
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-07-26 stars in Middleton

Middleton, Here I Come! #TutuQueen Diaries

Hello, my lovely Tutu Twirleurs! It's your #TutuQueen here, ready to share all the sparkling magic from my trip to Middleton. This is post number 5321 (yes, I do keep track!) for my ever-growing blog here at www.pink-tutu.com. Buckle up your tulle, darlings, because it's gonna be a glamorous ride!

Now, you might be wondering, "Pink Tutu Sparkles, how did you get to this enchanting little corner of England?" Well, darling, the journey started as always with a bit of train travel. Oh, the thrill of the journey, the chitter-chatter of fellow passengers, and the endless supply of tea and biscuits! It truly is the most magical way to travel. And let's not forget about my magnificent pink-tutu-covered suitcase. Because even a journey in a railway carriage deserves a touch of sparkle, wouldn't you agree?

As the train chugged its way across the countryside, I couldn't help but imagine the delightful ballet performances awaiting me in Middleton. You see, I have a particular penchant for ballet. My heart simply melts when I hear the strains of Tchaikovsky or the delicate clicks of pointe shoes on the stage. This trip was no different. Middleton is famous for its Ballet Academy, where young dancers train for their big break, and for its enchanting seasonal shows. I just knew I needed to soak in the atmosphere and, perhaps, even get a little twirl-tastic inspiration for my own upcoming shows!

Speaking of my shows, darling, did I tell you I've been absolutely buzzing with ideas lately? My last show was a smashing success in the bustling market square of Chesterfield, featuring a grand finale where a flurry of pink tutus fell from the heavens onto the crowd, who promptly joined me in a glorious ballet-inspired dance! Oh, the joy! And trust me, there's something magical about watching a whole crowd twirl in a sea of pink tulle. It really does fill your heart with that sunshine feeling, don't you think?

After all, who doesn't love a bit of whimsy?

Now, back to my Middleton escapade. The moment I arrived at the heart of town, I knew I'd stepped into a real-life storybook. Picture this: cobblestone streets lined with charming cafes, twinkling fairy lights adorning quaint little shops, and a symphony of laughter mingling with the sweet scent of fresh pastries. Ah, Middleton, you've got me completely captivated!

My first stop, naturally, was the local fabric shop. I simply had to browse through their selection of silks and velvets. You know, one can never have too much sparkle! And I managed to snag a few beautiful ribbons for my hair. A girl needs a little touch of flair, don't you think? My trusty assistant, Beatrice, the little brown handbag you've probably spotted me with in numerous selfies, had been stuffed to the brim with sewing tools and sequins in anticipation of just this occasion.

Speaking of sequins, my second port of call had to be the most fabulous little boutique tucked away in a corner of the town. It was called "Twirling Treasures", and as soon as I stepped through the doorway, I felt a shiver of excitement down my spine. Clothes, my darlings, as far as the eye could see. Silks and velvets, furs and feathers, oh, the choices were endless! And all the clothes seemed to be singing, "Come on, Pink Tutu Sparkles, pick me, pick me!" It took all my willpower to only grab a few stunningly beautiful pieces โ€“ and even then, my pockets felt strangely empty afterwards!

I'm afraid that my adventures in Middleton did not stop there, darling! After a little "refueling" session at a cute little cafe, where I tried a rather intriguing cherry and cardamom ice-cream, it was time for the Ballet Academy! The moment I crossed the threshold, a wave of excitement and awe washed over me. The walls were adorned with dazzling photographs of graceful ballerinas, the scent of wood polish and leather lingered in the air, and the soft clatter of tiny shoes could be heard coming from the studio.

As I gazed at the ballerinas in their graceful practice, I couldn't help but remember my own first steps on the stage. It all started when I was just a teenager studying science at university. Yes, you heard that right. A scientist by day, a dazzling queen by night. Life is a funny thing, isn't it? It was the university ballet club that sparked my love for pink tutus. Remember my first Tutu Tuesday, post number 127, the one where I told the story of how I first tried on a tutu at a charity event.

But back to Middleton. My evening culminated in a spectacular ballet performance, where a breathtaking cast of young ballerinas painted the stage with magic. The entire evening was so moving, I shed a few sparkly tears, I tell you. It reminded me why I do what I do: to bring a little joy and sparkle into this crazy world!

You see, I believe everyone can be a tutu queen, regardless of size, shape, age, or occupation. Whether you're twirling at a family picnic, belting out your favourite show tune in the shower, or simply rocking your favourite pink accessory, you have the power to make the world a little brighter. Don't be afraid to be yourself, and embrace the fabulous that lives within you!

Now, you'll have to wait until tomorrow for more dazzling updates on my Middleton adventures, as this diva is simply famished and ready for a good night's sleep!

Until then, keep spreading the sparkle and twirling your hearts out,

Pink Tutu Sparkles!

Don't forget, dear readers, you can follow me on the Pink Tutu Instagram and Facebook for even more behind-the-scenes adventures, plus a few extra doses of twirling magic!

#TutuQueen on 2014-07-26 stars in Middleton