Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-04-13 stars in New York

New York, New York: Tutu Queen in the City That Never Sleeps! 💅✨

Hello darlings! It's your Tutu Queen here, back from a whirlwind trip to the Big Apple and buzzing with all the excitement! This is post number 5217 on www.pink-tutu.com, and I'm just itching to tell you all about my amazing adventures in the city that never sleeps! 🗽

Now, let me start by saying that I, Pink Tutu Sparkles, had a feeling New York would be the perfect place for my kind of fun. You know me, I love all things fabulous, and that includes bold, daring fashion. New York was just begging for some extra sparkle, so naturally, my Pink Tutu Sparkles persona felt right at home!

Before I even arrived, I was already making plans. My favourite part about any trip is the anticipation and planning. It all started with those adorable sparkly outfits, darling! My fabulous sequin dress with its big, poofy skirt, reminiscent of a giant pink cupcake, arrived in my dressing room all wrapped up and smelling like pure sunshine! (I’m not joking, there was a note from the boutique in London mentioning the scent of their wrapping paper. It was delightful!). I teamed this up with some fabulously feathered accessories and, of course, the piece de resistance – a brand new, perfectly pink, sparkly tutu, which, naturally, was made by none other than the one and only Miss Sparkle at her bespoke workshop in Derbyshire! You could say my travel wardrobe was, shall we say, "Tutulicious".

I must tell you, getting to New York was a right adventure! Now, you might think I would have taken a plane, what with my celebrity status (ahem!), but for me, nothing beats a scenic train journey! My lovely fiancé (and costume designer!) Michael (who I met at the 2013 Derbyshire County Show) is a firm believer in sustainable travel. As he likes to say, "A bit of carbon-free travelling will do you the world of good", and since I live by Michael's motto (because he's amazing!) I hopped on a comfy train and enjoyed the ride to Dover! Once there, a gorgeous, grey horse, called Buttercup, transported me over the sea, in one of the fanciest horse-drawn carriages I’d ever seen, and before you knew it, I was landing in Dover, Delaware, not Dover, England, which I will confess, was a slight confusion on my part. After an incredibly swift change at Delaware, I hopped back on board, and made it into New York. Talk about an incredible entrance, and a way to kick off this amazing journey, don’t you think?

New York City! Now that's a place with a vibrant atmosphere, if I ever saw one! It’s like being in a constant performance, filled with street artists, singers, musicians and of course, my fellow fabulous drag queens! It felt like everyone was putting on a show. Speaking of shows, I found a wonderful, elegant, ballet studio in the heart of Manhattan. There I was, gliding through my warm-up, watching the dancers from the prestigious New York Ballet School move across the studio, with grace and elegance, all wearing their beautifully structured tutus.

My trip wouldn’t have been complete without catching a world-class Broadway performance. I chose ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ – so dramatic! It made me think of all my theatrical outfits and made me even more excited to perform when I got back. But as my tour guide put it: "You can’t get anything done unless you take the time to indulge." You know me, darlings, I’m always up for a little indulgence!

Oh, and did I mention I indulged in a delicious cheesecake at a lovely little cafe just off Broadway, nestled under a giant, blossoming cherry tree! Just picture it – a giant cherry blossom raining down pink petals onto my beautifully decorated cupcake (it had pink glitter!), as I nibbled on my strawberry cheesecake, feeling so happy. I am in love with this city, don't you think?

There are some incredible shopping opportunities in New York, that’s for sure! I even found the perfect new pink tutu! Imagine, darling, it’s got little twinkling pink lights on the skirt that twinkle just a little as you walk and a delicate scattering of diamante crystals all over! A complete statement piece! It’s going straight into my stage costume wardrobe for my next tour. I may not be able to pull off that triple pirouette in it, but it’ll certainly add to my sassy showmanship, and trust me, darlings, my shows are all about sassy!

One day I even found myself on Fifth Avenue – that street feels absolutely magical at sunset, especially when you are on a shopping spree! And don't even get me started on the delicious restaurants – New York was a foodie heaven! I even had a chance to meet up with the famous "Pink Princesses," my friends from the Ballet Guild of NYC. You should see their performance! Such wonderful moves, I really am inspired.

Well, I could go on and on about New York, but I have to wrap up this post, as I am back home now! Back to Derbyshire and my day job at the local textile lab. Testing materials for clothing... very interesting (sometimes!) You know, it's all about those pink tutus. That’s my goal. The big vision! I will never be satisfied until everyone is wearing one! It's a simple idea, isn't it? And everyone is much prettier in a pink tutu. Even the boys (just put it on a nice pair of black skinny jeans or tailored trousers and they'll look very dashing). It will all come together eventually, and in the meantime, you know I will be keeping you up-to-date, all about this wonderful mission and what better way to do that than with daily posts here, on www.pink-tutu.com!

Till next time! 💖

Stay glamorous! Love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles XOXO.

p.s. If anyone knows how to teach a horse to wear a tutu... Do let me know!

#TutuQueen on 2014-04-13 stars in New York