Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-08-08 stars in Cleethorpes

Cleethorpes Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles' Big Day Out

Post 5334 - www.pink-tutu.com

Oh my darlings, get ready to shimmy with me because this week's adventures are all about seaside fun and fabulousness! I, Pink Tutu Sparkles, your favourite shimmering and sparkling drag queen, am off on a grand adventure to Cleethorpes! Now, you all know how much I love travelling by train, especially when it means a trip to the coast. The wind whipping through my hair, the sea air, and the rhythmic chugging of the train – it’s pure magic!

And what better outfit for a seaside escapade than my new pink tutu? This beauty, I’ll have you know, is a limited edition, hand-sequined extravaganza. It shimmers and sparkles like a thousand sunsets, and I swear, the entire train carriage erupted in applause when I waltzed in, looking like a true pink-tutu queen!

But before I dazzle Cleethorpes with my glittery goodness, I thought you lovely lot would want a behind-the-scenes peek at my prep, so here it is, a whirlwind tour of Pink Tutu Sparkles getting ready for a big day out:

Tutu, Train, and Toilets!

My day started early, a tradition I’ve adopted ever since I discovered the magical power of a sunrise pre-show ritual. With my hot pink hair extensions freshly teased and my trusty hot pink lipstick carefully applied, I strutted into my local station, the proud bearer of my signature pink tutu. The first step in any Pink Tutu Sparkles day out is always a trip to the ladies, of course! You’d be surprised what a little time spent carefully adjusting the fluffy layers of tulle can do for a girl's confidence.

My little handbag was bursting with my essential travel must-haves - a book (currently working my way through "Swan Lake" – you can never have too much ballet inspiration, darlings!) and a miniature version of my iconic sequined crown. My lipstick has to be pink, obviously, but I also brought along a bottle of sparkling water, because keeping hydrated is key for looking your best.

The journey was simply dreamy. I spent the first half of the trip gazing out at the beautiful countryside, picturing all the pink tutus dancing on the green fields. Later, I entertained my fellow passengers (with a silent mime act, of course - think a whimsical pink-tutu version of “The Dying Swan”) before settling into a delightful book.

The Sea, the Sands, and a Glitter Bomb!

Cleethorpes! The moment we arrived, I was enveloped in the salt-kissed air, the happy cries of gulls, and the rhythmic thump of the waves crashing against the shore. It was a sight that could melt the frostiest of hearts!

First, a spot of lunch by the sea - what’s a beach trip without fish and chips? My local takeaway shop always puts out the most delicious treats! And yes, I wore my pink tutu while chowing down. Why? Because life is too short to follow fashion rules. (Plus, I've yet to meet a person who wouldn’t crack a smile at the sight of a shimmering pink tutu in a seaside eatery!)

But Cleethorpes wasn’t just about indulging my culinary urges. I’d heard tell of this enchanting new seaside park, packed full of sparkling fairy lights and twinkly amusements, and you know I just had to go see it for myself! Of course, it wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu Sparkles trip without a dash of drama, so I packed a big pink glitter bomb in my handbag. Imagine the delight (and perhaps a slight touch of panic!) when I casually tossed it amongst the giggling crowds, leaving a cloud of shimmering pink dust in my wake! The giggles, the screams, the absolute joy!

It was a symphony of squeals and wonder as children shrieked with excitement and parents stumbled back in disbelief. (Although, a few of the mothers definitely started subtly checking the prices of their pink tutu selection after I danced past!)

The amusement park had a carousel that reminded me of one of my absolute favorite ballet moves - the fouetté! So of course I twirled around on the carousel with the joyous kids, shimmering my tutu for all to see.

The Ballet and the Big Announcement

And it wouldn't be a trip for Pink Tutu Sparkles without a visit to the local ballet studio. It’s my personal tradition to visit every studio in every town, even if it’s just to say a hello and see how they’re getting on! The students in Cleethorpes are a talented bunch, and you can just tell they’re bursting with the kind of passion and dedication that I can really appreciate. It was so heartwarming seeing these beautiful girls, so focused on their passion, in a place dedicated to all things dance. It reminds me so much of when I first fell in love with the world of ballet.

I mean, I’m just a small-town girl from Derbyshire, you know? My mum’s a scientist, my dad’s an accountant, and I myself was all set for a life in the laboratory. But fate, as they say, has a funny way of turning up at the most unexpected moments. My friends in the university ballet club got me to try on a pink tutu for a charity event. That’s when everything clicked. That one moment - me in that beautiful, fluffy, sparkling pink tutu - that’s the moment my heart exploded with a rainbow of delight! I never looked back! I threw myself into all things pink-tutu - the dancing, the designing, the sparkle! I was in a constant state of delight!

As you all know, I’m all about empowering others, about spreading the pink tutu love, and my friends in Cleethorpes were definitely feeling the vibes! So I, Pink Tutu Sparkles, made a grand announcement, loud enough for the entire coast to hear - "This summer, let's make the world a more sparkling place. It's time for a pink tutu revolution!"

The Seaside After-Party

Back in the amusement park, after an absolutely amazing day, it was time to wind down. And no trip is complete without an after-party, is it, darlings? I’m all about finding those unexpected venues, those little hidden gems that make you want to dance on the ceiling. This time, it was a lively seafront pub that somehow managed to transform into a haven of pink-tutu fun!

I mean, can you imagine it? The wind whipping through the pub windows, the sound of the waves crashing on the shore, and me in a glorious pink tutu, teaching the crowd a couple of easy steps. We all whirled around to the sound of my "Dance Till You Drop!" playlist, making new friends, sharing laughs, and feeling that special "Pink Tutu Sparkle magic."

It’s this simple, really, my friends - all you need is a touch of courage and a generous sprinkle of confidence! So let’s spread the word - let’s get the entire country dancing! I can't wait to hear your pink-tutu tales. Keep the fun and sparkle coming, you amazing lot, and don’t forget to share them all with me at www.pink-tutu.com!

And now, if you’ll excuse me, my darlings, I have a very important mission to fulfill
 time to get back on that train and start plotting my next Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure. This world needs more glitter!

Until next time! Love and sparkle,

Pink Tutu Sparkles!

#TutuQueen on 2014-08-08 stars in Cleethorpes