
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2015-03-05 stars in Kettering

Kettering, darling! ๐Ÿฉฐ Post 5543

Hello, darlings! ๐Ÿ‘‘ Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to tell you all about my latest adventures.

It's been a whirlwind week! After dazzling the good folk of Grimsby with my performance last Saturday, I was straight on the train to Kettering.

Yes, you heard me right - Kettering! It's not exactly known as a hotbed of glamour, is it? But fear not, my fabulous friends, Pink Tutu Sparkles is never one to shy away from a challenge. I was determined to bring a little sparkle to this sleepy town!

Now, I must admit, I'm a bit of a creature of habit. I love my home county of Derbyshire, but I do adore exploring new places - and what better way to travel than by train? ๐Ÿš„ It's like a moving catwalk! I always pack a fluffy pink blanket, some sparkling tiaras (for when the conductor needs a little cheering up), and of course, a vast array of lip glosses!

The train journey itself was an adventure. There was a charming gentleman in the next carriage who kept getting confused between the "tea trolley" and the "toilet," causing a few laughs and much amusement amongst the passengers. I tried to help him out by flashing my most glamorous smile and demonstrating the correct path, but he kept insisting he was on a quest to find the "purple elephant." Ah, bless his cotton socks!

Kettering itself was quite quaint. Charming little shops, lots of greenery, and even a charming little bakery with the most delectable smelling pastries. The hotel was quite grand - all chandeliers and sweeping staircases, very fitting for a drag queen! I had the most lovely room, complete with a pink feather boa and a pair of glittery stilettos thoughtfully provided by the hotel staff!

Now, about the performanceโ€ฆ I knew it was going to be a challenge, as the local council wasnโ€™t really up to date with the whole drag scene. In fact, they almost tried to stop me from performing, claiming my attire would "offend" people. Can you imagine? Tut-tut, I say! I simply laughed off their feeble attempt to put a dampener on my show. Pink Tutu Sparkles isn't easily deterred!

But fear not, I was ready. I came prepared with a brand new act, full of fabulous dance numbers and glittering outfits that would leave the audience speechless! The stage was set, the lights were shining, and my pink tutu was positively gleaming under the spotlight!

The audience was absolutely brilliant - all shapes and sizes, ages and backgrounds. The response was absolutely fantastic. The applause was deafening, the whistles were ear-splitting, and even a couple of people actually jumped up on their chairs and danced! I have never been greeted with such unbridled enthusiasm! I felt a huge pang of pride when a young girl in the front row waved a bright pink tutu at me! I was doing what I always wanted to - bringing joy to others.

The night was a triumph. Not only did I perform well, but I also met some incredible people โ€“ some fellow performers, a group of wonderful ladies who loved my style, and even a local vicar who turned out to be a secret tutu fan! He admitted to me, rather shyly, that he even had a pink feather boa hidden in his study!

After the show, I took a quick walk around the town, stopping to admire the beautiful stained glass windows of the church, before settling down for a cup of tea and a slice of delicious Victoria sponge at a lovely cafe. I just had to sample the local delights, you know! Then it was time to catch the last train back to my home in Derbyshire.

Now, Iโ€™m back in my own little world, reflecting on another wonderful adventure. I must say, even though Kettering might not be a place one would usually associate with drag queens, the people were fantastic and the night was simply magical!

Remember, darlings, it doesn't matter where you are - bring the pink tutus, bring the joy, and bring the sparkle! Don't let anyone tell you you can't do what you love! The world needs more pink tutus, and Pink Tutu Sparkles will continue to be the leading light for all things pink, fabulous and fabulous!

Don't forget to join me on my adventures โ€“ visit my website www.pink-tutu.com for daily updates!

Lots of love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles ๐Ÿ’‹

#TutuQueen on 2015-03-05 stars in Kettering