Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-08-03 stars in Welling

Welling, My Dearest Darlings! (Blog Post #5329)

Hello, my fabulous friends! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you the latest from the exciting world of, well, pink tutus, and of course, yours truly! I’m bursting with excitement to share today’s adventure, a delightful little trip to Welling! Now, if you’re thinking “Welling? What on earth is there to do there?” let me tell you, you’d be surprised! This little corner of Kent is charming beyond words, and you can bet your bottom dollar, it’s a haven for pink tutus!

My journey started as always, with a glorious train ride. Honestly, there’s something magical about train journeys! Watching the scenery whizz by while sipping on a fancy hot chocolate and planning my dazzling outfits for the day – pure bliss! You know, darling, I find it quite fascinating to see how people’s expressions change when I sashay onto the train. One minute they’re staring blankly at their phones, the next, they’re practically falling off their seats in excitement (or is it shock? Who knows, darlings, I love the drama!).

As my carriage became my runway, I couldn’t help but admire my new, blush-pink satin pumps – oh, my goodness! They perfectly matched my dreamy, feathered tutu (a vintage treasure, found at the most divine little shop in Derbyshire!). It's all about finding that perfect pink, don’t you think, dearies?

Welling welcomed me with open arms (or maybe it was just a mild breeze!). But you know what? I wasn't fazed! It's amazing how much joy a little sparkle can bring to even the most unassuming of places! My first stop was Welling's lovely little park, filled with bright flowers, singing birds, and – wait for it – a magnificent, perfectly manicured rose bush!

As I twirled beneath the delicate pink petals (which, in all honesty, gave my tutu a run for its money), I had a truly momentous thought – “Pink tutus make the world a more delightful place!" A grand proclamation, perhaps, but I firmly believe it. It's all about spreading that sparkle, those pink vibrations of joy, right through the universe, one dazzling pirouette at a time.

My quest for the pinkest and most beautiful tutus continued with a visit to a charming vintage boutique – darling, it was an absolute treasure trove of lace, velvet, and yes, you guessed it, tulle! There I discovered a vintage tulle tutu with layers upon layers of shimmering pink, and you can bet your sparkly slippers, I snatched it up like a flash of lightning. That, my loves, is what I call “finding your destiny” in a basket of perfectly pre-loved fabrics!

Speaking of fabrics, dear friends, did I mention I'm a scientist by day? Oh yes, by day I spend my time in a lab, meticulously analysing fabrics and colours! I suppose you could say I’m the scientist of the “pinktastic,” but let's be honest, it's not exactly glamorous. I'd much rather be testing out tutus, honestly!

In the evening, I was blessed to perform at Welling’s own grand theatre! This majestic building had such an impressive, almost fairytale-like aura, and the audience, dear oh dear, were just divine! As I graced the stage, feeling those pink sparkles pulsating from within, I knew my message of pinkness had spread through the entire town. Their faces were lit up, eyes aglow with wonder! It was a moment of pure magic, a fusion of joy and colour, and trust me, my darlings, it was absolutely delightful!

But my journey wasn’t finished. Not even close! Before I left Welling, I had to explore its historic heart – a beautifully preserved market square! I swear, darling, even the shop windows shimmered in pink tones! It’s like this place was born to appreciate the magical glow of tutus!

While indulging in a delectable afternoon tea (because honestly, who doesn't love a spot of pink-tinted finger sandwiches and delectable scones?), I was struck by a particularly beautiful piece of street art – a vibrant mural depicting dancers in shimmering tutus! A perfect symbol of the way Welling was welcoming its pinkness!

Now, I have to tell you a little secret. My aim in life is to convince every single person in the world to wear a pink tutu at least once! Don’t worry, my darlings, I know, some of you might be thinking “Pink tutus? Oh, no, darling, I couldn’t possibly!” But I tell you, just try it on. Just once. Let the magic of pinkness work its charm! It doesn't matter what your age, your shape, your size or even your style, we can all benefit from a dash of pink and a sprinkle of tutu-love!

Of course, the day couldn't end without a grand farewell to Welling, and of course, I wouldn't do anything less than spectacular! You guessed it, I embraced the dramatic, with a horse-drawn carriage ride – oh darling, it was simply divine! I've always been a horse lover, and there's just something about that gentle, majestic power of horses!

My trip to Welling was, in a word, a symphony of joy. A colourful escapade brimming with wonder, sparkle and, of course, those oh-so-important pink tutus! As my horse carriage made its way back towards the station, I reflected on the magic of my travels. The journey itself, you see, was as enchanting as the destination! So thank you, Welling, for your charm, for your spirit, and for allowing me to embrace the sheer joy of a well-chosen pink tutu. Until next time, darlings!

Pink Tutu Sparkles www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuQueen on 2014-08-03 stars in Welling