
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-03-20 stars in Gloucester

Pink Tutu Sparkles Hits Gloucester!

Hello darlings! ๐Ÿ’…โœจ It's your favourite pink tutu wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with post number 5193 on www.pink-tutu.com, fresh from my fabulous trip to Gloucester!

Ooh, where to begin? I'm absolutely buzzing! This journey was filled with the most delightful surprises and it was just so exciting to experience the beauty and charm of Gloucester.

Let me tell you all about it! I took a lovely old steam train straight from Derbyshire, with the steam chugging merrily along as we sailed through the rolling green countryside.

The carriage was all comfy plush velvet and mahogany. I felt like I was in a Victorian painting - of course, with a twist. I wore my hot pink sequined tracksuit, a fabulously flamboyant accessory which I thought might bring a bit of glitz to the dusty old train!

Of course, my ever-present tulle delight, a glorious cloud of hot pink tulle, swirled around my ankles and created a delightfully chaotic but completely irresistible look. Some of the passengers gave me funny looks. Ha! They simply didn't understand. They didn't see that this was an opportunity to embrace a little colour and fun. Honestly, these dreary days we live in! Where's the sparkle? Where's the twirl? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Arriving in Gloucester was an absolute treat! It was like stepping back in time! Beautiful old buildings, charming cobblestone streets, and all sorts of interesting little shops and boutiques! I was absolutely giddy with excitement.

I've gotta say, I fell in love with Gloucester! It felt like a fairytale! The most beautiful flowers bloomed in every corner, the air was filled with the scent of baking, and the sound of laughter echoed down the streets.

I, of course, had to immediately go shopping! I mean, I couldn't possibly have just come all this way and not stocked up on some gorgeous new outfits for my upcoming performances. What would the fabulously fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles be without new gowns? Unthinkable, I say!

I found this stunning pink lace dress in the most darling little shop! I knew right away it was going to be a real showstopper! Then I found the most fabulous, fluffy feather boa at a vintage store, and a hat! Oh, the hat! ๐Ÿ‘’ It was like something out of a vintage movie with huge pink feathers, but oh so stylish! I can't wait to wear all my new finds at my next performance!

Now, I couldn't possibly visit Gloucester without seeing the grand Cathedral, could I? It was absolutely magnificent! โ›ช It just oozed history! I stood in awe, mesmerized by the intricate stonework, the breathtaking stained glass windows, and the immense quietude of the place. It made me think about the weight of history, the centuries of faith, and the lives of countless people who had passed through those very doors. It was a truly spiritual experience.

Afterwards, I indulged in a delicious cream tea! โ˜•๏ธ It was like a fairytale, darling! The freshest cream, the most delicious scones with strawberry jam and clotted cream - a true delight! My trip just wouldn't be complete without a true British tradition, would it? I also treated myself to a cup of that strong English breakfast tea, the one you make with a kettle. It felt so sophisticated. I loved it!

After lunch, it was time to indulge my love for the art of ballet. Of course! I had to take a ballet class! There was a studio in a charming little building tucked away on a side street, filled with such amazing talent!

We all learned some beautiful new moves and practiced our leaps and turns! Oh, darling, my fellow ballerinas were incredible. One young lady actually told me I had an amazing jump for someone who was wearing such a big tulle dress! ๐Ÿคฃ It felt like a fairy tale! I was waltzing through the air like a beautiful pink butterfly, my tulle skirt swirling like a pink cloud around me. It was absolutely magical!

And of course, there was a performance in the evening. ๐Ÿ’ƒ My favourite part? A beautiful performance by a troupe of talented dancers in pink tutus! Their energy and grace were just phenomenal. I was so excited! You know what? The performance really inspired me. I just know I've got to start designing my own tutus.

You know me, I always want to share my passion for tutus with the world, so I took some photos of all my exciting adventures. I want to inspire you, darling! Get out there, try a pink tutu! Wear one, own it, and show the world how beautiful and fabulous you can be.

It's time to share the love! ๐Ÿ’– Until next time, darling, stay sparkling! โœจ

#TutuQueen on 2014-03-20 stars in Gloucester