Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-07-06 stars in Leith

Leith: A Pink Tutu Adventure!

Hello darlings! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another thrilling adventure for you all. You won't believe where I ended up this time, but before we get into that, don't forget to head on over to www.pink-tutu.com to catch up on all my previous escapades. I've had some right corkers, and with this one being post number 5301, let's just say I'm a dab hand at these blog posts now!

You know me, always on the go, a whirlwind of pink sequins and sparkly tutus. This week saw me whisked off to the charming coastal town of Leith in good old Edinburgh, and believe me, darlings, this was no ordinary adventure!

Leith - Where the Waves Crash and the Tutues Sparkle!

Now, you all know my motto: a pink tutu makes everything better. Leith, with its history of maritime adventure, bustling markets, and picturesque harbor, was just begging for a splash of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic. I had to bring a little bit of glitz and glamour to this fine city!

The train journey up was pure joy. Nothing beats watching the world go by from a plush carriage window, especially with a pink tutu to add a touch of flamboyance to the scenery. Yes, it did cause a stir or two, and yes, the little kids absolutely loved it! I'm a big fan of creating those little moments of delight, you see. Life's too short to be serious all the time!

Leith's Hidden Treasures: From Shops to the Shores

Let's be honest, darlings, a trip to Leith wasn't complete without some serious shopping! From vintage boutiques bursting with fabulous finds to little art galleries where I spotted a gorgeous framed picture of a pink-feathered peacock – well, my shopping basket was bursting in no time. You could say Leith really knew how to win this girl over!

Of course, the seafront was just crying out for a Pink Tutu Sparkles appearance. I took my sparkly twirls by the waterfront, laughing as the seagulls gawked at my magnificent pink tutu. It was magical. I even took a ride on one of those traditional rowing boats, and let me tell you, the wind whipped up a right good storm of glitz! My hair almost took flight, and a little sprinkle of glitter might have landed on the nearby ship!

Leith’s Theatre Scene – A Ballet Star is Born!

Speaking of magical, my darlings, did I mention the theatre? I took in a show at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, a whirlwind of emotions! I just adore a good show and, I swear, the energy was electric. You know how much I love the theatre, and this was just the cherry on top of my fabulous Leith adventure!

You wouldn’t believe it, but during the performance, I had a mini fashion emergency – a stray earring came loose! Now, I was absolutely devastated. But then, who should come to my rescue but a little girl in the front row. She gave me a sweet little pink plastic butterfly clip from her bag, just big enough to hold my rebellious earring! How sweet is that? Truly, a moment of pure magic.

A Day at the Races, Pink Tutu Style!

Then, it was time for a bit of sporting excitement at Leith Races. Don’t think for a minute I wasn’t sporting my pink tutu! Now, it might not be a typical racing outfit, but you know what? It turned a few heads and added some extra flair to the whole day. A good race with some dazzling style - what more could you want!

A Feast for the Senses – Leith’s Culinary Delights!

Of course, no trip is complete without a feast fit for a queen! I had the most delectable lobster bisque for lunch, with the freshest fish and chips by the harbour for dinner, washed down with some delicious homemade lemonade. Leith really knows how to satisfy a girl's cravings. Oh, and if you’re looking for a perfect ending, just add some local Scottish shortbread - you’ll be in utter bliss.

A Pink Tutu Promise:

My darlings, Leith captured my heart, a symphony of pink sunsets, breathtaking sea views, and kind locals! Every turn had me singing with joy. Oh, and remember, don’t forget to keep visiting my blog to keep up to date with all my sparkly, tutu-filled adventures! After all, as I always say, the world needs more pink tutus, so get yours now and spread the joy. Keep sparkling, darlings, and until next time!

Your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2014-07-06 stars in Leith