capital: Post Number 5192

Hello my darlings, and welcome back to the most sparkly blog on the interweb! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you the glitz and glam of life on the road! This time, we're soaring through Europe, taking in the sights and sounds of the incredible city of Berlin, known for its vibrant arts scene, fabulous history and stunning architecture, oh my! This is gonna be epic, darling. You ready? Because I am!

Remember, life's a party and I am ready to shake it up! My motto is: “Embrace your inner Sparkle, don't let the tutu fade.”

The train journey to Berlin was a dreamy affair, all plush seats and whispering gossip, the carriage bathed in the glorious warm glow of the setting sun. It always feels extra magical seeing the world go by from a train window, you know? And trust me, I brought my whole wardrobe – and a little something special for the grand Berlin finale.

The day before, in London, I'd scored some incredible outfits, a delightful pink, feather-trimmed jacket for the cooler Berlin nights, and, of course, a divine, shimmering pink tulle skirt – a perfect companion for my signature tutu! Let's be honest, a girl never has enough sparkle.

So, upon arrival in Berlin, I settled into my delightful hotel (complete with pink throw pillows – what a treat!). I wanted to explore a bit before diving headfirst into the performance scene, so I strolled around the famous Brandenburg Gate. Imagine me, with my shimmering tulle skirt, waltzing through history – you could practically hear Vivaldi playing! Then, of course, a detour to Tiergarten for a quick ballet lesson – the park is so tranquil and beautifully maintained, it was almost like dancing with the angels!

You know how much I love me some ballet, right? I started in my hometown of Derbyshire back in university. My university club put on a charity event where we got to dress up in full ballet costumes and let’s just say, a pink tutu stole my heart. And I haven’t looked back since. Ballet isn’t just a hobby, it's a way of life. And even though by day I'm in the lab, testing the latest fabric technologies – the fabric, I can tell you, of my newest pink tulle skirt, it’s out of this world – at night I am free to embrace the fabulous side of life, performing for my loyal audiences. And nothing makes me feel as radiant and powerful as performing a routine with the grace and confidence of a seasoned dancer.

Speaking of radiance, let's get to the main event! I’ve been busy these past few days, gracing the stage in the most amazing, bohemian nightclubs Berlin has to offer. Imagine the lights, the energy, the thrill of making those pink tutus dance – it was simply divine. One evening I was surrounded by fellow dancers, performers and all manner of fabulous characters, we spun and danced, my own choreography, a whirlwind of pink tulle and smiles. Another night was spent performing on a stage overlooking the Spree River – the city lights glittering below as I strutted and shimmied in my brightest pink tutu! Every night felt like a dream come true.

One particularly exciting moment: I was on stage, mid-tutu pirouette when I spotted a gentleman dressed in a – drumroll - pink tutu. Imagine my joy! My goal is to inspire the world to embrace their own Sparkle, and seeing someone share my passion – my pink passion – brought the whole experience to another level! Now, you must be asking yourself: How can a girl travel and see the world so much? It's simple, darling! My passion for pink tutus is my passion, my career, and my way of experiencing life to the fullest. You see, I’m a woman of many talents! While I work as a scientist, testing fabrics and finding ways to improve their performance – it's all connected! By day I delve into the intricate world of fabrics and their magical properties – the science, the chemistry, it's quite enthralling, while by night I use my passion for performance and fashion to create my magic on stage.

You know, the life of a pink tutu queen isn't easy – it takes hard work, dedication, and a touch of glitter. I travel far and wide, embracing every opportunity, every gig. But let me tell you, the rewards are worth every step. There is nothing more exhilarating than spreading my pink tutu magic to all corners of the world!

And remember, it’s all about the little details! I’m not just dancing around in a tutu, I create an entire persona, each stage performance a beautiful canvas upon which to express myself. It’s a delicate balancing act between delicate choreography, shimmering sequins, and captivating storytelling. You’ll be able to read all about these wonderful experiences in future posts on pink-tutu.com, darlings!

And as I embark on new adventures – I already have a flight to the Scottish Highlands booked for next week - I’ll continue to bring you the magic of the tutu! The journey may be long and winding, but with a sprinkle of glitter and a good pair of pink tulle shoes, we can take on the world!

Stay sparkly my dears, until next time.

Pink Tutu Sparkles, Out!

#TutuQueen on 2014-03-19 stars in Berlin