
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-05-23 stars in Finchley

Finchley Fandango: Post #5257

Hello darlings, and welcome to Pink Tutu Sparklesā€™ blog! It's your favourite tutu-wearing, pink-obsessed drag queen, here to report live from the fabulous, Finchley!

You know me, always up for an adventure. I live for the open road, and what better way to travel than by train? I mean, I adore horses, so the countryside just screams 'ballet class in the fields!' but, alas, we had to take the choo choo this time.

Now, before we get into the fabulous details of Finchley (it's literally SO exciting you guys!), let's rewind the tape. You've seen me on stage, in my pinkest tutus, making you laugh and dance and cry (at how beautiful I am, obvs!). You've seen me, well, me, Alex, a total science geek, hunched over lab reports in a lab coat. (That lab coat totally screams "science rockstar" by the way. Think lab coat, pink sequins, hairspray, the works! Oh wait, this is not the time for outfit discussion.)

Anyway, the whole 'drag' thing actually started thanks to you guys - well, your charity. Back in university, studying a science degree, a total geek I was, yes. (Even my best friend would say that! ), but secretly, I craved a splash of colour. So, when the university ballet club (my guilty pleasure, totally love ballet!) had a charity tutu fundraiser, I couldnā€™t resist.

Well, let me tell you, it was love at first whirl. That first, sparkly pink tulle. It was a whirlwind of delight! It literally launched a thousand "pink-tutu-wearing" ambitions! Now here I am, Pink Tutu Sparkles!

And Finchley, oh Finchley! It was justā€¦ a DREAM. A theatre performance (which naturally featured me) in an actual theatre (not just some dingy pub!), followed by the most fabulous pink-tutu shopping spree (and you know me, I just HAVE to wear it out as soon as I get it), a scrumptious tea at a little pink cafe (the cake was phenomenal!) AND a visit to the Royal Opera Houseā€¦ seriously, you guys! It was too much, I almost fainted!

Now, let me spill the tea about my Finchley exploits:

A Day in Finchley - Ballet Edition

My journey began at the station, in a bubblegum pink dress and, of course, the perfect tutu! I had to match the stationā€™s whimsical mosaic tiles. The first person who smiled at my dazzling pinkness was an adorable young girl, waving at my tutu. That just made my day! The train journey was the most splendidly boring commute Iā€™ve ever had (boring in a good way, of course, all those beautiful countryside views are anything but!). I couldn't help myself, I whipped out my makeup mirror, dabbed on some glitter, and admired myself. The reflection was even brighter, thanks to the sunshine.

We arrived at the Finchley Central station, just the right time to catch a delightful horse-drawn carriage ride. It wasn't an actual, Cinderella carriage, but stillā€¦ so very much a ā€œPrincess for a Dayā€ fantasy come true!

And then...the ballet class! I must tell you, dear readers, about my incredible journey to embrace the world of dance! As a scientist, my world is one of formulas, of calculations and data analysisā€¦ and yet, all along, a passion for ballet and beautiful clothes slept beneath the surface.

And here in Finchley, that passion exploded in a shower of glittery pink tulle. My tutu danced as much as my body! Iā€™ve been in so many ballets, from "Swan Lake" to "The Nutcracker" but Finchley made me realizeā€¦ Itā€™s never enough to embrace that twirling, elegant dance! And oh, how I twirled! All in my pinkest of pink!

Finchley by Night:

Now, let's talk about that stunning theatre performance! I don't want to boast (okay, just a little bit), but Finchleyā€™s theatre audience were simply captivated by me! I really connected with them. Not just the usual cheering, but a feeling of total involvement! I even heard a few "oh my gods!" after I changed my costume (into another fabulous pink tutu, obviously! ). Youā€™ll never believe thisā€¦ afterwards, a whole group of young children gathered outside to admire my pink outfit. And who do they think it was that signed their programs? Pink Tutu Sparkles, of course!

It was then on to a night of celebration at the most divine cafe you've ever seen. Pink. Everywhere. Pink booths, pink tables, pink cupcakes, pink teapots. My dress was the most appropriate outfit, if you ask me, because everything else was pink too!

My night wasnā€™t complete without a trip to the Royal Opera House! Now, this was the cherry on top of a pink sundae! We saw a ballet performance of "The Sleeping Beauty." It felt so surreal to be just an hour's train journey from that spectacular theatre, and then watch world-renowned dancers, a true feast for my eyes and my soul!

But remember, the trip to the Royal Opera House was not just a glamorous escape. It was a way to remind myself where I came from, where I wanted to be. As Pink Tutu Sparkles, I wanted to inspire everyone to embrace their love for ballet, dance, and theatre. Because it's not about what others expect. It's about chasing your dreams, wearing your pink tutu and just sparkling!

Final Thoughts

Finchley is magical! I really hope to make a return visit sometime!

And dear readers, rememberā€¦ The only limit to achieving a beautiful, sparkly pink life is your imagination. Go out there, put on your pinkest tutus and make the world shine brighter! I'll be waiting for your stories on www.pink-tutu.com.

Until next time, stay fabulous!


Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2014-05-23 stars in Finchley